Lonny Magazine......woo hoo!

I admit, I didn't know what to expect when Michelle Adams of Rubie Green emailed me about Lonny Magazine. I thought it would be just another online magazine with like 20 pages. However, today, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it has close to 200 pages & very reminiscent of our beloved "Domino".....it was quite enjoyable flipping through the pages with my mouse!! I am now hooked & looking forward to the next issue! Also, thanks Michelle for including our new chevron cards in your premiere issue.

**Our Chevron cards featured below!**



  1. I was so excited to see the mag too! So much great content!

  2. SO EXCITED! I agree, very domino-esq... FINALLY!

  3. i'm so glad they have this now...awesome online magazine! (i miss Domino.)

  4. Wow...it is very reminisecent of Domino Magazine. I think I might be in deep like with Lonny.

    Tha Hotness Blog

  5. Awesome!!! (I really like that baby room. So simple and elegant!)

  6. Yes, it's a beautiful magazine. The images are inspiring.

  7. Lonny looks great and I think that Caitlin McGauley is really cute. Oh yea her illustrations are nice too.

  8. oh, i wish for a copy! i LOVE the advice..."understand what makes you feel comfortable and recreate it in your home"

  9. I love, love the magazine and Michelle and Patrick are such sweethearts, Congrats on having the new chevron cards feature.

  10. THANK YOU JEN, and THANK YOU EVERYBODY ELSE for your incredibly sweet comments!!! I'm supposed to be out celebrating right now but instead I'm HOME celebrating reading sweet posts like this :) It was completely terrifying to put ourselves out there like that, so I cannot tell you how relieved we are that you like it, and how much we appreciate your support :)

    THANK YOU!!! It truly means the world to us and I promise the issues will just get better and better (our next lineup is KILLER!!)
    XO Michelle.

  11. Thanks for the find! Great little mag with quite the contributing cast! I'm already looking forward to the next issue. And yeah for you and your lovely cards!

  12. thanks for reminding me about lonny! i too was skeptical as i was IN LOVE with domino and was a subscriber from the first to last issue, but lonny is great! loved all the house tours, and the domino-like features in the "market" and "how to" section!

    i will be sure to check back for new issues!

  13. Amazing things to be found in this mag!

    I recently started following your blog and really enjoy it. I look forward to reading more!

  14. I will have to get a copy - I've missed Domino!


  15. Overall, I thought it was a nice read & a great first issue! There were several darling homes (and 1 I just didn't get at all). That said,I am not sure that I get the Domino comparison. And I think the text would benefit from a a bit more editing. I also wish the cover had been more inspirational. But definitely looking forward to the next issue!

  16. I really like the orange and grey combination with, what I think is, a Rothko print on the wall behind. That is another look to aspire to!

  17. Such a great magazine - definitely deserving of all the praise I've seen on the web.

  18. loved the first issue (and yes i noticed your cards!) can't wait to see what's in store.


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