Food: Pistachio Cranberry Cheese Log

Hello again! It's Fallon of Sage + Sparkle here, to share with you one of my favorite (super easy) appetizers that you can prepare for any holiday soiree.

In total it takes a bout 4 hours to make but the actual time you will spend on it, is very minimal. The longest part is just letting it sit in fridge. Easy enough, right?! I don't know about you, but for me the holidays are a whirlwind, I feel like they are over before they even start... so easy is a must! The original recipe was adapted from good ol' Martha, however see below for the slight changes/additions I made.

  • 1 bar (8 ounces) cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 cup coarsely grated sharp white cheddar (4 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Sea salt and ground pepper
  • 1 cup shelled unsalted pistachios, chopped
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • Assorted crackers, for serving
  • In a medium bowl, mix cream cheese, cheddar,dijon, and worcestershire until well combined; season with salt and pepper. (TIP: I used my bullet to make sure everything was mixed perfectly)
  • Cover then refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Toast pistachios over medium heat, stirring frequently, until fragrant and golden, about 7 minutes; set aside and let cool
  • Once cooled mix in bowl with dried cranberries
  • Transfer cheese mixture to a piece of waxed or parchment paper; using paper, shape into a 6" long log. Roll in pistachio/cranberrie mixture, pressing them firmly to adhere.
  • Wrap log in a fresh piece of waxed or parchment paper and place back into refrigerator for additional 1 to 2 hours (or up to 1 day) to firm.
  • Serve with crackers.
cheese-holiday-appetizer cheese-holiday-appetizer cheese-holiday-appetizer

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday. See you in the new year!!!

 -post by Fallon Carmichael, Sage + Sparkle    



  1. This looks so tasty!

  2. Looks like such a delicious healthy treat! ...YUM!

    Maggie A

  3. Looks amazing! I love that you've added worcestershire sauce.

  4. Wow great idea, looks delicious!!

  5. I'm making some tonight for New Year's!

  6. This sounds and looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing Fallon. :)

  7. This is what my husband & I will be making this new year as a snack for guests! cant wait.


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