Zinc Door

Welcome back everyone! How was your weekend? Anything wonderful happen to you?? 

For me, I had a lovely weekend! There's so much going on with both MadeByGirl & Cocoa & Hearts. I've been painting & shooting paintings as well as re-designing my main entire site, MadeByGirl - (probably blog too)! Then of course there's my personal life.... found a new church here in NYC that suits us both a bit more (I hope), so we shall see what happens.
So, this Monday morning I wanted to share a super cool store called Zinc Door. The shop is run by two talented ladies, Wendy Rossiter Estes & Tiffany Grayce Harris. 

These ladies created the popular shop, Layla Grayce where they highlight their passion for traditional, European, cottage and coastal decor. This time around their shop Zinc Door brings us classics with an updated edge... which is totally my style! In fact, if I had money to burn, I'd furnish my entire place with Zinc Door

-images via zinc door



  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    Sounds like a lovely, but very busy weekend!! I love the look of that black velvet bench. x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  2. love that velvet bench so much, reminds me of my moms dressing chair


  3. Everything is GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see the new website design :-)

  4. Zinc Door is very chic, I love it! Have a great week.

  5. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can't wait to see your new website and blog design. That's great that you found a new church home.

    Thanks for sharing this great website!
    XO Wil Harris

  7. Gorgeous furniture!
    Wow it seems like everyone is redesigning their sites, emily at cupcakes and cashmere, crystal moved from plush palate to her own site, coco&kelley might be changing stuff to it seems, wow everyone is in the reno mode! Looking forward to seeing what you do.

  8. Ooh--love the lamp with the black shade! Happy to hear you found a new church, too!

    Can't wait to see the new web and blog designs... I am sure they will be fabulous!


  9. WIL HARRIS, I'm excited, me too!

  10. Thanks for sharing! Love the clean, modern aesthetic of these pieces.

  11. Finding a church you both like is huge- hasn't happened here yet:( so excited for the changes happening for you!

  12. MEGAN: i know how you feel. We were very involved in our church back in las vegas- so coming here we immediately felt a void. We hope this is the church for us...praying that it is. I say Pray for a church for your family...always amazing to be around others in Faith. All the best to you!

  13. love all of these! what great picks.

  14. So glad you found Zinc Door! I discovered it through Layla Grace and recently won a $500 gift certificate through a Pinterest contest they hosted. Now my only problem is deciding what to do with it! I love everything on the site, it's too hard to choose.


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com