Dare to use COLOR??

I think most people shy away from BRIGHT COLORS . Even I hesitate sometimes when I think of painting a wall a bright color. They say colors on walls can be uplifting.... Well, I've had a Ralph Lauren PINK paint stored in my garage for about a year now. Can you tell I'm hesitating to use it? Well, I admit having this blog and placing all these inspiring images has helped my hesitation toward bright colors! I am growing to LOVE colors on walls now and hope to do more of it in the near future. Images from Marie Claire Maison.



  1. I've always been afraid of color as well! But I'm slowly working out of my confort zone. The red kitchen tiles actually look really great because the white breaks up the color. Let us know if you ever break into the pink ralph lauren!

  2. Yea... trust me i will let you know. I have the color swatch hanging on my wall office for weeks now! lol

  3. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    OK dang that's some bold colors but I've got to admit that as much as I dislike that lime green, I'm kind of drawn to it. Love the red ceiling!

  4. The lime green is kind of neat although not my first choice. It always looks great in pics though D , i agree.

  5. Wow! I followed your comment on my blog back to your site...and am I glad I did! Love, LOVE your pillows & tables, and your blog totally rocks! Thanx for all the great images and eye candy...count me your newest fan!

  6. Hey Carlene, so sweet of you, thanks! and WELCOME. :)

  7. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    Wow! Such brilliant, bold choices...lovely!! I'm loving the turquoise and green :)

  8. AnonymousMay 08, 2007

    ooooo....lime green walls with graffit!!!
    I may use this technique in my bathroom.

  9. AnonymousMay 09, 2007

    In college I painted my hallway lime green, my bathroom neon pink (bad choice because it's impossible to get your make up right!) and splatter painted my room... I LOVE COLOR!! And highly recommend everyone experimenting with it!! To me, it's like cutting your hair.. you should try everything, and if you hate it.. it'll always grow back, or you can just cover it up! :)

  10. Funny, i didnt think lime green was going to be as popular, i guess so! It would've been like my 3rd choice...


  11. oh by the way, I totally agree with you Andrea...but still working up the nerve to actually DO IT! ha!

  12. yeah i like that lime green graffiti wall - nice!

  13. I love color - but my problem is that when we first moved in, we slowly painted room by room. I was pregnant. Extremely hormonal. One day I felt like pink, another day barf brown. So now my house is totally mismashed. Just now getting around to repaint rooms.

  14. SK,
    I know what you mean, same thing happened to me when I moved into my first home. I had to repaint everything little by little...we need more planning next time huh? :)

  15. i love the mint and turquoise room! great post....


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