Moving Again...

Hey guys! How are you? We've been in Minnesota for the last day & will be back in NYC on Sunday evening. As some of you may know - we're going to be moving - again. God-willing we'll find an apartment here in the city & be moved in by early or mid November.  Crazy huh? The reason we're moving is because the construction in our current area has gotten to me & it's gotten to the point that we just have to go!

So, with that said, we've been looking at apartments here & there - and of course, what we'd really like, isn't always what we can afford. Know the feeling??  It sucks sometimes, but I'm sure God will lead us in the right direction despite any current obstacles. I looked through Sotheby's the other day - of course, daydreaming, & came across a dream apartment. It's so inspiring. In fact I can't wait to move & start the decoration process over again. I know my guy isn't looking forward to it because he's the one that ends up having to hang everything up on walls & so on.  I'm hoping the apartment-hunting experience will be a smooth one. We shall see.

Have you ever been apartment HUNTING in NYC? What was your experience like?

 -images via sotheby's


  1. Gorgeous apartment! Goodluck with the move I know not easy. Thankfully never had to look for a place in NYC but even here in Toronto not easy. Had to move to burbs as eventually bidding wars took a toll on me.

  2. Good luck finding a place! I hate moving, so I feel your pain!

    I just did a post featuring my choices for a new IPhone 5 cover, so of course I had to feature yours!

    Good luck Jen!

  3. Yes, my husband & I lived in NYC twice and both times I found it most difficult to find a place that was in our price range and still nice/convenient for a large dog!

    both times we lived in midtown for convenience to my hubby's work. we lived on both west side (55th & 10th) & east side (44th & 2nd)-right down the street from UN building.

    what part of town are you looking in? you should show pics of your house hunt! i'd love to see some contenders :)

  4. Good luck with the hunt Jen! I hope the next place is a little more suited for you long term! xo

  5. Eek, good luck! Looking for apartments in NYC is zero fun and I totally know the feeling of moving because of construction - it becoming unbearable! Hope you find something!

  6. I know the feeling, that's why we moved out of this building. The construction got progressively worse. We went through the same thing.
    If you would like, you can email me @, I can give you the name of our building. It's a few blocks away, by the park and they a pet friendly
    (we have a samoyed and he is 60lbs), so we looked high and low. My husband is a fan of space, so we are very pleased with the new apt. There is also a pool and a rooftop deck as well as gym and doorman. Hope you find a great space. And if you need the names of buildings that we looked at, let me know.

  7. Oh my gosh, moving again!?! Well, you said it...another opportunity to design. I hope everything works out well this time around.

  8. so elegant...all the best for the move and the new very exciting..enjoy every moment. cant wait to see before and after shots when you find somewhere.
    Bec x

  9. Oh, that stinks. Apartment hunting is super hard, just like you said...your mind runs away with what you wish you could have and forget your checkbook can't wing it. Good luck to you in your scouting for a new place, I'm sure it will find you too. Love these images, btw, seriously, drooling over each one of 'em :)

  10. oh this apartment is simply divine. you have such a good taste Jen! good luck with the hunt!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts love knot jewelry

  11. Wow, such great bones to that apartment! Good luck on your search!


  12. love the apartment!! If only I were moving to NYC. Alas, I reside in MN. What brought you here? Not to be too nosy nelly :)

  13. I'm not much for moving... always too much work, even when you hire help it's a lot of work.

    Happy house hunting!

  14. ah, dream apartments in nyc! good luck with your move! it's never fun! My first apt in NYC ended up being more than 2/3 my paycheck but I LOVED it! haha, so impractical.

    I'd like to share that I'm having a give away over on vivid hue and would love for you to pop over and enter (and share with your readers if you'd like). Thanks so much! Heather xoxo Vivid Hue Home

  15. check out walker tower in chelsea..NOT affordable as a two bedroom is 11 million dollars but it is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! i saw the model unit first hand, i died and went to heaven i can email you pictures!

  16. Good luck with the move, Jen. Hope you find something more permanent this time around.
    I am dreading that feeling, there is a great possibility we might have to move in March. Don't look forward to that at all. Hope by the end of it you will have some tips to share.


