How About We?

A few weeks ago, my guy surprised me with tickets to the Broadway show "Once" which I'd really wanted to see since we both LOVED the film. 
To say the least, the show was fantastic & I can't wait to see it again!

My husband told me he got the tickets through a site he'd found called HowAboutWe (for Couples). This super cute site is basically for dates...NOT to find a date but to go on one. 

I mean, have you ever been clueless about where to go on DATE NIGHT with your husband or wife? Well, this site will guide you with that.

The homepage of the site isn't all that interesting, but once you get inside...WOW, what a difference! The site has a whole bunch of ideas for dates...from samplers at restaurants to pottery classes to wine tours. Talk about cool date ideas!

It is a subscription site - for $22 a month, you get some major discounts on some pretty cool stuff. Those "Once" tickets, normally $125 each - but my husband scored them for $80 for the pair on How About We!

And the site is really well done. You can "wishlist" dates as a reminder, or book them. Once you book a date, they send you an email and you provide the best days for your date...then go!  

We already have our next date set up...

images via how about we



  1. I am constantly trying to find new date ideas for my boyfriend and I!! This would be perfect! I also told him we should really take advantage of living so close to Manhattan so YEAH!! I can't resist a good deal!!

    I have to check out "Once" too!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  2. Wow, what a great site! My husband and I get in the car and drive around asking each other what we should do. This would totally alleviate the aggravation. lol

    Vonae Deyshawn

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this site! My boyfriend's aunt recently got into a really bad car accident so he's been a little depressed. This a great way to take his mind off of it!

  4. DIANA: Sorry to hear that....hope this will lift his spirits a bit! Keep him busy. :)

  5. Vonae:I know! We used to do same thing! ha!

  6. This is so cool! And totally worth the $22 when you get discounts like you said! And I like how it will kind of force you to get that date night in once a month at the very least -- so important I think!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  7. Aww your hubbie is a keeper :) This is such a great idea! Thanks for the intro, Jen! I am most definitely going to sign up for this!!!

  8. How cool! I can't even count the times on my fingers and toes when my husband and I drive aimlessly around in San Antonio trying to find places that look fun.

    We've been here for over a year and a half, and I'm STILL at a loss (like other than 10 places), so this will be awesome!

  9. This would be an awesome idea & a perfect solution for my indecisive self (and hubby!) unfortunately this doesn't work in Canada, but fingers crossed one day! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Stupid New York! Getting all the cool stuff first. I hope they are working on San Francisco next so I can get in on this!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  11. awesome idea. Cannot wait 'til it comes to Seattle.

  12. What a fantastic concept --- I must check out if they have one down under...I remember reading an article where a couple would have a formal date night once a fortnight and get ready in separate rooms etc just to make it a little more special and romantic. A great way to keep the love flowin!! Donna

  13. I love the movie, Once! SO good!

    xo Ashley

  14. what a great idea. Wish they had something like this in Australia!

  15. What a great idea! I'll definitely be checking this out! :)

    Shannon Loves Design
    Fabulously Vintage

  16. what a super neat idea! love it

    thanks for sharing


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