DIY: Bridal Shower Favors

Hi All Jana here, 

With my best friend's big day a few weeks away I am enacting all of my maid of honor DIYs in a fast frenzy way. The bride & myself are designing on a dime (who isn't??) so when I thought about bridal shower favors it was a given that I would be DIYing them. 

I had a million ideas - some beautiful, but not so personal; & than others that just seemed too crafty. One Saturday, while I was transitioning my dry-cleaning (silk shirts) onto hangers I had an epiphany - for that gorgeous silk cami that you often get (or give) as a gift that always falls to the floor - you need a hanger that will keep the precious piece in place. Why not showcase the piece? Hence the glam hanger with a practical punch was created.


  • Hanger
  • Dazzlers (Rhinestones, Pearls Large & Small)
  • Glue
  • Paint (Gold & your fav color

Paint Hanger Gold

Paint Monogram 

Glue on Dazzlers, alternate pearls & rhinestones to your liking

Volia - statement pieces that stay in place

-images and post by jana bek

-images by Erik melvin



  1. What a CUTE idea! With a few friends getting married within the next year, this will be a great DIY to keep in mind:)

  2. I read your blog a lot when I had an obsession for design but now that I am a blogger too I find out that you have renewed your blog and It's even more awesome!!!I also love your shop! xoxo Hope you visit mine!! I would love the hear your opinion, cause it actually counts a lot!

  3. Oh my word!! I just bought a silk, ivory chemise and I'm totally gong to steal this. I'm thinking painting it a pale pink with gold lettering. I've been obsessed with the word Be-You-Tiful lately, so I might use that. What a fab idea.

  4. What an adorable idea!! I can't wait to try it myself!!

    xx, Jordan

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love this idea - thanks for sharing!

  7. This is a great idea! I love the idea of monogrammed anything for bridesmaids. It just seems so classic!

    The Glossy Life

  8. What a fabulous idea. Cheap and cheerful gifts that are handmade with love are always the best kind.

    Lauren x
    Gordon + Gold

  9. What a great idea! Must make some for my girlfriends as gifts. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  10. such a neat idea, and makes for great pics too! :)

  11. Pretty idea :) Thanks for sharing this, so nice!

  12. Pretty idea :) Thanks for sharing this, so nice!

  13. Pretty idea :) Thanks for sharing this, so nice!

  14. Im actually making these for my bridesmaids and myself tonight! Went and got all of the stuff and right now I am in the process of painting them gold. They are so neat I can't wait to see how mine turn out!


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