She Inspires Me.....

Paula Scher is one of my favorite graphic artist, bringing her own style to everything she does. She is mostly known for her large-scale paintings of MAPS (seen in this post) which range anywhere from $3,500 each and up!
I admire her and the way she displays her art in her home, reminds me of my own. Don't you just love her kitchen?

She has some great limited edition pieces for those who collect art and have a LOVE for maps. I really like the red one of the U.S.A. seen here. That particular piece is actually sold out! Figures.

I also adore the fact that she teaches at the School Of Visual Arts in NYC (a school I had applied to after graduating high school). I didn't get in, but my best friend did and shes now a graduate of SVA. Sometimes God has other plans for us in life. :)

*Photos of Paula Scher's home from New York Social Diary and NY Times.


  1. This place rocks Jen...OFF THE CHARTS!

    Give me a shout out tomorrow...delivering to Fred Segal ;)

  2. love the blue toned map. Your site inspires me to create. Thank You :)

  3. very inspiring , you are right !
    This red map is terrific

  4. I love the red map also, nice. How do you find all these great people?

  5. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I love the red map. I will be going to SVA this fall and am psyched to be in one of Paula Scher's classes in the senior year.

  6. Nice house! Love the number posters boldly displayed in the kitchen.

  7. Love her work! Man, that kitchen is fantastic :)

  8. AnonymousJuly 12, 2008

    I am SO loving every inch and ounce of your blog. It's terrific!

  9. AnonymousJuly 13, 2008

    Oh I love your blog! Mine is mostly about fashion, but I am very much interested in interior design/architecture as well. Your blog is going on my Hot Topic List! Love it :)

  10. You are an inspiration to women everywhere... so thanks for that!!!!!

  11. HI JEN! love the black and white posters in the kitchen. and those in the dining area!!!!
    thanks for the inspiration :)

  12. I love maps and globes. I have maps hanging in three different places in my house.

    The last one, it reminds me so much of high school - kids said that so much back in the '80s.

  13. Those prints are wicked cool. Love the maps of the US...

  14. AnonymousJuly 20, 2008

    OMG I love her home. Oh how I wish it were

  15. yum, i want to live here!


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