LEGO Event at the Novogratz Home...

Hello! How is everyone? I swear, I'm so exhausted. Had family in town & stayed up too late. You know how that goes I'm sure. 

Well, I've been meaning to post about this event I attended on May 17th with LEGO friends & the Novogratz here in NYC. I ended up taking my NEW assistant with me, whom I hired a couple days prior, what a great first day of work no?! It was all about how to unleash a child's creativity. Cortney & Robert as well as a few others spoke about how a room DESIGN can inspire a child's imagination, and I very much believe this is true.  In fact we all agreed that EVERY child should be engaged in the home's design in some way or another.

Lego friends explained how boys like to play outside of what they build & how little girls prefer to explore the inside of the home. Coming from a family with both brother & sisters, I can say this is pretty ACCURATE. I loved decorating the inside of the doll house while my brother loved taking action figures & so on & then build forts around it! 

They also went on to explain how in a survey they performed, 71% of parents said that the interiors of the home did make a difference in the creative development of the child. Robert & Cortney also mentioned how they believe art should play a big role in EVERY room of the home. Basically ending it with saying, more art, less toys. I love this concept, I find toys to be a waste of space & money and unless it will stimulate the child's brain somehow, it's pretty much USELESS. Of course, that is my opinion...

On another note, while I was there, I chatted with Robert & Cortney. They are super relaxed and down to earth people - Cortney told me to roam around her home & show myself around...

So, I decided to shoot some areas that really caught my eye & bring it here to share with you. Their place is mind blowing.  Full of color, edgy details and just a whole lot of fun stuff!  Their kids were pretty cool too. 

I gave Tallulah Novogratz the gold CROSS bracelet I was wearing, she loved it. Those are the same ones that will soon be on sale on Made By Girl! Hope you enjoy this post! 


-images by jen ramos



  1. I love them - especially when their show was on Bravo.

    Gorgeous pics of their home! - plus
    I want all of Cortney's jewelry : ) She has such great personal style too!

    Looks like it was an amazing day!

  2. Thanks for sharing their home. It is such a fun space, so unique! Having kids myself, I can see that would be an incredible place to grow up! I love the whimsical play in each room.

  3. OH I love them! That's so cool that you got to meet them and hang out in their space. I have been wondering lately about their HGTV show... Did that go away? I was enjoying it.

  4. I managed to catch a few episodes of nine by design a few years ago when I was in the US and was totally hooked! Thanks for such a great post and allowing us a sneak peak inside their beautiful home xx

  5. JORDAN, They just finished filming their new HGTV shows...should be airing soon! :)

  6. I'm a HUGE Novogratz fan!

    Thank you for confirming that they are super cool lovely people who have a welcoming home. The real deal.

    There are so many takeaways from your photos. Personal photos make you see a room so differently than styled shots. Really fantastic.

  7. Looks like such a cool event. I really like the skull bracelet pictured in one of the last images. Can't wait for their new show on HGTV, such a fan :)

  8. Looks like such a cool event. I really like the skull bracelet pictured in one of the last images. Can't wait for their new show on HGTV, such a fan :)

  9. JACKIE: The skull bracelet is on my arm, its by Sisco + berluti :)

  10. That looked like so much fun! And thanks for the insider-sneak-peek into their home! I LOVE their style!

  11. Ok where do I begin here?? What an a amazing opportunity to be able to check their house and take pictures and share that incredible "behind the scenes" with us! Wow.
    Can we talk about those mini sandwiches? So freaking cute, what a great idea.
    Lastly, LOVE that bracelet, will anxiously wait for it ;)

  12. I love this home! Full of vibrant colors and I love the lego formations. The staircase is awesome too.

    You look fabulous, Jen. Love your smile! ;-)

  13. What a CRAZY awesome home to grow up in. And as a side note, oh my gosh, you are extremely beautiful. That's one lucky husband of yours. :)

  14. Hi Jen,
    First...we missed you at Blogfest this week...I remember meeting you on the 44th floor that first night with my friend Sue of The Zhush.

    Second, as the mom or two young boys who L.O.V.E. Legos....this is so confirming. We have far fewer toys than many of their friends but Legos abound, as well as their guitar, drum set and art and books. This encourages me to keep that up. The Novogratzs are SO inspiring, especially when it comes to family living.

