"You can quote me on this"

I LOVE reading blogs, especially when the authors write about a variety of things. I love furniture and decor, but I get bored if its ONLY that or handmade birds and doll posts all the time! I find blogs with variety MUCH more interesting, they keep me reading and coming back. Since I don't ever know what they will post next, that element of surprise is intriguing to me. Here are 4 blogs I chose out of the many I read....that really stand out. Although two of these aren't even in English, the photos alone, keep me coming back. So, what type of blogs do you enjoy coming back to?? Enjoy your weekend! (All blog links below photo)

* Blog above: Kathy's Little World

* Blog above: Hope Dies Last



  1. I'm gushing. I really am. Merci. xo

  2. OMG! I just found your blog tonight through another blog (?) can't remember which one now. I've just spent the last 30 mins or so poking around your site, and I ordered one of your greeting cards.

    Anyways, you have a great blog. I love the content. You have lots of inspiration etc. Can't wait to get my card! Have a good weekend.

    Crystal :-)

  3. I found your blog the other day and I also agree that your blog is simply fabulous! Love it!!!

    As far as what blogs I come back to visit, I have a whole bunch and they all vary from cooking to interior design.

  4. i completely agree...you either need to stand out with something specific that keeps people coming back, or you need variety to keep people's curiosity.
    - Jessie -

  5. I absolutly agree with the other girls!!! Your blog is fantastic!
    And i love you for posting my blog!!!
    I´m a little bit ashamed and it is just an honours!!!
    Big KISS!!!!

    P.S. I try to write more in english... for you! ;-)

  6. Jen! You are too, too kind! Really. Now, I'm off to peruse the other blogs you recommended!

    Thanks! :)

  7. You can look at my swedish fashion blog! nice blog you have

  8. This is a very nice post. More this kinds! Then we could find new blogs and inspiration. I have in my blog an gathegory called "blogg portfolio", because I want to tell people when I found a good one. I will also write about your blog, if it´s ok?

  9. You all are SO SWEET! Thanks for saying all those nice things , always makes my day and inspires me to keep on writing etc....

    hope u all had a great weekend! : ) Yay back to Monday tomorrow!

  10. ... I love your blog! :)

  11. Your blog is fabulous!! Really!!!

  12. I am going to have to ch eck thses out! Thanks!

  13. Yea CHECK them out, these ladies keep up on their posts thats for sure...and you never know what you will find ...but its always interesting! Love them all!

  14. Looking forward to checking these blogs out, I already glanced at a couple of them and I enjoyed them so far! Thanks for sharing these Jen!!


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