design: A Decorator's Wishlist

Keyword "dream", people. Hi everyone, Katie here from H2 Design. We have all seen the obsessive amounts of holiday wish lists popping up around the blog-o-sphere. I thought I might take a slightly different approach and pull together a decorator's dream wish list, assuming price was of no concern.

 Why not? We can all dream, can't we?! So let's dive right in. Hope you enjoy my picks! And despite what lies under the tree this year, I wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with lots of love and laughter!
Any will do, although, this number is pretty spectacular!
I find these to look even better as a pair, so throw in another while you're at it!

What do you dream about for your home?

-post by katie hackworth



  1. I'd love that chair! Plenty of inspirational items on this list. I'm quite obsessed with doing up my house so I have a pretty big wish list!

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING xxx

    Come say hey at! :)

  2. I have a friend who just found a white Wasilly chair at the dump, with a little TLC it looks amaze! Can you believe someone would throw it out?? Now I want a couple!! Great choices :)

    For the Love of Black.blogspot

  3. That painting...swoon. It really catches your eye with the contrast of light and deep dark! I think my walls are calling out to it :]

  4. What?... Someone threw out their Wasilly Chair? Your friend is a lucky girl! ; )

  5. Oh wow! I love everything.

  6. Beautiful BLOG- just darling

  7. A Persian rug - still saving!!!

  8. I'm moving soon so all I think about is how to get rid of most of the things I have! My task in the New Year! Have a great holiday! xx

  9. Sabrina Soto made a DIY version of that gorgeous fixture on her HGTV show a little whole back! I'd bet you could find it. :)


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