New Year: Changes are Coming

Hey guys! Sorry I've been a bit MIA, but as I said, I will not be updating my blog on a daily-basis anymore. To tell you the truth, I just don't have the time.  But I'm hoping to update 2-3x a week. For now, we've updated the look & feel of the blog, hope you like it!  - Speaking about updating, I am STILL in the process of re-designing the MadeByGirl shop. 

We are working on a few things & these are some of the changes to come:
  • New paintings being added without a flash sale.
  • Larger paintings added.
  • More color series art.
  • 98-99% of the art sold will be only my original paintings. 
  • We will probably ONLY keep 2-3 MBG prints (prob the most popular ones)
  • The ones we do keep, we will be selling framed. 
  • You will still have option to frame the paintings.
  • I will still be accepting commissions, so you are welcomed to email me. 
  • New photos will  be added of the artwork & more.

If you hadn't heard, please read this post on why I'm shutting down a portion of my business. Stay tuned - it's a whole different ball game running a biz and being a mom. I'm sure some of you can relate & know what I mean! - Have a great week!

-post & photo by jen ramos



  1. SO exciting!! Good luck on all the changes and have a great year ahead!! x


  2. I dont think anyone manages to blog every day anymore so dont worry!
    All the best for your shop Im sure it will all work well for you and having extra time for your family is the most important thing afterall :) All the best for 2016 x

  3. Did you paint the picture of the birds in this post? I need it for my girls room! How may I go about getting it? Thanks!

  4. @SHANNON - yes, i painted the birds art ...i will have it listed for sale when the new re designed site goes live.... :) if you want to know when, just sign up to the newsletter , and we will be notifying everyone that way :) If you do happen to miss it and it sells, you can always email me for a commission, and i will do a similar piece. thanks!! XO


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at