My Top 5 Picks for Strollers

Ok, so as many of you already know from following my instagram, we adopted a baby boy.  He was a new born when we met him & he is now 1 month old.  This journey has been a long one with several ups & downs.....but we couldn't be happier with the end result!  Thank you to all of you who helped us through this, whether through donations or emotional support, we are truly grateful. 

With that said, we are now in the market for a NEW stroller. 

We had purchased one when we got our baby but we were not completely happy with it. I have done research and have narrowed it down to these 5 modern rides for kids. I prefer an all-black stroller fact, the less color, the better. 
 I really like the idea of having a fully equipped stroller in Manhattan, since I am always on the go.  

It's also nice to have a carry cot like the NUNA stroller has, in case I'm out & need to do a quick diaper, baby can sleep in a comfy position while strolling down the city streets.  I'm positive my little guy would love this feature since he's a sleeper!  The Stokke Xplory also has a cool feature which caught my eye, it has seat-height adjustability which brings baby closer promoting interaction + it's super compact, ideal for walking thru crowded areas.  

Do you own any of these strollers?  I'd love to know your thoughts!

1. nuna IVVI   2. stokke xplory   3. bugaboo   4.  britax   5. uppa baby

-post by jen ramos



  1. Congratulations!! He is the sweetest! :) I can only speak on the Uppababy Vista (the one we ended up getting) - very happy with it! Getting a higher end stroller is definitely a worthwhile splurge. The Vista folds easily, is very smooth and the under basket is large enough to hold a diaper bag and a few grocery bags. I use my stroller constantly when running errands because it drives so much smoother than a shopping cart (an added bonus is having a cup holder for water and coffee). I also loved that it came with a bassinet, which we ended up using in our room for the first few months along with the bassinet stand. The new Vista also allows for two full size seats if your family expands. I definitely love it, but I don't think you can go wrong with any of your stroller options. Good luck! :)

  2. Congratulations! He is adorable! We went the route of an inexpensive stroller (Graco) which turned out to be smart because we didn't use it much.

  3. If money were no object, I'd buy two (haha). I have the UB Vista and it is awesome. The previous poster is right - that basket underneath is amazing so that you can take a diaper bag AND shop with it and it is easily accessible. It is also a tank, so dealing with trucking through the snow is no big deal. However, I do feel like it is...a tank. Quite large. So in NYC, if you are trying to navigate some smaller shops/aisle, you may find it cumbersome. In that case I'd love a Bugaboo. Though my friend has one and says the basket is a joke (and all but inaccessible) and when the baby is older, you have to remove the seat to fold it up (which is annoying).

  4. He is lovely, so cute.

  5. These are all great, I have the Britax B Agile and a Maclaren, I love the B Agile, but I think living in NYC you need a very lightweight stroller especially if you ever take the subway, while you can't use a Maclaren until they are 6 months, it's definitely worth looking into in the future. (Only 11 pounds and can hang on a shelf in closet to store) I have discovered that you need a very specific type of stroller to make it in NYC with a baby! Hope that helps!

  6. We had an Uppa Baby vista back in 2008 and it lasted through three children and we used it ALL the time and LOVED it! We gifted it to some dear friends, and all that to say, If we had to get another stroller, we'd TOTALLY go with the Uppa Baby again! the tires never/cannot go flat. the carry cot is amazing!!!! congratulations on your new sweet boy!!!

  7. We have the Bugaboo and LOVE it! My daughter is three and we still use it. It truly grows with your child!

  8. I do not own any of these strollers, I just wanted to say CONGRATS on the baby! He is adorable.

  9. The Bugaboo all the way, so worth the splurge, it's truly an investment and 7 months in we use it all the time and have zero regrets. Most of my family/friends have the Vista and it gets great reviews by them too, just a little bulkier and heavier. Congrats!

  10. I don't know nuthin' about strollers, Jen, but a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you and the mister on your sweet lil' bundle! xx UB :)

  11. Congratulations! What a wonderful addition! Like you, I wanted an all-black stroller. Plus, I wanted the bassinet feature and a big under stroller basket. For the basket reason alone, I ruled out the Stokke, Orbit, and Bugaboo. I ultimately went with the UppaBaby Vista in Jake and still LOVE it 2 years later! My sister got the Bugaboo Chameleon and it did not handle nearly as well, and she has since sold it and moved to a City Select bc you can add a second seat and the basket is insanely huge! I have a few friends with the City Select and they all love it! I feel like it's bulkier than my Vista, but it handles just as well.

