Bravo TV Event & More...

This past Sunday I attended a pre-screening event by BravoTV.  It's for a new show called, Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis! Some of you may remember Jeff, he's a talented house flipper who starred in Flipping Out, also on Bravo! The pre-screening for the new show was hilarious & even though I didn't see the famous Zoila, Jeff didn't disappoint with his humor!

Bravo invited a few bloggers to come out - including myself! They picked each of us up in a decked out NYC Taxi cab. There were 10 taxi cabs & each decorated to impress. I ended up with a beautiful Moroccan-styled one, but there were others like the 60's Mod, Glam, Ski Lodge & more! We had brunch together & I drank plenty of Harney & Sons Chamomile tea, (one of my fave tea brands).

My morning started with a little breakfast made by the husband.

......then the Bravo TV taxi showed up!

Wow, I was shocked when I looked inside!

Floor to ceiling decor...My fave part was def the ceiling.

The floor was just as cute, who would have thought!?!

Did I mention these cab rides were offering FREE RIDES to New Yorkers all day!?!??

Quick peek into the 60's Mod...

the ski lodge...

 awaiting the food at our table....

I spotted this gorgeous horse wallpaper, anyone know where it's from?!

eggs benedict for brunch & apple cobbler dessert!

At the table ...Ashlina is to the right.

In the whole Jeff Lewis spirit, I also got a chance to provide some interior therapy to my sister's little home office! My sister who is based in Colorado & runs a pet sitting company & blog, decided she needed an office makeover. So, we converted her existing closet-office into a much happier space.

I thought I would help her makeover her office with some items Bravo TV sent her way! It's amazing how just a FEW accessories can help transform a space &  make you feel more motivated & inspired! 

Below is the before & after, what do you think??!

Dull & lifeless 

Adding flowers & a vase instantly livens up the space! We also decided to paint the inside of the closet, one shade lighter. Adding a white chair definitely makes the space brighter! 

-all desk images by jea shoots



  1. I love those taxis. Perfect marketing idea.

  2. I love Jeff Lewis!!! He is so hilarious. Can't wait to see Interior Therapy. Glad it was good!!

  3. Ha! Those taxis are great!
    Mmmmm and that food looks yummy. Sounds like an event you wouldn't want to miss!

  4. The taxi looked fantastic, sounded like a great event.

    The wallpaper you mentioned is a Florence Broadhurst pattern. I'm not sure who is creating the wallpaper in the U.S,but the site we've always used for Florence Broadhurst in Australia is

    I've also heard that they have teamed up with Kate Spade and are using the Florence Broadhurst patterns in a fashion line apparently

  5. Oh and I meant to mention the paper is called Horse Stampede.

  6. MATILDAROSE: Brilliant, thanks!! i love it...they had one with a gold tine to it..was so pretty!

  7. Those taxis are amazing! How awesome that you girls were invited... so fab.

  8. This seemed like an awesomely fun day! Those taxi cabs are hilarious. The Moroccan one is so chic! How exciting.

    Vonae Deyshawn

  9. How fun! Those decked out cabs are awesome, what a fantastic idea. Plus the food didn't look too bad either! Yum.


  10. It looks like you had an awesome day!

    The wallpaper is from Florence Broadhurst's 'Blueprints' collection currently only available from Signature Prints in Australia (

    Kate Spade now has one of her wallpaper designs for sale in their decor shop, the 'Japanese Floral' (my personal favourite). There may be more designs to come later in the year.

  11. Oh how fun! What a cool experience and you did a fantastic job on your sister's office space. By the way, you look great :)

  12. Seriously sweet ride Jen! Love the Moroccan vibe.
    And what a fab revamp you did to your sister's closet. Such sweet touches. xo

  13. This looks like so much fun! What a neat opportunity! Aren't you glad you moved to NY!?! Those cabs are awesome!

  14. Dying...the cabs, the food, your sister's sweet little it all!xx

  15. Those cabs are crazy amazing!

    You did a great job with your sisters office. I love that it's in a closet and that you painted the walls and chair!

  16. What fun! If you are interested in more Florence Broadhurst -Ive linked to a book which is just gorgeous. Apart from looking beautiful in itself and having a heap of sample prints - the story of Florence is surprising (sometimes shocking!) and beautiful.

  17. LINDA: aaaah thank you! I'll have to look to getting this book. I had one of hers, i think i may have given it away before my move. Had too many to keep..thanks for the link!

  18. what a fun experience for you :) thanks for sharing, the taxi cab pics are fun!

  19. Those cabs are a kick! I'm a new follower, hope you stop by and check out my blog:)

  20. So jealous! I adore Jeff Lewis and cannot get enough of his dry wit...can't wait for the new show! Love your sisters closet/office...I really want that vase

  21. Great post, congrats on re-vamped working space.

  22. That is fantastic! I would have loved to ride in that cab! What a fun event, thanks for sharing!

  23. What a blast. I just love the maid on that show. Cracks me up! That wallpaper is from Florence Broadhurst my obsession of late. Using her wallpapers in new look Aloha Chic that launches Thursday.

  24. OMG! I am SO jealous. I LOVE Jeff Lewis. He is so amazing and funny. You are so lucky. Plus I love your before and after. So great :)

  25. Karen Walker also used the Horse Stampede print a few years ago for her fashion lie

  26. You have a wonderful blog! I wish one day to achieve even a fraction of what you have! :)

  27. That cab is amazing! I've never seen anything like that perfect. Very unique idea.

  28. That is one pimped out car!!!

  29. Looks great!

    I'd love if you had a sec to check out my newest restaurant review post via Tulips&Tulle!

  30. The change is amazing!

  31. What a cool cab idea & free rides in NYC wow! The event looks like it was fun...

  32. YOUR SISTERS PLACE GOT SO CUTE!!!! that event was so fun. lets do more!!!!!!

  33. Such a fun post! Love what you didmtomyour sisters office... Do you mind sharing where you found the vase? I love it!!!

  34. FALLON: The vase is caled the square ribbon vase , its from MOMA. :)

  35. Yes - the horse stampede wallpaper was originally designed by the gorgeously talented Australian designer Florence Broadhurst who rose to fame in the 50s and 60s. Her life makes for an amazing read. I can't recommend this book enough:

  36. Yes - the horse stampede wallpaper was originally designed by the gorgeously talented Australian designer Florence Broadhurst who rose to fame in the 50s and 60s. Her life makes for an amazing read. I can't recommend this book enough:


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