    Third....I am just wrapping up an 8 month renovation of our home and have had your gold LOVE print framed and finally found the perfect spot for it...right by the door to our mudroom, which is quickly replacing our front door as the main entry/exit to our home. I'll send you a pic separately, but just wanted to mention it!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  15. Wow they`ve got such a great place! I love their bathroom. Awesome. And sweet of you to give away your bracelet. btw, it was the same with me and my brother - decorated the inside of my dolls house while my bro played with his star wars action figures attacking each other.


  16. What an eclectic and beautiful home! Looks like you had fun!

    Cheers, Elizabeth @ The Corner Apartment

  17. Wow! Lucky you! I love them, love their life, their kids, their designs and home!!! Great pictures....such a cool place to be!!!

  18. Wow, such a cool home! And it's great to hear different philosophies on life and parenting. Not a parent yet, but always pay attention to these little tips!

  19. You lucky thing, and your assistant is extremely lucky, she will be fetching you coffees and your drycleaning for months after this experience. What I especially notice about these pictures are the big statement light fittings - its worth spending the dollars on these when they create such an impact on the room.

  20. I am beyond envious that you got to tour and photograph their home. What an incredible home for their kids to grow up in. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  21. What color is that pink nail polish? I love it! Thanks!

  22. What color is that pink nail polish? I love it! Thanks!

  23. The pics of their home are amazing!! And I so love your shoes and all your arm candy! Can't wait for the cross bracelet to come out. I have been wanting one like that :) Thanks Jen.

    Peace & Blessings,

  24. oh I certainly enjoyed your post. thank you!

  25. How lucky are you?!? Thanks for sharing! I've loved them since 9 by design and continue to oogle over everything they do to this day! Their home is amazing!

  26. I will agree about the fewer toys concept. Our first set of kids had toys everywhere. It was awful. They are teens and we have a 3 year-old. She has a manageable amount of toys, most with no batteries. Our neighbors think there is something wrong with us, lol! Our daughter is super creative and easy to entertain as a result.

  27. Wow. The home is pretty and edgy, But waaaay to busy for me. I would be stressed all the time with looking at all the stuff all day long.

  28. Coolest house ever!!!! Perfect NY place, and I've always loved them and their big family and quirky life style. How fun for you to have been there.

  29. wow - amazing! i am SO happy to see their home. it looks so much more real thru your lens than on tv. how were they? were they fun and welcoming?

  30. AnonymousMay 25, 2012

    What a great home,or better yet GIGANTIC dream home especially for New Yorkers!!

  31. i miss their show(s)! love that house.

  32. this is so cool, I drive by their place in a cab all the time (I just live down the street from them) and I always have wanted to see the inside. Thanks for sharing!

  33. Ooo! I've been following those two for a few years now. One of my favorite homes in the city is one they did on Centre Market Place. Thanks so much for the look into their new home. I've passed by it before- love it. ps. so jealous of these events. What a fun day- Legos and the Novogratz!

  34. this isnt the house they were selling is it?? So quirky and fun

  35. Wow! Great pictures! So unique and pretty!

  36. I love the Novagratz's! Loved seeing their personal style in their home.

  37. I wish I was there to attend the event! I would never think that a LEGO party would look so fun and fashionable. That house is so wonderfully designed and decorated. And that view - now that's spectacular. Amazing artwork and architecture, that's for sure.


  38. Whoa, that home is so flippin' cool!!!

    And those mini grilled cheese sandwiches...? Incredible. Embarrassingly I'd probably eat 12 dozen. Worth it.

    PS -- Love that mish-mash of bracelets. Cute :]

  39. I like the way those Novogratz's think! I just had to tell you, the photo of you on the stairs is really beautiful.. and you wore your painted shoes! Super cute!

  40. brigitte: Yes! i wore the painted shoes...thank you for noticing! :) Thanks for the compliment too!

  41. Your shoes. OMG. And the house, gorgeous.

  42. Words can not describe how jealous I am! I loved their Bravo show...such a great, fun family!

  43. I chanced upon your blog and found your posts inspiring! Will be checking out your Etsy shop and following you! Keep writing! :)

  44. wow stunning house! and all the lego pieces are so adorable! great post!

  45. Wow Jen! I am going bananas that you met them. They just seem so cool, and their family somehow feels effortlessly chic. You are living the dream in NYC girlie!

  46. Wow how much fun you got to experience their cool lifestyle from up close! I am jealous...

    Hugs & kisses from South Florida,

  47. I love how courageous they are abour colors and textures! Thanks for the photos, they show theit style much better than photographs from magazines.


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