MY Guy & Valentine's Day...(Via Made By Girl)

There's something really SPECIAL about a man who shows his LOVE for a woman. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to marry a 'GOOD' man who showed the world he loved me. I went through MANY CRUSHES including one on SPIDERMAN - that never went anywhere!

Oh yes & RICKY Schroder, remember him?!?! (Silver Spoons). I even wrote Ricky a letter letting him know that I LOVED him & I was the girl for him. In fact, I even I told him I wanted to MARRY HIM! I mailed that letter one summer & never heard back....guess he didn't  feel the same way. 

Well, all my CRUSHES weren't TV guys, they also extended into real life. The REAL LIFE crushes I had were just that, crushes. I'd fall in love (usually from a distance, cause I was super shy) & the guy wouldn't even know it. Ever gone through that?!? That's the worst.  That happened to me for about 4 years in HIGH SCHOOL. The day I finally got the COURAGE to tell him I "REALLY REALLY REALLY" liked him, he was already taken. Figures.   

Needless to say, I learned MY LESSON that day:  always seize the moment.

These days I can rest assured that I no longer have to feel that feeling of having my heart broken or being told we aren't compatible....or even the CRAPPY realization that HE chose someone else over me. 

This Valentine's Day I AM LOVED by a man who is not afraid to show it. He goes far & beyond to bring a smile to my face and I'm thankful to God. No matter what field you're in, what type of JOB you have or don't, LOVE is something we all dream about & long for.
The reason I think 'we' still work is because we don't forget to do those little things that most people (after a few years together) take for granted.  That is what helps our LOVE grow....

We've been together for several years now & I still look forward to his arrival from work every afternoon.

When I woke up this morning, he had all these cut outs with the word "LOVE" all over my desk, bed, and bathroom. He's done this in the past & I love it.

This is the 3 layer cake he made me the night before Valentine's Day. I showed him a recipe I saw on Sweetapolita & he told me he was going to make it for me. He sure did!

Ok, it's not the SAME amazing ribbon frosting Rosie used, but his effort was genuine & sweet! It's a butter cream frosting with dark chocolate cake.....& it was delicious! Wish I could share some WITH ALL of you!!

Some of you had asked me if my guy was a chef....he isn't. He did take some culinary courses in college though & his mom is a pastry chef in Hawaii. So, she did teach him a few things....lucky me.

above: I sneaked a quick pic of him (from my iphone)  making my cake....

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you & to my sweet guy xoxo.

-images by jen ramos



  1. So so sweet, Jen. Such a beautiful post. Happy Valentine's day.

  2. Ricky Schroder was my 1st celebrity crush! Ah...Silver Spoons. I still wouldn't mind a train that ran through my mansion.;) Happy Valentines Day!

  3. Fabulous! I think I have asked you this before, but does he have a single brother?? :)

    Glad you had a great Valentine's Day!

  4. Yours is truly a blessed life, indeed! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. What a sweetheart- the cut outs are so sweet and that cake looks delicious! Happy Valentine's! xo

  6. absolute keeper - so happy for you both!

  7. That cake is so pretty! I'll have to try frosting one like that some time. Looks like you're having a good Valentines Day. :) Cheers!

  8. JEN! you lucky lady! what a sweetheart your husband is...put a smile on my face!

    happy valentine's day!


  9. He's so sweet! That cake looks simply amazing! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Jen!
    That cake looks so pretty your guy did a wonderuful job!!
    Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!!

  11. Aw, that's so sweet. My guy doesn't bake, but he surprised me at work with a raspberry-lemon tart from a local bakery.

    Happy Valentine's!

  12. I need to invite you & your guy over to have dinner & cocktails so you both can surreptitiously teach Mr. FC the ways of wooing a woman.

    It could be a bit awkward, yes, but I thrive in awkward situations.

    (We are NOT swingers, so don't be scared.)

    In all seriousness, this is such a sweet post, I got misty-eyed!

  13. You are both truly blessed sweetheart and it is great that you both know it and are grateful for it..the heart that gives ..gathers..and both you hearts truly do.x

  14. It's the little things that count. Happy Valentine's Day Jen.

  15. the. cutest. what a sweet man you have there. congrats on (almost) 13 years!

