My NYC Hotel Stay...(Via Made By Girl)

NYC has been amazing, minus the weather.  It was raining most of the time - so I didn't get as much done as I was hoping!  I also missed the last two days of Blogfest!!  I know....but I ended up doing other things that were quite beneficial business-wise, so it all worked out nicely in the end! 

Either way, I got to meet some nice people at Blogfest and saw several old school friends as well as family. One of the best parts of my trip was definitely the hotel room.  The internet connection was a bit crappy.....up & down the whole time - but at least I got my money back for the internet room charge.  

As promised, here are pictures of the room at the Royalton.


The service at the hotel was spectacular - they were always attentive & helpful - especially the door guy who helped with my bags & tried to hail a cab for 20 minutes! CRAZY.... 

I ABSOLUTELY loved that the room was high up on the 14th floor & faced 44th street (front of building). 

And get had a LARGE balcony with original wrought iron railings, gorgeous arches & columns!  

If you ever stay at the Royalton ask to stay in ROOM 1417 as it's the only standard room with this feature. I'll post several more pictures of my trip, including a tour of the Kate Spade store- which is sooo pretty for those who haven't visited the SOHO location!  

I'll be heading home Friday evening & I'm already feeling sad. I miss NYC, my friends, family and all the different varieties of food you find here. I'm really thinking about coming here every 6 months....hmmmm

Are you from NYC?? Do you love it? Have you had enough? Never been but want to visit?!??


-images by jen ramos


  1. Droooool....swoooon....

  2. my husband works in Manhattan & we have a tiny apartment down the street from the UN headquarters. i used to LOVE spending time in the city, but with 2 little ones i am not such a fan. i much prefer the suburban lifestyle!

    BTW, your room looks amazing! i hope you share more about the blogger conference- would you go to one again? i never know if they are really worth it!

  3. Gorgeous room ! I LOVE NYC, I was there last Spring and really really hope to go back soon. Such a fun and exciting city !


  4. Glad to hear you are having a great time in NYC!! I moved here in October and still feel so lucky to be here... and like I will never run out of things to do!!

    PS, I love your dots paintings - found your site and blog through Mixed Plate's post on your work!

  5. I love NYC, my best friend lives there so I try to visit her often, though with my traveling schedule (Expat has been my status for a while now, and very very very far away from home)sometimes is difficult. But I do manage to sneak in a trip here and there ;) Never get bored of NY.

  6. always so good to see NYC......enjoy

  7. Ooooh hot tip about the (amazing) balcony, Jen! Welcome back! Life definitely grinds to a halt with a crappy internet connection, huh?!
    Have a wonderful weekend. Oooh, my CAPCHA word is "wines". I'm taking that as a hint!

  8. Love it! I've never been but definitely would love to visit New York.

    Lauren | Myers Maison

  9. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    The room and views look lovely.. but I spend a good couple of minutes pondering over the beauty of those heels!!!


    Niki @

  10. i need to have a good vew and perfect bath

  11. Wow what a beautiful hotel room! Definitely going to consider staying there if I ever head to NY! :)

    <3 Belly B

  12. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    I love NYC and am overdue for a visit. Now I know where to stay next time. I want to go there just for that balcony... it's great! xo

  13. I stayed at the Royalton last trip to nyc, I had the room with the huge round tub and fireplace, it was sooooooo groovy! And location is the best!
    So glad you had a great room, really makes a difference. I am moving to philly next weekend and am so looking forward to being a 1.5 hour train ride from ny, yay!!
    Welcome back J

  14. Rough life girl, rough life ;)

  15. I went on a girls trip in Feb. and the weather was perfect and it even snowed on the last day of our trip (Central Park looked like a dream covered in snow)! We walked everywhere! But I definitely need to invest in a good pair of snow boots!

  16. My husband and I have lived in NYC for the last two years, and that first year was a rough adjustment from suburbia life! Now we are both loving it! It's such an exciting city to live in!!!

  17. Wow, what an amazing room!! I would love to take on NYC knowing I have a chic room to go back to! Happy weekend!

  18. Beautiful room and I'm glad you had fun!

    I'm just dropping by to wish you a very blessed weekend!


    Luciane at

  19. The hotel room you are staying at looks nice. Oh, by the way, I am a big fan of Kate Spade. Looking forward to see the store you mentioned.

    I have been to New York several times and there have the most beautiful home decor a girl can ever dream of. And the selection of delicious food is amazing.

    Glad you have a great time in New York.


  20. Well SA girl... so obviously I'd love to visit! One day for the shopping! =)

  21. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    Very nice -- I really like the simplicity of the room ... But can we just talk about that LOCATION!? Amazing!

    Have a super weekend, Jen!

  22. I am from New York.. and even though I have been here 10 years , I still cannot get over the city that I call home. Everyday is full of suprises and I love taking photos (took your advice and got the Canon) every day to document this amazing city...

  23. half of my comment was erased :-((

    I love the photos of your hotel room.. I might convince someone to have a staycation.. Thanks for the tip , Jen!

  24. Hey...Love the balcony...will have to request that room for one of my grown and sexy weekends...thanks for the tip....being a native new yorker, I'm always ready to leave...but, I'm always happy to come home too...I've been around the world and there is really no place like it...where else can you be in a world class museum in the morning...have lunch on the beach...and have dinner on the top of the world and never run into anyone you know?

