Rockstar Pad

Rock n' Roll Edwardian Mansion in London of course. Jezebel lives here and is married to one of the band members from ColdPlay. No wonder this pad is so sexy! I just LOVE their style and that large skull pic above the fireplace is quite unique. Takes guts to put that pic up there. Anyway, this is very Rock n Roll, much like my own coffee table designs: madebygirl. These pretty pics were pulled from one of my favorite sites: Living Etc. Unfortunately, this is the only size pics they had on the site.



  1. Let's see... I'll take that couch, the chair, the rug and the tub! Fabulous!

  2. the couch is soo amazing, what a pad.

  3. I love that rug. I used it in a project recently, with a totally different aesthetic.....very cool.

    Mark Cutler

  4. Thnak Mark....That rug is real sweet, but I'd prefer a zebra hide look instead, thats just me.

    Jennife Ramos


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