  16. FRECKLES CHICK: haha that was funny.
    Glad you liked the post...funny thing is my guy had talked about doing a podcast style blog on how to do this kid of thing for women... not sure he has the time though :)

  17. Jen we are lucky and blessed ladies to have such wonderful men in our life. If you have a chance go by and read about my special guy. I think your future is going to look something like mine!! We definitely have keepers!!! Happy Vday to You and your sweetie!! KS

  18. wow, he's a keeper :) a man who baked you a 3-layer cake? so sweet!

  19. Jen!
    Your post was so cute! You´re such a lucky girl, but I´m pretty sure you deserved to find the real love that God has sent you as a present!

  20. MMMm looks delicious and what a beauty.
    My love gave me a visit to the hairdresser.
    Hope you have a nice Valentine's day.

  21. Wow...what a cake!!!! Happy Valentine's Day.

  22. Beautiful cake! Happy Valentine's Jen!

  23. You are one lucky girl, Jen! That cake is above and beyond for sure! What a sweetheart!

  24. How sweet :-) It really is the best to be married to someone you look forward to seeing. I am so blessed to have married someone that I cannot get enough of...I can't wait until I can say we've been together for 13 years! Happy Valentine's Day!

  25. OMG.. so cute!!! You two are very lucky to have each other : ) I prefer cake batter myself hehe.

    By the way, I'm giving away a really cute ring on my blog. You should def. stop by and check it out : )

  26. Happy Valentine's Jen! Such a sweet post. :)

    LOL Silver Spoons! My big 80s crush was on Uncle Jesse.

  27. Oh, man...when I look back at those crushes now, I think 'What WAS I thinking? I use to love Leif Garrett. Have you seen him today?
    You are a very lucky woman, Jen Ramos!
    Extreme Personal Measures

  28. You are one lucky lady to have such a sweet man in your life that loves you!!

    I have been with my guy for 10 years and I am more and more in love with him each and every day!!

    Happy Valentine's Day Jen!! xoxo

  29. OMG Jen, you guys are too cute! It feels good when you finally find that person who makes your heart flutter.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  30. So sweet! What a man!
    ENJOY a love-filled day Jen!

  31. Wow, that cake looks amazing! Hope you two had the loveliest day! x

  32. Oh so sweet your husband made you a cake!
    I am with my boyfriend for 8 years
    And we love eachother more each day.
    We are blessed with love

  33. So sweet and what a pretty cake! Happy Valentine's day :)

  34. You're a lucky girl! I'd be so happy to come home to a cake like that - it's made me so hungry just looking at it, what a great job he did :-)

  35. My goodness! Just when I thought my husband was a GOOD man! Hahaha! I know he is but yours definitely takes the CAKE! LOL! Happy Valentine's day Jen!

  36. awww, Jen what a lovely post.. You are a great person for sharing that with us.. Happy Valentines Day to you both..


  37. Aw, what a sweetie! That cake looks amazing!! Happy Valentines Day! xoxo

  38. Yes Jen, you are VERY lucky to have such a loving guy!! He is amazing, that cake is gorgeous!! He has so much talent too!! Happy Valentines Day, I know you will have a great one!

  39. Your husband is so freaking sweet!! Can't believe he made that cake!! One of the sweetest things my husband has made me was the scavenger hunt he made me play for my Christmas gift, it's in my blog if you want to read it ;)
    Happy Happy Valentine's Jen!

  40. So sweet - that cake looks so good!

  41. That's so sweet! My cutie is away this Vday (in the army) so I'm solo but that's ok as after 9 yrs of dating we're getting married this October:) Happy Vday!

  42. The cake looks perfect. Happy V-Day to everyone.

  43. jen, so so sweet. i too, look forward to my man coming home everyday. its a good thing! tell mr. awesome that the cake he made is amazing! happy valentines :)

  44. I can't even handle how yummy that cake looks!!! Lucky you for finding a good, God-loving man...hold on tight!

  45. awwwwww and he did a wonderful JOB!U r so blessed! my hubby and I have been together for 6 years now.. .and two kids later its the homemade cards and cupcakes that melt my heart! He doesn't rush to the store to buy me balloons and that's what I love...

