Erica of Moth Design...home tour

Erica of Moth Design is letting us share these awesome images of her home. Erica is an Interior Designer and is passionate about all things design. I loved the fact that her & I have similar taste! We both love lots of WHITE! Did you notice the piggy bank by Harry Allen? I blogged about it here a few days back. Anyway, she has the same one I want! I will have to get it, it looks super cute in a home setting. 

So what do you think of Erica's home? Do you also LOVE all the white? I know some people who can't stand white on white (i.e. Erica's wall mirror on white wall below), but I really think it works.

NOTE:  I am NO longer on Facebook, I have deleted my account as it was hacked and messed with. (People writing mean things etc.) For ALL updates, you will just have to visit my blog. :) 

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, see you Tuesday!

images via moth design

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Imagine Childhood...

Imagine Childhood has several items for kids that are just SO adorable! I had to share these cute little furry friends for kids. They are so realistic looking and my favorite has to be the PINK little pig!  Imagine Childhood also carries other useful items like colored chalk and bright, colored pencils! Perfect for kids that are artistic & like to draw! I would have loved any of these when I was a little girl....enjoy! 

For the creative KIDS:

and Eco-paint!

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Beach Vintage Home Tour....

Have you visited the Beach Vintage Blog? If not, you must check it out!  I was so mesmerized by all the vibrant photos and couldn't help but want to share some of Simone's lovely pics with all of you. 

The author (Simone), lives in a pretty beach house in Australia which she furnished with items from secondhand stores and Ebay. Australia has always seemed like such a gorgeous country.... hopefully I will get to visit one day! Enjoy!

Visit Beach Vintage Blog here.

images via beach vintage

So, glad that this week is passing by least I think so! 
I am looking forward to laying out in the sun this weekend, going to church, walking my dogs around town & making some artwork....oh yes,  and a little shopping! 

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Leah's Colorful Home Tour...

Leah from 'The Way We Are' blog sent over some pics to of her home after I told her I wanted to share them with all of you! I saw her living room before both her & her husband tackled the upholstery on those chairs and reupholstered them in a stunning black & white fabric! Don't they look great?

Can you believe she actually SCORED those chairs on Craigslist!?!  It always amazes me what a little paint & fabric can do to a space.  I hope you'll enjoy this tour of her home, you can also visit her blog here.

(click on pics for larger image)

   Below: our ABC Love Print design hangs in her daughter's room.

I've REALLY been wanting to re-upholster something in a black & white fabric....just haven't decided what just yet. It makes such a statement and adds a great amount of interest to a home! LOVE it!

images via The Way We Are

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BIG Book of Small, Cool Spaces.....(Review)

I was super excited when Maxwell's new book, "BIG BOOK OF SMALL, COOL SPACES" arrived in the mail today! This book is 304 pages long (which I think is so awesome) and completely full of colorful photos!  For those of you scratching your head wondering who who Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan is, he's co-founder of Apartment Therapy, one of the most popular interior design sources. Maxwell is also a P/T Interior Designer so this book just makes sense. He concentrates on how to transform a tiny space into a fabulous space!  I can see how useful this book would be for people living in cities like New York, San Francisco and even Japan. In big cities like these space is very limited & you definitely want to make the best of what you DO have. 

(image above by jen)

It's a SHAME this book wasn't published back when I was living in Manhattan, NYC in a studio apartment!  How ideal would it have been to be able to tuck an office with vintage doors into an unused bedroom corner??  

This is a great coffee table book as well, highly recommend it. ......And that folks, is my review. 

(images above via apartment therapy)

BUY your copy here for less than $20.

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By the way...

Hello everyone, I can't stand how beautiful it is outside & I'm indoors!  I swear, I need to get some Vitamin D soon!  On another note, my FaceBook was hacked today, so I decided to just DELETE the whole thing. I just don't get how people can be so mean.  I don't know if I will bother joining up again, if I do.....I will let you all know. Thanks! 
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Nuevo Estilo....

Nuevo Estilo is a great source for inspiration for your home. It's a Spanish magazine but nonetheless has plenty of large images for you to look through. This particular home was very intriguing and decorated quite beautifully. I like the modern feel and especially loved the purple velvet touches in the bedroom. In this particular bedroom the curtain is the divider instead of a door. Normally, I do NOT like purple, but it looks great in this setting! 

Check out their site for more beautiful images. 

images via nuevo estilo

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