Ditching the shoes

I swear I've been thinking about donating some older shoes I haven't worn in ages to Salvation Army. Funny thing is, there are probably about 6 pairs I DON'T wear anymore because they're sooo dated. I LOVE shoes and maybe that's why I haven't been able to get rid of them, even when I know I'm not wearing them. Is that terrible? I'm sure my old shoes can make someone else quite happy. Anyhow, in order to get rid of 6, I feel I must buy at least 3. haha! Here are some from JCREW I have my eye on!!

*Image above from Flickr click here.


  1. ooooh that first pair is so me.

    I still have about ten pairs in my closet that are no longer my size (yep that's what happens after two kids sometimes) but I keep them (the shoes not the kids.. actually, the kids too of course...) because they are work of art! (the shoes.)

    ahem. did i confuse U?

  2. oh! and I am linking you because I love your blog : )

  3. Their shoes are just the best--I'm jonesing for the hot pink silk espadrilles--they'll be in my roundup tomorrow at tys :-)

  4. these.are.FABULOUS.

  5. i have shoe issues. i can't ever seem to get rid of them either. and it never ever fails that once i finally do manage to part with a pair, no less than 6 months later i find myself thinking i still own them and that they would be perfect to wear with something. it's a big shock when i realize they're in someone else's closet now!

  6. I adore the black and white ones. I have this problem with wearing not work appropriate shoes...I had a customer a few days ago say, "Nice Party Pumps!", and I didn't even think twice about slipping them on in the AM.

  7. Sounds like we all have a few things in common hehe
    I have collected my old shoes today and will be giving a couple to my sis, since we are same size. I also bought two new pairs today, perhaps i will take a pic if i remember....!

    LOVING those red and black shoes the best!

  8. I am exactly the same! I really should donate them to a charity shop!

  9. I'm the same as well . . . I have a not-so-secret shoe fettish and haven't been able to part with any pair, worn or not. (That flickr photo is really sweet, by the way.)

  10. these are so cute and girlie. I love love them.

  11. i love the "love" shot! very creative!


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