Traditional Home Party in NYC

Last Night I attended the Traditional Home party at the New York Design center

Mingling here & there, which I'm not very good at by the way....I came across many beautiful furnishings! I photographed several for all of you to see! So much eye-candy, I wanted to take it all home! Too bad I don't have anymore space! They served up several interesting cocktails but I loved the cucumber mojitos (with cucumber pulp) they were so tasty.... & I don't even drink! 
While at the party I met up with Naomi of Design Manifest, Ashlina of The Decorista, Crystal editor of Rue Magazine & finally met Michelle Adams editor of Lonny Magazine, which I accidentally called Michelle Williams on Twitter! Ugh, I'm so crazy, sorry! Perhaps it was the loud Indian music blasting in the cab (as I left the event) head was SERIOUSLY spinning!!

Some of my favorite images (below) from the Traditional Home site recently were of designer, Barbara Franceski - so lovely right??! 
Images below by the amazing & talented Francesco Lagnese who also shot The Novogratz home. 

Anyhow, hope you have a wonderful weekend!  As for me, I'll be working on a photo shoot with new Cocoa & Hearts paintings that will be added to the gallery this month! More to come!



  1. Great recap. So sorry we didn't connect!!

  2. Quintessence: Def next time i hope! :) Thanks!!

  3. WOW! Those are some great pieces. I loved the green chandelier and that very first bowl. Thanks for sharing as usual! :)

  4. One of my favorite mags! So cool that you got to attend that!!


  5. I was invited to that event as well! Wish I lived in NYC sometimes! I miss out on some of the fun stuff!

  6. who makes that coffee table thats in the picture that is two down from the pic of you and the decorista? which company is it?


  7. AnonymousMay 04, 2012

    Cucumber cocktails? What fun! Looks like a wonderful party. Happy Weekend Jen!

  8. that leopard chair. OH MY!

  9. I love, have really very talented!
    kisses and nice weekend!

  10. AnonymousMay 04, 2012

    What beautiful furniture! Looks like so much fun!!

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  11. Gorgeous!! What a fun event - I love the green chandelier...and just about everything in all of these pictures!

  12. Looks like a fun party! Love all the pics - thanks for the sneak peek. Looking forward to seeing your new paintings! Have a great weekend.

  13. Does anyone know where to get those 'bedazzled' shells? Those are amazing!
    Thanks! I appreciate any info.

  14. Love the art work in the Traditional Home images. Gorgeous!

    So funny that many bloggers are a little introverted (that's why we write!), so face to face "mingles" are sometimes not our thing. Don't feel bad. We talked about that at a blogging conference this weekend. You're not alone, but you are loved!!!! xo

  15. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    I'm not sure which I like more - the green chandelier or the Jackie O painting! Looks like a lot of fun

  16. Jen, it was so fun hanging out! See you in a few weeks.

    ps- You picked out some great pieces.

  17. looks like fun, love the pic of you and Ashlina!

  18. just read that copy of trad home and I love it :) you look adorable in your pic!


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