1. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    I don't but I have always used MAC's and I am obsessed with them. Best computers ever.
    My brother has that one and swares by it.
    Have fun!

  2. my sis and bro in law have this. i just saw it and i have to say i was drooling!! you will LOVE seeing your blog and store on this screen. it is ridiculously beautiful!

  3. I have the 20" - I love it! It is so nice and quiet! I am using the keyboard from my old mac though - couldn't deal with that little one!

  4. I have this. I adore the computer - hate the keyboard. It looks cool and all, but it drives me CRAZY when the batteries go dead (which is often). I would totally prefer a keyboard with a cord. My mouse was wireless as well and I have already traded that in for one with a cord.

  5. I don't have iMac, but I do have ibook - I've had three ibooks and I'm a loyal Mac user. I LOVE IT!!!

  6. drool!!! so jealous. love it!!!


  7. I want one of those 2.. Mac Rocks..!!
    I have the 13 inch macbook, never going back to pc..!!

  8. i have an imac and an apple air.
    theyre amazing and you'll never go back to microsoft once you've had a mac.
    theyre amazing
    happy imacing x

  9. you lucky dog!!!
    I love macs, it took me about two weeks of wanting to throw mine out the window when i first transitioned, now!!!!...its all about the mac attack!!!
    btw miss jen, have my first giveaway posted, check it out, woo hoo!!!
    also, the love print in the tangerine? available?

  10. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    My friend and sister in law have one and they love it.

  11. WIDE OPEN SPACES: Good to know , i didnt really know that the keyboard needed batteries...something to think about. :)

  12. you are so going to love it. i've had mine for almost two years and simply can never go back to anything else. enjoy!

  13. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    I love your Made by girls. All thiongs are very beautiful! Cobgratulations!! I`m from Brazil and I have a blog, visit me: http://chadaspanelas.com/

  14. Hubby and I own this one. We LOVE it, to say the least. To say the most, sometimes I think we are in a love triangle. It looks so sleek sitting on our glass desk in our semi-modern apartment. Not to mention it runs like a charm. Sigh...

  15. I have the 20" and by far the best computer I have ever had!! I will never go back to a PC and it is so portable if you need to work anywhere else in the house as well,

    Enjoy!!! xo

  16. LissetteMay 18, 2009

    I love ours! the best thing is that you can partition the drive to run mac and windows...only because autoCAD only runs on windows ;)
    They keyboard takes some getting used to, but you can get it with a cord.
    I also have a macbook pro I bought when i first started design school...3 years later it's still great!

  17. yep...have it and love it! same one, throw in an extra few bucks and get wireless keyboard and mouse. makes it look a bit more cleaner without the cords...

    btw, love your blog!

  18. I have it! I love it! Best money I've ever spent. I have the wireless keyboard and I love it. Not sure if I'm crazy about the wireless mouse?

  19. My bf (the best EVER) surprised me with that very same computer last week. I LOVE it. I miss having the number pad, but am getting over it. It only takes batteries if you get the cordless (the batteries do go through quickly). I definitely prefer a wireless mouse, but the wireless Mighty Mouse is pretty crappy so I'm sticking with corded. You'll LOVE it though...so fast, so quiet, and the 24" screen is droolworthy!

  20. Gemma FirthMay 19, 2009

    I moved from Microsoft to Mac about two years ago and will never go back! I have the "24" with the new keyboard but mine has a cable so no batteries. Wireless mouse is great but have to keep it clean or starts getting slow! Enjoy your crystal clear screen and super-fast mac!

  21. Congratulations Jennifer! I've got the 20" and love it. I looks so good that it doesn't annoy me that my office is in the living room, and it's a dream to work with. I've got a wireless mouse though because the cable got in the way a bit.

  22. i am very very jealous! one of my friends has the same one and i always make a point to check my email whenever i visit... just to get a chance to use it.

  23. I just got mine on Friday! Actually mine is 20" because I don't have space for 24" but after years of using a 13" laptop it still seems huge. I've been a Mac girl since I started using computers and believe me they were not always this pretty!

  24. Oooh, lucky you!

    At home I'm a mac book (or i book I can never remember what it's called nowadays) girl myself. At work I've got an older version of what you're getting... and any time I have to use a PC it freaks me out. They're just so clunky, unintuitive and, darn I say, plain ugly!

    Enjoy your mac when it arrives!!