  17. Beautiful apartment and good luck with your move!!

  18. Oh hate apartment hunting...we are actually talking about moving too....need place with bigger closet. Everything I like is so expensive, bummer. Hope you find a place soon, living by a construction zone is no bueno. Xo

  19. Hi Jen,

    I hate moving! I once did that eight years ago for the same reason, but hopefully haven't had to move since.

    It's always the poor husband who ends up hanging things up on the walls (because he's taller) and lifting most of the boxes (because he's stronger). Poor men! :)

    By the way, don't forget to look into some moving (or even better, some moving and packing) companies, and in the hassle of getting everything packed and moved and unpacked, this moving checklist might help.

    Good luck!

  20. Hi Jen,

    I hate moving! I once did that eight years ago for the same reason, but hopefully haven't had to move since.

    It's always the poor husband who ends up hanging things up on the walls (because he's taller) and lifting most of the boxes (because he's stronger). Poor men! :)

    By the way, don't forget to look into some moving (or even better, some moving and packing) companies, and in the hassle of getting everything packed and moved and unpacked, this moving checklist might help.

    Good luck!

  21. Yes, I know the feeling.. we have been trying to move out for like almost a year, it's a pain in the bleep when you see the price, and but we try to console ourselves that all those gorgeous apartment (or loft) has been taken cared by their owner who spend a lot of time on making their nest so comfortable... so it is normal not to be able to find what you want ready unless you pay a lot of money.. Anyhow, goodluck for the apartment hunt Jen! :)

  22. I feel for you moving so soon.
    But I always feel there is a bigger plan for us than we know ourselves sometimes. You just got to go with it and know there is a reason behind it. Good luck to you.

  23. Good luck finding a place, i used to live on the UES and the construction is crazy! Good luck i am sure you will find a great place....try brooklyn....i love it here!!!

  24. Um, that kitchen and bathroom are to die for!

  25. Um, that kitchen and bathroom are to die for!!

  26. I wish you good luck with finding the right place. Packing and moving is really hard. P.s I mentioned you on the TheLiebsterAward

  27. Apartment hunting in New York is no fun! I have moved three times in 8 years and we will move again next May. I am already scouting Streeteasy trying to assess our best options (neighborhoods, etc.). We are in Tribeca now.

    I have no great advice, only sympathy. Just remember that you only need one apartment, not the hundreds that don't work for reasons A through ZZZ.

    Lots of luck!

  28. Apartment hunting in NYC is really hard! I wish you all the luck! I know God will help you find the perfect place :). I don't know what your budget is but from reading your blog and seeing your style you might like 8 Spruce Street in downtown Manhattan. We have some friends that live there and it is really nice! I know lots of buildings down town if you need suggestions! Feel free to email me if you have questions! Best of luck!


    Taylor Morgan Design Blog

  29. SPEARMINT BABTY: Yea it can get a bit difficult having a dog. Our dog isnt even that large - but still limits our search by half. We're looking to stay on the upper east side between 60th & 89th..we just love this area, so much to do! :) thanks.

  30. BEE 29: You werent kidding. It wasnt even as bad until 2 weeks ago when blasting started and shook the was insane! I will email you and see where you're at, thank you so much xoxox

  31. TAYLOR MORGAN: We'll def check it out...we're looking mostly on UES - but downtown may work if its the right place. I do trust that God will guide us :) thanks !

  32. This apartment is amazing! I love the way you decorated it, so chic :)

  33. Best of luck finding a new place. That must feel pretty daunting, to have to pack up and move when you just did it. Selfishly, I'm excited that you're moving only because I loooove your style and love to see how you decorate every place that you live! So I'm excited to see you again transform another space!! But moving is tough so I do feel for ya- fingers are crossed you quickly find the perfect place!

  34. DONNA: totally agree... :) thank you

  35. I have no doubt that you will find the perfect place!

  36. thanks for posting wonderful pictures. I love the way you have explained all this.
    Ann Arbor Taxi

  37. I've been apartment hunting in NYC 3x for the 3 years I've been living here.

    Biggest things I've learned is:

    1) to accept paying a brokers fee
    2) Gut Renovation is always an option in Brooklyn
    3) Being off a random train isn't as bad as it seems. Especially if you love the borough because buses are a nice alternative.


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