Mary Magdalene Charity Design Project

Generosity is the quality my husband says he finds most attractive about me. I enjoy giving & helping those in need whenever the opportunity arises.  I also like hearing about people who take time to give back & lend a hand to those who are less fortunate. 

Designer, Vanessa De Vargas has done just that with her most recent design charity for the Mary Magdalene Project. She was brought onto this project by Hartman House - a non profit company who rehabs homes in the US & in other countries.

Looking for local charities to help they reached out to the Mary Magdalene project, which is a safe home for women who are victims of sex trafficking in L.A.

The home needed a major redo - everything was OLD. Hartman House brought Vanessa in to do this project.  She, along with Jordan Cappella, completed the decor in just 4 days! Several vendors came in with donations & this was the result of their work! I can imagine this put a SMILE on so many of the women's faces. 

Great job, don't you think?

-images by Erika Bierman

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. - Deuteronomy 16:17



  1. What a blessing to those women! Thank you for sharing.

  2. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012

    A great cause and the interior looks so stylish.

  3. It's beautiful Jen!! And very apt verse.

  4. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012

    What a beautiful post! Love the interiors, love the project, love this designer's generosity! xo

  5. I had never ever thought of using a yellow curtain, thanks for the inspiration....and the quilts in polka looks amazing too, thanks again for sharing it.
    XOXO :)

  6. Oh wow! Amazing details!

  7. What a beautiful safe place for the women! The vendors did a wonderful job!

  8. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful! Also great to see designers using their talents to honor Christ!

  9. What an amazing cause and to have had the opportunity to share in it is such a blessing as well. I love that mirror in the first pic. Such a great place to come and find some safety.
    Thanks for the share Jen.

  10. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012

    Wow! That's amazing!! What a fantastic thing to do! Thank you for sharing xoxo Elizabeth

  11. Amazing post! Such a blessing to hear of people giving to those in need and the verse fits perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Turned out beautiful! Very thoughtful.

  13. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012

    What a talented lady!! Love her work!

  14. It looks really amazing! And what a great cause! Thanks for this uplifting post, its so nice to see people using their talents to benefit others:)

  15. Wow, and in only 4 days!

  16. That is such a touching story and a great cause. Everyone deserves a safe and beautiful place to live and rest their head at night so they can dream of a brighter future. Very inspiring.

  17. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012

    I am a huge fan of Vanessa and the way she never hesitates to help the less fortunate. I had the honor of donating a few prints to her Women's shelter project. So inspired by all of you women :)

  18. Beautiful job. There's a home here in Miami that will be fixed up soon to help women who have been hurt by the same thing. I hope I can help with the renovation.

  19. This is one of those posts that just touches the soul. We should all take a leaf out of her book and look to help others. xxx

  20. I'm so with you. Always nice to give back. It's especially important in this day and age. It's a beautiful space - so well done. I love it.

  21. Thank you all for the wonderful comments and thank you Jen for posting the Mary Magdalene Charity Design Project on your blog. I really do appreciate it. I hope that you all can take a little time to donate or find projects like this where you live. You would be surprised how many facilitates there are and how many desperately need the help. Best to you all! ~Vanessa

  22. turquoise: thank you Vanessa, well said. I agree, we all should find time to give to others in anyway we can. :)

  23. What a beautifully written post. How inspirational! Wonderful photographs.There is such goodness in the world and thank you for sharing it!

  24. What a fabulous project, the house looks gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this :)


  25. I love-love and love
    that good interior very nice

  26. AnonymousJuly 12, 2012

    I really love the mirror of the first photo! Where can I find it, do you know?
    I found something like that, but it's not the same...

  27. What a gorgeous place!

  28. What a gorgeous place!

  29. love the floral wallpaper!

  30. love that polka dot bedding! wonderful graphic pops throughout!

  31. the church of mary magdalene is one of my favorite churches in jerusalem - it's absolutely beautiful. and i love that the designers didn't skimp on anything- such a gorgeous and cheerful space!


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