  25. Oh yes, I have one.Love the small keyboard. Didn't take long to get used to at all. Never going back. So much to learn though. It do so much

  26. i have + i love it! once you go mac, you will never go back :O) {i have the wired keyboard + so far no problems with anything!}

  27. Lil' envy here :-) I have so many problems with PC I'm seriously thinking about investing in a Mac...I'm just afraid how will I learn to use it...

  28. Hi jen!
    My name is Paula, i'm from Brazil and i'm totally addicted to your blog and site!
    Now, i'm very happy , because my boyfriend will give me the ABCLove Print!!!!
    It will be an honor have your print in my wall!!!When i have the picture in a frame and in my wall, i'll send you a picture!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration you give me everyday!

  29. What isn't there to love about a MAC? I have a desktop MAC and a labtop PC(have to for work), but wish I could be using my MAC. You'll love it though!

  30. I LOVE my mac! I can't seem to work with anything else.

  31. AnonymousMay 19, 2009

    I only wish!


    I've seen the 30" monitors and they are fabulous...especially for the work you do. You will love the setup you picked.

  32. Oh, you lucky duck! I am so in need of a new computer. My laptop keyboard is broken which means that I have to use an auxiliary one instead--not so much fun!

  33. i have the 20" and i love it - enjoy!


  34. I am not a fan of Macs, so I can not say anything of this one that is any help. I would think the tiny keyboard would drive me nuts when having a big monitor. I have a tiny laptop, so the tiny "keyboard" doesn't bother me.

    Have fun with yours though! :)

  35. Thanks for all the info on the monitor & keyboards etc. I also have a wireless mouse Im using and it's so much better then a wired one.
    Hope i DOOOO like that small keyboard.
    WE'll see- I'll take a pic when it's all set up on my desk.

  36. I have it and love it! You will too. I also got the wireless keyboard and mouse so no cables. Hooray!

  37. Yep! Love mine. Took a bit to get used to the huge screen. (great for movie watching in the sudio when I am up waaay to late) Don't get the wireless mouse...gobbles up batteries. Love it so much I bought the macbook as well. Enjoy! from one Mac lover to another.

  38. AnonymousMay 19, 2009

    I have one at my new job....I am completely madly in love with it. Unfortunately I still have to use a PC at home.

  39. AnonymousMay 19, 2009

    A real beauty. Wish I had one.

  40. I have it, it's beautiful but not nearly as capable as my PC sadly. The hard drive also fried within a year and the Mac genius bar was horrible to deal with -- they wanted to replace my hard drive and charge me to buy my old hard drive back from them because I didn't want them to keep the fried one since it has sensitive data on it. Imagine that! So be careful if you ever need to replace your hard drive, they keep the old one, clean it, and resell it. The problem is, a clever person can still see data on a "clean" used hard drive so I always suggest that if you have sensitive business data to keep yours no matter what. But with a mac, if you opt to keep yours you have to pay to keep it. Nuts!

    But, all in all, I like it and though I won't buy another Mac after this one (it's not worth the money), I do love the white-ness of it all and enjoy the overall features. Lucky for me, when my Mac dies (it has a lot, it over heats constantly, a problem with this model), I have my laptop PC. :)


  41. Apple monitors have the best definition... When I go to my husband's G5, which has an Acer monitor hooked up to it, I feel I have to squint, 'cause it's just not as clear as my MacBook Pro screen.

    My friend has one of these particular models though. You're going to love it. Not that you need us to tell you that.

  42. I am so envious - you lucky thing! Enjoy:)

  43. Oh yes oh yes. I have one and I named her Mavis and she is my best friend! The mighty mouse is stretching the friendship though!

    After having atomic problems sharing my hubby's PC, I made the switch and I couldn't be happier... iMac rocks!

  44. first of all i love macs! i have this one at work, and everyone laughs at the size of the screen but hey everything looks great on it! i had to get a bigger keyboard cause icouldnt deal with the little one!

  45. Holly,
    That is good to know, thanks! I will cross my fingers and hope all works out with mine. I've never had much luck with PC's.

  46. I've got the 20" and my boyfriend has the 24". I'm 100% mac user (job and home) and I always recommend buy it (I have persuaded several friends and they are absolutely in love with this machine).
    I think that you will love it too.

  47. I got one and I LOVE IT!


  48. got it 2 weeks ago.

    Heaven on a desk.

  49. I have had the 24" IMac for over year. I would never go back to a PC. Everything is wireless, it is as one poster put it "heaven on a desk"!


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