Stark White or Not?.... (via Made by Girl)

To me, a white home isn't's actually a blank canvas. I LOVE art... as many of you already know and having white walls just highlights colorful pieces that much better! Just imagine a large canvas, with gorgeous colors on a white wall....nice! Of course, that is my opinion. This home via Mixr takes me back to that ideal home that I dream about. 

So, how about you?? Are your home walls neutral, colorful or all white? Do you find this home to be too stark white?

images via mixr



  1. that looks gorgeous, but i bet in my house it would just look unfinished!

  2. I totally agree with you. I love a white house, makes it bigger, fresh and clean. But of course then there is some "life" missing, and that would be the colored canvases on the walls! (And some vases with flowers :-).

  3. I love the white walls! I think it's really elegant and definitely classy!

  4. I completely agree...there is no better way to display colorful, provoking art then by placing it against a white backdrop...What's more is that other household decor items also stand out as a semi piece of art...Can you image a Trina Turk pillow against a white back drop? Gorgeous!

  5. I'm an all white walls person. Not a single colored wall in my home. I love it!

  6. You know what, I LOVE it! (probably because it's Scandinavian Chic ;))

    At home, we do have a pretty neutral palette, but actually not a single, white wall..

    Great post!


  7. I feel that it's too much white. I agree that white walls can make your art "pop" however when I look at this house I feel like I would walk in and stand still as to not mess anything up. It doesn't feel homey at all. I'm not a fan.

  8. All I can think about is how many swiffer dusters I would need to own...

  9. Thanks for stopping by over the weekend, Jen! I love that space with the zebra print rug! Hope your weekend was FAB! xo

  10. White walls all the way! (but a lot of neutrals when it comes to furniture) I love white!

  11. I am a white wall person. The few times I have tried a color I have grown tired of it within a few months.

  12. I'm just not a stark white kinda girl. I can appreciate the simplicity and beauty of such spaces. But, I just couldn't have one. A little too sterile for me.

  13. i love the fresh, clean appearance of white but i think it's a little overboard. i don't think it's too practical either. white on white can to beautiful but not when it's a "white out," if you know what I mean. That's just my opinion though.

  14. Well one thing is for sure, the art pops like crazy against such stark white backdrops!! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing.
    Nancy xo

  15. LAUREN: i REALIZE not everyone is a fan of white walls...and maybe this particular home looks even more white in these pics...but it's STILL gorgeous. :)

    i love all white walls....but not every little detail in this particular space below excites me. I can understand what you mean by white out though.... :)

  17. Oh my gosh! They look so pretty and i love white. White rooms, white mobilephone,.. everything what is white. :P Just today my dad and I painted my closet, commode and my mirrors in white of course. :D

    Now I need new knobs and it'll be perfect. I would feel comfortable to live in a "stark" white house. ♥

  18. White is so clean and simple, I love it! BUT it isn't my style, I need lots and lots of color:-)

  19. Too stark for my taste but LOVE the animal skin and the Return of Saturn print!

  20. Love it! But I must admit- I'd fill it with much more art & colorful objects!

  21. I would never paint my walls any other colour, but like you say, its a blank canvas to display loads of art - otherwise it just looks unfinished..

  22. Yes stark white and not!! love them both. I do a post every wednesday. White HOt WEDNESDAy :-) so im bias! haha

  23. Oh I lovvve white interiors!!
    A space filled with lots of bright light and white surfaces make me happy :)


  24. While I really love a white or light neutral canvas to play with, I have to be honest: I'm starting to tire of all the white!

  25. I love how it looks in pictures ...but I need some more color in my own space.

  26. I like. My walls are silver, gray python, white and black... All make for really good backdrops to art as well...

  27. I definitely find photos of white homes simply stunning...especially if they have great wall art! But i'm not sure if I could live in an all white home myself. I love color :)

    Well I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm hosting a great giveaway on my page, just in case you wanted to enter!

    United States cutting board by AHeirloom;


  28. This home looks really clean and pretty, I think white looks great in spaces with a lot of natural light.

    But generally I prefer color on the walls, not strong bright colors, but neutrals.

    I actually think art looks better on a neutral wall, as a bright white wall competes with the art.

    Then again, all gallery walls are white, so it must be something to it.. =)

  29. really perfect! already i love white :)

  30. I love it and what amazing artwork! I'm going grey but these pics really look gorgeous!

  31. Oddly I've always avoided painting my walls white yet when I started keeping an inspiration file I noticed that 90% of the rooms were white with bold art and accessories. It actually really surprised me!

  32. I LOVE white. But my house is old and ugly and I use paint to distract:)

    One day when we build a new house, things will be white.

  33. I can completely appreciate this and the effect they are works with the art and all but it is far too antiseptic for my personal taste. And let's face it..I have kids and this makes me LOL as my space would be white, black and brown in no time!=0)

  34. i recognised it imediatly and went back to check the mentioned site. this is the home of dutch interior designer Jan de Bouvrie en Monique de Bouvrie. He is famous because of his whity interior and style!
    regards from holland. sonia

  35. SZ/SONIA: Ahhh ok...he is great, will definitely feature him thanks!OXO!

  36. SWEETSY: Yea it's probably not the best space for kids unless you have several housekeepers...ha! :)

  37. the LENNOXX: Hmmm Very gallery walls..must be something to it )

  38. it's nice to look at but i would go crazy, i need stuff with color in my house . i do like the idea of white walls with artwork though.

  39. Do you have any idea where the table in picture #1 is from? It's fabulous!

  40. I seem to be a minority on this blog comment list....too stark (and cold) ith a capital 'S'.
    I love color!

  41. Very beautiful. Love the white. Makes it much easier to change things around when your walls are white!


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