Calypso Home in NYC....

Hi again!  It's been so busy around here. Sometimes, I stop & wonder how I manage to do all the things I do.  Many days, I'm EXHAUSTED...& on top of work, I've been dealing with a lot of personal things lately, some good, some bad...I wish I could tell you EVERYTHING that's going on right now, but it would take an entire post & I'm not even sure I'm ready. Praying that God will guide us in the right direction is all we can do. Either way, the show must go on & work is what we do, right? So, here I go, doing what I LOVE to do, write. 
Today, I wanted to introduce you to a wonderful shop here in Manhattan called Calypso Home

I'm sure many of you New Yorkers already know this cool little place, but for those who don't.... it's one of my favorite stores along with Lillian August, so if you're headed to NYC - you must stop at both! Take a look at all the goodies they have for the home!

-images by jen ramos

407 Broome Street 
New York, NY 10013



  1. I absolutely love this store and had the pleasure of visiting while I was in NYC last fall. The pillows are amazing and I love the zebra image!

  2. They have one a mile from my house at the Brent wood Country Mart, here in LA! I swoon over everything, everytime i walk in there! lucky to have in nyc :)

  3. Why oh why don't we have some funky shops like this in Perth Australia? Drives me insane with jealousy!

  4. Why oh why don't we have some funky shops like this in Perth Australia? Drives me insane with jealousy!

  5. Hello my darling,

    I sure hope everything is ok... I have an inkling what it might be as we have talked about in the passed... I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. I hope you are enjoying your new adventure in NYC. Sending you and Mat much love and light... Son x

  6. love that pink pouf chair! i'd love to make one of those for my room!

  7. I hope everything works out for you soon, Jen. These things take time, I guess.

    Thanks for sharing. I can't get enough of that gorgeous zebra painting!

  8. So can I just give you my wish list right now!!! I am definitely putting that on my list of places to go next time I visit NYC!!!

  9. Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous store! I want to visit!

  10. Ahhh I am searching for unique and modern pieces for our new place, and this store looks amazing! Too bad I live in Toronto. I want everything!

  11. Love that industrial desk paired with the plushy feminine pouf. Great store! Keep smil'n!

  12. Wow, I envy that NY has all these amazing shops! Putting this on my list for when we finally make it out there. Thanks for sharing! Loving the zebra painting.

    Hope everything will turn out fine for you soon Jen.

  13. I love the Zebra Frame and the zig zag tray!!! BEAUTIFUL :)

  14. We were there last time we took a design trip to NYC and it is the most amazing store. That chevron tray and box is so dieee for. It is hard to go in there without spending any money! Did you pick up anything for your new place?

  15. love all of the rustic wood. and that moroccan wedding blanket is so gorgeous!

  16. One of the main reasons I love your blog posts is not only the amazing posts and images you have to share, but the fact you mention God throughout the rest of your blog. You're inspiring and one of the few humble women in the 'blogging world' I've gotten to know through reading your blog daily. Thanks for being an inspiration Jen! -Anne Marie

  17. We have one in Dallas as well and I just go in and stare!! It's so gorge!! I bought my Moroccan Wedding blanket there and surprisingly it was the most reasonable one I could find!! xoxo Elizabeth

  18. What a great store. Love an eclectic store!


  19. ANN MARIE:
    Aw thanks ... such a nice thing to say. I am not ashamed or concerned about mentioning the Lord in any post I write :)
    Have a nice day! xox!

  20. tied with a bouw - thank you for your concern Sonya, things picked up today thank God :)

  21. Aww, praying for you! On a happier note, I can't get enough of those sparkly pigs! I wish I could get one because I know it would make me smile every time I saw it!

  22. Love this store and the online version. I hope your personal stuff is resolved in the way you need! Praying for you...
    xoxo -e (modern24seven)

  23. Wow. So many things in those photos that I saw on my wanted list. But I did score an elephant side table for $24.99 that I can check off my list from those pix.

  24. Wow so pretty!
    Sending you positive vibes...hope all is well & sure it will all work out.

  25. Jen,
    You are inspiring not only with your decor and style but also with your faith! Know that your loyal fans are also your prayer warriors and lifting you up in prayer during this difficult time for you. May you feel His presence and grace this weekend... Take some time to rest!
    Oh and I can't wait to visit calypso home when in NYC in a few weeks. Thanks!!! Xoxo

  26. This looks like an amazing home decor store. I love all the pretty variety of throw pillows they offer. I'm a total decorative pillow hoarder. I replace mine every few months and have been slowly taking over the shed with throw pillows. I would def say I have a problem. : )

    Vonae Deyshawn

  27. I agree, one of my favourite shops-
    love Calypso's clothing too.

  28. Just booked flights to NYC today!...These two addressed are going in the address book right now!...Thanks heaps and be blessed!...Bronnie

  29. Looks gooood! I'll be adding this to my 'stores to visit in NYC' list for when I visit NYC next month. Yay and thanks.


  30. Hi Jen,
    Just wanted to say bless you in all your coming and goings, and all that is in your heart. You are a phenomenal blogger and artist. I read your March 23rd blog and funny...I was and am going through the same emotions you described. So reading your blog on my third day of fasting and reading the book of Esther on march 23and march 24' I knew with even the lows of this time that God has us both. Stay in the game of life! Jen I am thankful for our journey! If you get a chance read my blog, I am a newbie!

    God speed, Karen M Jenkins

  31. First off, I hope you are ok. I have both of these shops on my list for my upcoming trip in May. Cannot wait! It's been at least 6 years ago since I was last there. Far too long! Would love to meet up with you when I'm in NYC if you have time! xo

  32. Oh this store is fantastic! I could spend lots of time in there...

    Well, I know whatever you are facing it's nothing our God can't handle =)
    Have a good weekend...

  33. hummina hummina hummina!!! I adore this!

  34. This shop is going on my list of places to visit if I ever come to NY!! xo

  35. Sorry to read that things are tough at the moment.

  36. Great place to shop:)

  37. what a great place to shop:)

    My blog

  38. MICHELE: Ha! i used to say the same thing when i lived in las vegas!

  39. PEAK: Nope not yet! wasn't going home time i will!

  40. What a beautiful store! Thanks so much for sharing the pics. Sorry to hear you are having a tough time, sending you warm wishes that everything works out for you very soon x

  41. This store just looks like a little piece of heaven! I've always wanted to hang a cowhide on the wall! Looks fabulous!


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