If you didn't know, I recently collaborated with Dagne Dover. A handbag company that focuses on sophisticated & organized handbags for the modern woman. Their bags are the most functional bags I've owned. In fact, I can't say enough of how functional they are on he inside, while still looking beautiful on the outside. I own their black 15 inch tote and if you're a business owner like myself, this bag is great! This design is very well thought out and even allows a protective slot for my laptop! With that said... when they approached me about a collaboration - I was on-board!
We collaborated on around 45 items (card cases + handbags) which I hand-painted myself with my signature style. There are limited quantities available & they're almost all sold out. You can view the entire collection here. It includes brushstrokes, lipstick kisses & flamingos!
If interested in collaborating with me on something, shoot me an email! I'd love to hear about it!
-post by jen ramos
These are such wonderful pieces!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! @TIFFANY!