Parker & Rain Trays

Friday is here & I'm so glad and hope to relax a bit, but first I'd like to tell you about a little shop I came across called, Parker & Rain. They offer a variety of interesting & colorful trays for the home. Trays are great for organizing...don't you think??

Tips for using trays effectively would be:

Place them in entryways - there you can place the small items you bring in from outside, such as keys, sunglasses and so on. 

Use trays for perfumes -  This is a fantastic way to keep all my perfumes in one spot. It gives me a full display so I could see what I want to spray on.

Add your jewelry items in them- this is also something I'd recommend if you don't have a ton of jewelry and can easily be displayed. The key is to place each piece of jewelry in a way that each piece can be seen. Sort of like in a jewelry store. Get the picture?

I have a total of 3 trays in my current place, and each one has a different use, but definitely helps keep things organized & in place. These ones are fun & would surely add interest to any area of your home!  

Parker & Rain is offering 20% to MadeByGirl readers - just use the discount code: MADEBYGIRL


How else do you use trays in your home??



  1. love those flamingos! how cute! have a great weekend, shari

  2. AnonymousJuly 27, 2012

    Oh my...I'm totally crushing over that yellow one. Love it!

  3. I really love the flamingo one-- thanks for the intro! Have a lovely weekend!!

  4. AnonymousJuly 27, 2012

    I love all these trays! And I love your idea of putting all my perfumes on it! x

    Kate {Modette}

  5. I love trays! My post on Tuesday was all about trays, you can check it out here:

    Have a great weekend, Jen!


  6. I love acrylic trays too! The flamingos are so cute!!


  7. gorgeous!! Kisses, Zé Pedro

  8. I love trays for keeping things organized.I have one on each coffee table in my house to corral books, remotes etc. I also have a small one for my perfume collection and one on the counter for oils, vinegars salt and pepper etc.

  9. the nice thing about trays is you can change them up easily, like pillows and instantly change your decor

  10. love the designs on all of these! thanks for sharing! These are a great catch all for all of the nick knacks from pockets and change! thx for sharing!

  11. The prints of these trays is so beautiful that i think i would put them on the wall!

  12. AnonymousJuly 28, 2012

    This is an excellent idea!!! I've seen quite some people using these trays and it makes such a difference and gives a lot of organization!

    I lovee the trays that you've selected in this post, especially the purple and blue one!!!

    You've inspired me again! I gotta first go out and buy a tray and then think of how to do my tray, lol


  13. I am hooked as well. I love the flamingoes and the 2 pink dogs facing each other. Really enjoying this blog as I feel a tiny bit of New York coming into my life even though i live so far away.
    Mrs B xxx

  14. AnonymousJuly 28, 2012

    I adore trays like these, they just work for so many things! Absolutely love the flamingo one.

  15. Super cute trays!!

  16. Great ideas!!! Love the flamingo one!

  17. I LOVE trays! In fact, I recently blogged about the trays I have in my home. Check it out here:

    I have one on my coffee table, one in my closet for my perfumes and one on my dresser for my hubby's knick knacks.


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at