  46. So sweet. I have a hubby that sounds pretty similar to yours - loves to cook and all. :D Love to see love being celebrated! Happy Valentines Day :)

  47. You are one lucky girl and so is he.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  48. nothing sexier than a guy in the kitchen, you guys are so cute!

  49. I love your love story Jen! And guess what? I just saw Ricky Schroeder at the hotel my hubby and I were staying at for our little anniversary trip in December!

  50. that is soooo sweet!

    your kitchen looks great!


  51. Lucky, lucky you! Very sweet post, too.

  52. such a great valentine's day post...

  53. Happy Valentines Day! I, Like you have been blessed with an amazing husband I feel so loved everyday. I wish you many many more years of the happy feeling when he walks through the door =) It truly is the best...

  54. Seriously HE made that cake?! Keeper for sure:-)

  55. WOW. So impressive. The cake is gorgeous!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    PS - featured a few things from your site on my V-day post. :)

  56. Wow, you lucky lady. That cake is amazing! Such a beautiful colour. I think I'd want to display it forever :) x

  57. Such a wonderful guy!! I totally identify with your story Jen.
    PS. This April will be 13 years for me and my guy too :))
    Happy V-day to you!
    Nancy xo

  58. MARCUS DESIGN/NANCY: Oh dont often see people together this long these im really happy for you guys too! happy vday!

  59. What a keeper you got yourself! Hope you had an amazing Valentine's Day! :)

  60. OMG THAT CAKE!!! He is a total keeper!

  61. Thta looks amazing! What a sweet Valentine's gift :)

  62. 13 years? That's absolutely wonderful! I love the "LOVE" cut-outs and the cake!! It's lovely! I'm glad you had a wonderful Valentine's day!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  63. That cake looks amazing. I need him to come and give my fiance some baking tips. I think if I had a kitchen like yours I would bake a cake everyday! (I would never want to leave)Happy Valentine's Day!

  64. So sweet!! Love this post, Jen - so precious to see the love that you two share!!

  65. How sweet!!!!

  66. beautiful post.. it's so romantic and sweet, you are one of a lucky girl.. thank you for sharing, the cake looks delicious!

  67. Your guy is very romantic! That cake is impressive!

  68. 13 years! Wow, congrats to yall. That is truly inspiring.
    And let's talk about that cake....if my manfriend could bake like that I would be 3X my size! Bless his heart, he tries but he burned fresh spinach...yep, sure did.

  69. That Cake looks amazing and I love the stencil wall.

  70. Wow.... that is some cake. So sweet! I am laughing about Ricky Schroeder. I wrote Kirk Cameron a few letters and joined his fan club back in the day -ha! So glad you had such a nice Valentine's Day and that you are blessed with such a wonderful man!
    xo Trina

  71. What a fantabulous honey you have! Bless you! That cake looks scrumptious! Glad you had an amazing Valentine's day.

  72. What a sweet hubby you have! That cake looks amazing! Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!

  73. This is so freaking adorable! Ok I'm seriously jealous. Does he have a brother, cousin, anyone you could pass my way? ;)

  74. Lucky you ! What a sweetheart.

  75. TO EVERYONE: thank you sooo much for your awesome and generous comments. I had a great VDAY & am super thankful. Also thank you to those who emailed to share links from your vday with me! :))))

  76. oh my goodness girl...what a sweet guy. you are lucky and of course he's especially lucky. you seem like such a genuine, kind person. thanks for all your comments on my blog as well. have a great day!

  77. Awwww!
    I love this post!
    Congrats! I am so happy for you.
    I too met the man of my dreams:-)
    I met him in the elevator of the Palomar Hotel in Philadelphia. During a fire evacuation, met him on the way back up to my room, go figure!
    Love does just happen when it's meant to be.
    Anyhow, I look forward to 13 years plus too, and I too look forward to him coming home as well...
    Thanks Jen for the lovely post!


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