Ice Skating Dreams...

WOW, I hadn't seen this photo since I was about 8 years old. I remember my mother taking this picture outside our apartment in Anchorage, Alaska. I also recall saying, " HURRY UP MOM, I can't hold my leg up much longer!"

You see, right then & there, I wanted to be a professional ice skater. That would always be the first move I'd practice when I put on my skates. I even had a skating rink at my school, where I finally perfected the one leg skating move. Seems so long ago.... It's a strange feeling to look at the little girl in this picture and know that she.... was me.

. me.jpg

Thanks to my cousin for sending this picture...



  1. What a great photo, and how nice of your cousin to send it to you!
    my mom was cleaning out closets and boxes over thanksgiving and when she finally decided to tackle the boxes marked "kid photos" numbered 1-6, all worked stopped and we sat on the floor looking at wonderful photos like this one. Ballerina photos, skating photos, drawing photos, sledding photos, soccer photos etc etc.
    I also felt strange but in a good way.

  2. Thank Abigail. I know what you family & I did the same thing you did...we sat and looked at photos for awhile too. I'm so grateful to have pics like these for the memories are always sweet.

  3. Seems silly, but when I hear certain songs I imagine myself doing a whole figure skating routine to them. Jumps, spins and everything!

    My grad school roommate actually figure skated when she was younger so when we discovered our campus had an ice skating rink, I bought myself a pair of skates and had her teach me the one leg skating move. I somewhat got it eventually along with the spin/twirl. I wish I could go back there!

  4. So cute! Your smile still the same.

  5. Aww, thats really cute!

  6. oh, too cute. i also saw your interview on luphia loves- great job.

  7. great picture...reminds me of my moms photo album. sigh!

  8. Really cute! Now I want to ask my Mom for my old photos :)

  9. Wow how adorable! So nice you remember when the picture was taken :)


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