Gift for Coffee Lovers....

I don't know about you, but I love cappuccino. The foamier, the better!

I'm also a tea drinker but coffee takes the top spot for me.  This Holiday season, automatic/semi-automatic espresso makers are ideal gifts for coffee lovers! Below are 4 of my picks! 

I already own #4 - the Tassimo, which works fantastic & with T-discs, but I'd love another one...maybe a more powerful machine this time around! 

And you? Do you have a cappuccino machine you love & would recommend for the Holidays??

By the way, did you know you can make cappuccino with COCONUT MILK!??? Coconut milk has half the calories & sugar as regular milk. Check it out here.

- coffee cup image via no more dirty looks



  1. I got the Gaggia Baby Class two years ago for Christmas. I love it! I went on a brief year hiatus from using it when I was trying to cut back on my coffee addiction--but I've started using it again. I LOVE making tiramisu with real espresso. It takes a while to get the whole science down...but it makes pretty yummy espresso shots. I hardly use the frother though...I'm too lazy to clean it--and I'd rather just microwave the milk and be on my way out the door.

    I also have the Gaggia MDF grinder to go with it.

  2. love this! i picked a kuerig over a tassimo... but do want an espresso machine. i chose a nespresso for the gift guide on my blog. want!

  3. I love capps too, but I tend to indulge & have it breve:)

  4. There's a fantastic vegan restaurant in Montreal that serves all their coffee with coconut milk and it's divine!

    One of these machines is definitely on my list. I'm a french press kinda girl but it's not ideal when you've got guests to caffeinate as well.

    Happy weekend!

  5. KIM: Ahh lucky you! I had the same thing happen to me with my Tassimo, used it all the time, then stopped. Been using it again all of a sudden...
    I wonder how easy some of these BIGGER espresso machines are to clean...i love froth in my cappuccino so it would need to be something easy to clean! :) thanks!

  6. P.S.
    I don't have a machine, as it's just me & my DH...& he's not a big coffee drinker:( I just go to the closest cafe for my cappuccino fix.
    I do love to grind my own coffee beans though, and am in love with the "pour over" method!

  7. I bought a little cuisinart machine last summer as a anniversary/moving in together gift for my boyfriend (and myself!) It doesn't get used *all the time,* but I love it on weekends! Plus it classes up our tiny kitchen. I'll most definitely have to try the coconut milk thing - smart! ♥

  8. I wish I had one.
    They are so damn expensive.
    I am a extreme coffee lover.
    Chic giveaway today!

  9. I have #4 as well..... LOVE it!

  10. I swear by the Nespresso Citiz! It has a foamer to mkae cappacino but does a mean cup of espresso


  11. I too love a good cappuccino. I can't drink instant coffee, it's just horrible! Sadly, I don't have a coffee machine at home but my mum has a fantastic Gaggia Baby Class - older version but very good. It makes gorgeous coffee and such a treat when I go and visit her. :)

  12. I love to drink coffee and when I'm at coffee shop I usually ordered for cafe latte.At home I love brewed coffee and grind my own beans. As of now I'm only using oven top espresso maker. I love to own a coffee machine and I'm eyeing one from Krups.

  13. We have a Tassimo and I love that thing! Mochas are my favorite - hot chocolate disc then an expresso disc. YUUUUM!

  14. We have had a Gaggia for the last 6 years and love, love, love it! We literally use it every single day. We even took it on vacation with us :) My husband is my barrista and I like the drinks he makes better than espresso shops!

  15. We have a Nespresso Latissima DeLonghi and it changed my life! LOVE it!

  16. I am a lover of my french press! I use the Bodum little hand held frother and it works amazingly, plus just simply rinse and its clean!
    Would love a nice espresso machine, but honestly my little $30 french press make such amazing coffe and so quick and easily - especially with fresh ground coffee beans.
    I actually use coconut milk as well! I use coconut or almond milk almost exclusively now in place of milk and happen to love it! and obviously love that its lower cal and has some amazing health benefits.
    Try frying some veggies in coconut oil, tastes amazing and is super healthy!

  17. LOVE the idea of making a cappuccino with coconut milk! I just found out I have to eat gluten, soy and dairy free and I'm mourning my Starbucks caramel macchiatos. I was a barista through college, so I'll let you know how the faux macchiato turns out!

  18. BROOKE: It's not that bad at all..i don't drink milk at all..and order my starbucks with soy all the time. You'll get used to it in no time!

  19. RAINA: Veggies fried in coconut oil?? hmmm ill def try that thanks!! :)

  20. I love our Nespresso maker. Having a foamy cap right now :) We bought one for our Mammoth home, too.

  21. Get a Nespresso machine, if they available in the US. They are the best! So easy, different types of coffee and super delicious.


  22. Saeco is my espresso machine. I absolutely love it!!!!! It actually self cleans for the most part (every time you make a coffee it runs hot water through). You just need to dispose of the coffee grinds and refill the water every so often.

    My favourite espresso roast: Illy

    And a cute espresso coffee guide:


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