FOOD: Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding with Fresh Berries

Hi there! How are you? Jen from Lemon Drop Love here and it’s just about that time for a healthy hassle-free recipe, don’t ya think?

Well, I finally got on the chia seed bandwagon and I think you should too with this recipe. I made the most scrumptious slightly sweet, chia seed, vanilla pudding topped with fresh berries and crunchy granola. Since I made my first batch, I’ve been eating it everyday for breakfast and it has been such a happy and healthy way to start my day that I want to share this recipe with everyone I know. I think after you give this recipe a try, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. Now go make some and let us know what you think.

Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding with Fresh Berries


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (preferably grade B)
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Kosher salt
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • Strawberries and blueberries
  • Granola (I used KIND Cinnamon Oat Clusters)

  • In a medium bowl, gently whisk the almond milk, yogurt, maple syrup, the vanilla and 1/8 teaspoon salt until just blended. Whisk in chia seeds; let stand 30 minutes. Stir to distribute the seeds if they have settled. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  • The next day, in a medium bowl, toss the berries with maple syrup (I made sure to coat them evenly). Mix in the granola.
  • Spoon the pudding into small mason jars; mound with berries and granola mixture on top and serve. Or cover with lids and store in the refrigerator for the week.
Note: This recipe makes just about 2-3 small mason jars. If you want a full weeks worth of pudding, be sure to double the recipe.

-post and images by jen costea



  1. delicious..i'm on a chia seed craze right now..trying all different recipes. :)

  2. Today I'm going to make myself another batch for the week. Love this recipe so much!

  3. It would be wonderful if nutrition facts could be included in these type of posts in the future :).

  4. This looks totally doable and delicious which is a win-win for moi! Thanks for sharing! Xo, Sarah

  5. This looks yummy; might have to try to make it for my 4-year old.

  6. YUM!!! This looks so delish...and HEALTHY! xoxo


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