Guest Post: By Chassity

Hi there! Chassity here from Look Linger Love popping in to talk about my art fetish.  We all know and desperately love Jen's Cocoa & Hearts shop, so today I thought I would introduce you to some more amazing artists that I think you'll love as well.  

These pieces are fabulous, and naturally, they're all "made by girls".  Very talented ones.  In fact, I think you'll highly approve of this first artist!

Kate is a Charleston, SC girl (like me!) and I just so happen to have the privilege of calling her a friend.  She was one of the very first artists that really struck my fancy, and my love for her art has only grown. 

I recently did a Q&A with Kate on my blog that you might want to check out if you're liking what you see.  {It's definitely not one of those boring "tell me what inspired this piece" type of interviews!}.

You might be familiar with her hystericaly awesome blog, My Favorite & My Best aka MFAMB, but have you seen her paintings?  Jenny recently started sharing her work, and I'm a huge fan already.  And considering she's new, I'd say right about now is the time to invest if you know what I mean.

If you need to glam up your space on a limited budget then Leigh Viner's etsy shop is great place to peruse.  She sells originals and prints so there is something there for everyone.  And don't you just feel prettier looking at these?

I love Kate's softness in the background that is then overlapped with scribbles (I'm sure she wouldn't describe them that way though, ha! Sorry Kate).

My daughter Lilly is lucky enough to have a couple of pieces by Kate in her nursery.  Someday she'll thank me.

I started an impressive little collection of Sally's paintings.  She is another Charleston girl, another friend of mine, and seriously rocks my world.  I pretty much adore everything that she turns out.  I also did a Q&A with Sally {it's not the sucky boring type either} that you should definitely check out as she is one stylish girl to get to know.

Here I am along side the lovely Sally with a piece of hers that my husband purchased for me at one of Sally's shows.

Lilly Evans:

Lastly, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't share some of my baby girls' abstract masterpieces? I'm her biggest fan.

So I think I've taken over Jen's blog long enough.  I hope you've enjoyed this art tour today and have found some new artists to love.  I hope ya'll come see me sometime.  

Thanks for inviting me today, Jen.  xoxox, Chassity.



  1. I love that one of Venice! Thanks for sharing!

  2. what a fabulous post! it's so refreshing to see fine art featured on interior design blogs. i love it!!!

  3. All of these are so incredible...Chassity has "the eye" for everything fabulous! I especially love the Lilly Evan's original...that one is already priceless (c;

  4. Love this post! I am an avid art lover and artist myself and it is always so great to find new sources for artist, thank you! I love Kate Long Stevenson's figurative work it reminds me of de Kooning, one of my favorites!

  5. Chassity!! Thank you so very much for including me in your guest post on Jen's fabulous blog :) xo

    I am also in love with Jens paintings along with the ones you have introduced here. So inspired!

    Have a wonderful weekend

  6. I loooove Leigh's prints, I have one and I want more!
    Great post, thanks for introducing me to these artists!

  7. I love everything about Leigh's artwork. Thanks for sharing Chassity!

  8. So so fabulous paintings!
    It reminds me that i must take my brushes and paints as soon as possible... it has been so long since last time i painted something

  9. beautiful choices...i love leigh, too! I have one of her paintings! good to see you over here at MBG! xo

  10. great post Chassity! Looks like we love a lot of the same ladies. Lily is a future budding artist! xoxo

  11. So many gorgeous artists !! Really love them all but seriously loving Lillys pieces ! She is super talented already :)


  12. Time to start the wishlist! They are all so fabulous but I bet Lily's are out of my budget;)

  13. Thanks so sharing these artists. I absolutely love finding new artists and think Leigh Viner's paintings are perfect. I love feminine glam, and her paintings are the perfect embodiment of that!

  14. I would like to purchase Lilly's work, please? She's an artist already!
    Lovely artists! Especially loving Sally!

  15. I really enjoyed this post. Thanks so much for sharing such talented artists.


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