Food: Bison soup

Soup. S-O-U-P. Say it with me... SOUP! Hi friends. It's Heather from The Lovely Cupboard back to share another healthy soup with you today. It's a simple vegetable bison soup that's sure to warm you up on a winter day. If you've never tried bison meat before, here's a little run down on why it deserves a shot in your kitchen. First of all, it has less fat, more protein and more iron than ground beef. (Actually it has almost 1/4 the fat that ground beef does.) 

If you can find organically raised bison,  you'll get the added benefit of hormone and steroid free meat. (Don't even get me started on my love for organics!) As far as taste goes, it has a richer flavor than beef, and some might say it almost has a hint of sweetness to it. I Personally can hardly tell the difference. When you put it in a soup, I would bet most people would never even know it wasn't beef. 

So, if you're convinced and want to try it, here's the shopping list. (Oh, and if you're still a little leery, you can just substitute ground beef in this recipe. No worries!)

              Now That You're Ready to Cook...

1. Start by browning one pound of ground bison in a pan. Drain whatever fat might be left (it won't be much) and set aside.
2. Dice one small yellow onion and mince three cloves of garlic. Saute in your stock pot with olive oil on med heat.
3. While the onions and garlic are heating up, chop carrots, green beans, and potatoes.
4. Add 4 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of your favorite herb blend. If you don't use a blend, try thyme or winter savory. to the garlic and onion mixture.
5. Bring to a boil. Next add 3 bullion cubes. (You could also use 4 cups of beef stock; I just didn't have any at the time I made this.)
5. Reduce heat to medium. Add the bison and your chopped veggies.
6. Simmer on medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
6. Add 1 cup of frozen corn (thawed) and 1 can of stewed tomatoes. Continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes until potatoes cooked through.

This is such a healthy soup that truly is a staple "comfort food". Has anyone ever used bison in their cooking before? How did it work for you?

-Post & images by Heather Freeman



  1. This looks SO good!Perfect for a cold day! Love the blog!

    -Living Mannequin

  2. Oh sign me up. It's super cold and windy here...would be perfect today!

  3. yummm it looks delish! I adore soup {even in summer} I'll try it! have a nice day! xo

  4. This looks great! Also, the photographs are awesome.

  5. Commenting on Joseph Kony. If you read the book " ANother Mans War" by Sam Childers, you will understand who this creep is. The movie came out about Sam called 'Machine Gun Preacher" trying to help these kids. Sam's story is amazing!!! This Kony guy is bad, the story in Uganda is very sad. The movie didn't do well and didn't come to a lot of theaters sadly enough. It would have helped shed a lot of light on this whole situation and how terrible Kony is and worse, who put him in his position! You are wonderful to put this on your blog. God bless you for caring.

  6. Not so sure I've ever come across bison in France! Sounds scrummy :)

    Emma x

  7. thanks ladies! shoot me an email if you make and like it (or hate it:)

  8. Oooh I love bison and this soup looks delic. I must try it

  9. That looks so good!


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