Closet Freak....(Via Made By Girl)

Welcome back everyone!!

Women are FASCINATED by closets.

I DEFINITELY know that one of my favorite parts of my home is my closet space!! It's roomy, glamorous & so useful.  In there's a growing trend of MEN that are into closets too! It's not just us LADIES anymore....
So, with that in mind...I decided to pull together  a few closets I thought you'd enjoy! You'll notice some are for women as well as for couples and one in particular was made just for a man- which I thought was super luxurious & totally MASCULINE.

This reminds me, my guy STILL hasn't gotten around to doing his closet yet....he's been soo busy!

Check them out below!
above: image via Warner Bros.

 above: via esquire

If my guy had a closet like this (above)...I wonder how long it would stay  clean...?? hmmm

 above: one of the COOLEST ways to use those empty shopping bags you get from stores! Just frame them!

above: images via moth design

above: images via southern exposure

above: I really LOVED the sheer size of this closet. It reminds me of a boutique, with the cute light fixtures...don't you think??!? The brick wall at the end really gives it some character and the dresser adds an interesting touch! 

So, are you a closet FREAK?? Do you have a cute closet you're proud of?



  1. I LOVE that huge square mirror in the first man's closet! That is gorgeous! Love your blog too!

  2. Oh my God! From a girl who currently has no closet because I married a guy who has more clothes than me.. plus I work from home so my clothes can be folded and put in drawers while he needs all the space to hang his clothes.. (closet envy)

  3. Framing your shopping bags is perfect because I don't have the heart to throw them away!

  4. fun- I organized my art and crafts space and posted about it today:

  5. I love all these closets! Thanks for sharing! Can never tire of looking at closet spaces..

  6. Great post! I love being nosy and looking into people's closets and purses. I don't know why, but I'm always curious about how people organize or decorate these personal spaces. You can totally see a person's style or creativity through these areas.

  7. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    My interior designers (males) had the most amazing closet I have ever been in, in their old home. It was like a long hallway of dark wood custom cabinets, floor to ceiling, entirely enclosed. Multitudes of drawers, cupboards. Each was perfectly arranged, with spaces for their hundreds of belts, shoes, etc. It was incredible.

  8. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Love all of those closets (and surprisingly, the man's closet is my favorite). One day I'll have a closet of my own, though I'm pretty happy at the moment with the one I share with my guy. Spacious enough to almost be a walk-in, and curtains instead of a door :) Thanks for these images Jen!

  9. I like the use of space right up to the ceiling! I love my clothes! I can still remember about two hours after I had my son, my 7 year old daughter walked into the hospital room and the first thing she said was, "Are you skinny now mom?"

  10. This is so cool. I have been reading your blog and am fascinated by closets. We are reworking ours this week. I am making my walk in (change original floor plan den to a MB closet with entry to bedroom instead of hallway)resemble a girly boutique. Hope it turns out pretty!

  11. I LOVE the idea of framing the shopping bags!

  12. OH I just LOVE peeping into others' closets! Thanks for featuring mine as well... I am in good company! oxo, Jill

  13. I love, LOVE, love the idea of framing the shopping bags. What an awesome idea!

  14. Not yet but I wish I did! Hopefully in the near future... can't wait to get my hands on a closet space! :)

  15. I love the idea of those posh carrier bags in frames, always hate to throw out a good barrier bag!

  16. LOVE the idea of framing shopping bags :) Definitely going to start doing that!

  17. I LOVE the framing of the bags ...just pinned it. It's such a great idea really!! xoxoxo

  18. Love these and loved the framed bags idea.


  20. That last closet is just gorgeous.! I really love the brick as well.

  21. I love the idea of the framed bags, that is so creative.

  22. new reader. so excited to see you love closets like i do! just finished mine this weekend:

  23. Thanks so much for sharing my closet space! And thanks for all of the lovely words! You're the best Jen! xo

  24. I love all these closets, but Moth Design and those framed shopping bags is just too cute. We had to do this in my daughter's room.

  25. I love these closets - and what Moth design has done is just plain awesome, perfect way to display.
    Have a great day.


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