  25. Looks like a fabulous place to stay- mental note of the room number.. check! I've not had the chance or pleasure to visit NYC yet and after looking at all the photos from Blogfest, it's just adding to my wanting to jump on a plane and go, even if for a few days. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip! Enjoy your last day! xoxo

  26. Is that a mirror in the shower??

    Glad you enjoyed your trip! It's always nice to mix work and pleasure.

  27. Your room looks great! My husband and I went to NYC for our Honeymoon, we stayed at The Plaza so beautiful. It was also paid for by my boss!

  28. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    I lived in new york for 2 months when I was 20 and loved every minute of it - planning a trip this Christmas for my ahhh 30th!Small town Irish girl and the bright lights of the city you know the story. Love the images in this post x x

  29. The hotel looks beautiful! I'm heading to NYC next week...and you are getting me even more excited for my upcoming visit!

  30. Oh wow Jen! GORGEOUS!!!
    I'm traveling to the USA {from Australia} in August with my 3yr old daughter! I am sooooooo looking forward to staying in NY City :) I haven't booked any accomm am off to check out your suite :)

  31. I went to NYC for the first time last September and absolutely loved it! Hubby and I can't wait to get back there. It is one of the best cities I've ever visited. I'd actually like to live there for 12 months. One day maybe... Ange

  32. Ive only been to NYC a couple times, but I do have a love affair with it. If I had the money to, I would visit at least once a year

  33. I LOOOOOOOOVE NYC! That was a fabulous hotel. Especially the balcony with the wrought iron railings. I can't wait to go back to NYC soon.


  34. Beautiful!! I hope you are having a fantastic time with family and friends Jen, have a great weekend :)
    Nancy xo

  35. Oh, kicking myself for missing Blogfest- I am really looking forward to reading about it here on MBG...

  36. Wow balcony in a standard room, very nice!! Love it. Surprised about the Wi-Fi though, I find its pretty good in NYC. I go often to NYC for work and back soon as I bought my wedding dress there & its coming in July (yay).

  37. I used to live in DC and visited NY a few times. One of my favourite cities BUT now after moving back to Vancouver, Canada, I think I could visit NY but not lived there. I would miss the ocean and mountains too much:)

    What would be really nice is to have a vacation apt in Manhattan, non? { guess I need to win the lottery first}

  38. wooooow love these photos so much

  39. SPEARMINT BABY: I know what you mean...must be a different set of rules when you have kids im sure!

    As for Blogfest, hard to say since i only went for one day. I enjoyed it but it was a bit more drawn out than i was hoping for. Would i go again? Maybe... mainly because the event ticket price was so affordable. :)

  40. LETICIA: Lucky you! Have a great move, I know you're excited about it!

  41. CHIC COASTAL LIVING: No kidding..i love nyc in the winter, especially when the first drop of snow hits! :)))

  42. HANNAH WILLIAMS: I got your email about the church...i was so busy and bombarded before i left I never got back to you! So sorry. It's so cool that you live in NYC. I would probably feel like you as well if we moved back - we basically live in suburbia now so adjusting would take some time. Im a city girl, so hopefully it wont take that long :))
    If I ever move back I surely want to check out the church you go to. thanks! XOXO!!

  43. NAOMI: Yea, its a mirror in the shower ha! I thought it was pretty funky when i saw it...

  44. BARBARA: Having a vacation apt. in NYC would be ideal. It would surely save LOTS of money...!! agree. :)

  45. this makes me miss new york.. my old home.. everything thing there is beautiful - even when its not

  46. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    I love the balcony, it's so darling! x

  47. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    you lucky dog! goooorgeous!

  48. beautiful, that balcony is the real deal!

  49. I love that balcony!

    I've never been to New York but have always wanted to visit.

  50. Great hotel room! I can't believe the standard comes with that balcony. I've lived in the city for the past 5 years and it still is my dream city, bc all my dreams come true here. Next time you are in NYC let me know, I live in Soho right by Kate Spade!


  51. I've never been but I would love to go! I might be going for my 21st so hopefully that works out :D

  52. Wow looks like you got a very nice room!! Hope you had fun in NYC

  53. How fantastic that you got the room with that fab balcony! Looking forward to hearing about the Kate Spade shop!:)

  54. My hubby and I just stayed at The Royalton for our Anniversary a month ago! Wish we would have known about your room!! Our room was still amazing with a fireplace and huge round tub :-) Would have loved your view though! Did you dine there at all? We ended up having brunch bc it was raining so hard one day and it was so delicious we went back the next! NYC is amazing...glad you had a great time!


  55. I'm not from New York City, I loved it and love it, and I loved this hotel, it is fabulous!

  56. I live in New York City and I do live it. Although, I live in the Bronx it is still NYC.. just 5 minutes off the island. Which is great. The reason it is great is because I don't have to deal with the day to day annoyances of the city, but can get down there SOO quickly. I'm in the city atleast 3-4 times a week. However when I worked there.. I hated it!

  57. I'm born and raised in NY but living in Amsterdam (the original-heh) now. I was looking at some of your other posts and didn't realize Gordon Ramsey had a restaurant at the London. I worked across the street for 2 years! tsk tsk. The failures of a native, I guess.

    Anyway, that room is AMAZEBALLS! All that for a standard? It's beautiful. Keeping in my "must stay" list.


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