Jennifer's Closet & new site coming soon!

We've been busy re-deigning my MadebyGirl shop & will soon be introducing other artwork by other artists you'll soon be able to shop more variety. I'll also be adding a new section called "Jennifer's Closet" - where I'll sell items from my own closet & home. Below are some examples below, (rarely ever worn). I hate to get rid of great items, & would rather see if any of you out there wants to purchase them for a much cheaper price then I paid. With that said, have a great weekend & be safe everyone!

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Lots of Love from Wife Style....

I love CREATIVE people.....Erin from The Wife Style Files really grabbed my attention with these DIY prints she put together for her sister. It was her own personal project to show her LOVE. Don't you just LOVE the word 'Love'? That is what made me stop, I've got a thing for that word as you all know from visiting my store. Enjoy & thanks Erin.

Oh, and check out her stylish little office, love that inspiration board & that desk!

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Fashion Designer Jill Stuart's home....

More beautiful images from Elle Decor to start off your week, because we all need something to dream about & motivate us to keep moving forward. This dream apartment belongs to Fashion Designer, Jill Stuart. What do you think of it? I love the large art pieces on the walls and the clean and modern lines. Oh and the views, multi-million dollar views! For more info on her place visit Elle Decor.

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I'm in CLEO!

Quick thanks to CLEO Magazine in Australia for featuring my home in a 2 page spread. The magazine is out today in AU & I hear it's much bigger with a whole new look! Scarlett Johansson is on the cover, can't wait to get mine! Thanks Joanna & everyone else at Cleo.

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Enjoy your weekend......with some Bliss

Sorry for not posting on Friday, I got caught up with work. So wishing you all a safe & healthy weekend! Here's what I'm having today, Luna & Larry's Organic Coconut Bliss (Dark Chocolate) ice cream, made with coconut milk. I added maple syrup walnuts for a little fun. Non- Dairy dessert of course! You can buy this brand at Whole tastes just like real ice cream! Very good!

Photo by Jennifer
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AT Casa

AT Casa is one of my newest obsessions. It's a cool Italian website, mostly dealing with amazing interiors. Check them out here. In the meanwhile, I've got some teaser pics I chose to share with all of you here. Enjoy!

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