Hello everyone. June has been quite a busy month for me. My kitchen had water damage and all the cabinets had to go. So now i'm in the process of getting a whole new kitchen! It's quite EXCITING, but very time consuming. AND to top things off, my computer's harddrive FAILED about a week ago. I lost a few things, my own fault for not backing up asap. I'm using an old laptop that is VERY slow and that is why I haven't been able to update that much. I hope to be getting a Macbook Pro after July 5th sometime! Can't wait to get back to the online world. In the meanwhile my new kitchen will be a nice light brown... from IKEA, but my counters will be a BEAUTIFUL white silestone. ( Similar to the IKEA pic) will post pics as soon as i get my new laptop. HAVE A GOOD WKND!