  12. Congratulations to you and your husband!
    This little boy is so cute and I'm sure you both will be amazing parents :)
    This baby is lucky to have found you on his path...
    I wish all the best to your new little family: happiness, health, love ♥

  13. I had an Inglesina stroller with basinet and reclinable seat (a hassle to put in my van), as SOON as my children could be in the McClaren I changed them. I find it is the lightest, the easiest to fold and great to travel. I bought a bag to put it in to avoid airline damage. It has a strap you can hang from your shoulder (being able to carry the baby up a flight of stairs if needed without help) and and under basket (not to big) No cup holder on mine so had to buy. The height was also comfortable for a man not to low as others and for traveling with my older we added a buggy for Disney.

  14. I had an Inglesina stroller with basinet and reclinable seat (a hassle to put in my van), as SOON as my children could be in the McClaren I changed them. I find it is the lightest, the easiest to fold and great to travel. I bought a bag to put it in to avoid airline damage. It has a strap you can hang from your shoulder (being able to carry the baby up a flight of stairs if needed without help) and and under basket (not to big) No cup holder on mine so had to buy. The height was also comfortable for a man not to low as others and for traveling with my older we added a buggy for Disney.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Congratulations! Living in NYC you need something that is lightweight and easy to fold/unfold. Have you thought about the YOYO from Babyzen?

  17. Thank you for all the suggestions and comments..I'm leaning toward Nuna or stokke... but still haven't totally decided. Need something versatile and still compact and not too bulky. :)

  18. Congratz! I love my BUGABOO! its a great stroller-

  19. get prepared to buy 3 strollers! I never expected it but it happened. #1 was the bugaboo. Great for long walks with the new baby but bulky and difficult to navigate in small new york stores. #2 was the uppababy umbrella stroller which you can only use with an older and sturdier baby. This is the stroller we use daily because it is so compact. This stroller is also essential if you plan to fly with the baby because you can stroll the baby to the plan and easily fold it while holding the baby for gate check-in. #3 is the bob running stroller. Great and sturdy but so big that we now have the bugaboo in storage.

  20. Wow!! Congratulations Jen!! How fun will it be for him to have a super creative Mommy :)) As for the stroller, we have 4. It's ridiculous. So my advice is to go on the less expensive route because baby's needs constantly change and so do yours. What you want/need now might not be the same 3 mos from now! And when they are toddlers… the classic umbrella stroller ($20) is lightest and easiest to cart around :)

  21. Congratulations!! I have the Stokke and we LOVE it!! Besides the tons of compliments, it fits in tight places, rides smoothly and my hubby who is rather tall does not have to bend to push this around. Love it - definitely go with the Stokke. Oh and Buy Buy Baby carries the Stokke and will price match any of the online site - we saved over $300!!

  22. Congratulations!! I observe your blog from few years, love your style and had kept my fingers crossed for your baby and you are Mummy. It is such a wonderful feeling! And a great work to do... I have daughter and son. Good luck!

  23. Congrats, he is so cute! Really random question since I know nothing about strollers: What do you use to get handwritten font on your images? Thanks!

  24. OMG Congratulations!! Wowzie I had no idea!! You did it!! I remember hearing you speak about the set backs you had he is!! So happy for you. : )

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  25. Happy Ending! Perfect.

  26. Have you seen the other Stokke strollers? The Stokke Crusi is gorgeous and just the right size and proportion, IMHO. I find the Explory is so big and if you have to lift it in and out of your trunk several times a day, it can be a hassle. That said, there's no denying how design-forward it is!

    I have the Bugaboo Cameleon3 and love it BUT I wouldn't recommend it in bassinet mode because the basket is basically inaccessible in that case because the bassinet sits so low on the frame. You absolutely cannot beat the smooth ride on the Bugs though- the built in suspension is amazing. The Bugaboo Buffalo takes care of the bassinet issue, btw, but again it is a heavier stroller although the weight limit does go up to 50lbs vs. the 37.5 on the Cam3.

    I haven't had a chance to push the Nuna yet- have you? What did you think of it? I always say push it, fold it, unfold it, lift it. If those four steps are a breeze, you're golden!

    Can you tell I have a thing for strollers? Haha. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you choose!

  27. Oh, and I also have the Britax you've listed. The fold is insanely quick and easy so we use it to travel. It's very easy to gate check, fold up and then it's waiting for us at our destination. I wouldn't want it as my primary stroller though- the basket isn't the greatest and three-wheelers are almost impossible to push and maneuver one-handed, and THAT is a must when you're pushing a stroller! You'd be amazed how often you'll be using just one hand.

  28. 1. nuna IVVI 2. stokke xplory 3. bugaboo 4. britax 5. uppa baby ...

  29. Among these lightweight strollers, I have been using the UPPAbaby 2015 G-Luxe, actually, This stroller satisfies me because its weight is only 13.4 lbs and I can fold it with only one hand. highly recommend it, Why? click here to see why i choose this stroller for my baby


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