Courtney Love's NYC Townhouse...

Have you seen Courtney Love's NYC West Village townhouse on the Jane site?

I thought it was interesting but not my style at all. It is an insanely romantic feel to it & it's obvious she loves antique pieces. I thought the blue paint on the staircase walls was very PRETTY & calming...It's quite apparent there are no male influences in her home, it's VERY girly.

However, I found the whole vibe of the home to be a sad one... perhaps it's because I'm just not into the romantic-bohemian style..

What do you think?? you can see more of her home via Jane

-images by peter murdock



  1. It's not my style either but I do think the living room is pretty spectacular! Courtney Love is sad...

  2. Definitely like the dresses, though, hanging up in the stairwell. That makes my feet get giddy with opportunity.

  3. Stunning...not sure it fits her though. That living room is gorgeous.

  4. Nope, not a fan. It feels kind of depressing ....

  5. is beautiful. I agree with you and I do think it is a tad depressing. I love antiques mixed with modern pieces...but this is a little over the top for me.

  6. I'm a bohemian, maximalist type, but that living room is a design fail to me. Too much going on and not tied together in a chic or hip way.

    The rest of her space is appealing to me, though.

  7. Courtney looks so depressed in that first picture it makes you sad looking at the rest of the house. It looks to me like she let someone decorate for her, with them thinking that would be her style.

  8. Not at all a fan... it doesn't look bohemian-chic, it looks like a bohemian hot mess. I guess that's Courtney, though! If she likes it, then that's all that matters.

  9. Not a fan! I appreciate styles and looks that aren't mine but this home just doesn't seem to have life in it.

  10. Your right, the stairway is a little haunted, but I guess it shows her personality. I love that painting of the blonde girl in the blue dress, wonder if its her in a former life?!

  11. Its much better than the crack den I envisioned her living in, but not totally my style. I do love the painting(?) by the staircase.

  12. I clicked over to xojane to see more pics...did you happen to read any of the 136 comments on the article? I agree with you, the interior is very melancholy (and most of the comments on jane are down right bitter)

  13. It's better than I expected...but feels a little sad.

  14. MICHELLE: Yea i read a few of them, people should just be quiet if they have nothing constructive to say..I think the decor has a sad vibe to it...but insulting her is way overboard. The girl is super talented - we can't all be perfect.

  15. Hi Jen, I just want to say Thank you so much to visit and left comment at my humble blog, It means a lot to me as I am your fans. And I also love this townhouse set interior, feel very classy.
    Merry Christmas to you, God bless.

  16. very unique.... and quite stunning!

    XX Kathryn

  17. The place is very fitting of her personality.

  18. I also looked the other pictures and I can say I really do not like the blue walls, they really get me in a sad mood..

  19. love the romantic influences! although i truly miss the typical courtney-love-drug-rock'n roll-influences in her home. on the other hand it's propably better though :).

    xx //

  20. Yikes, not my style either. For some reason, it does suit her.

  21. I like it! Not my style although I do love vintage-inspired but I get the vibe. I think the depressing fact is that the 1st image is of Courtney not looking particularly happy therefore conveys that sentiment throughout. If I hadn't known it was her place I would've assumed this place belonged to a much older woman.

  22. I like it. It's very honest. Although, I don't think I want my home decorated in that manner.

    Not everyone is blessed enough to have a happy demeanor, so the fact that it's sad or depressing seems irrelevant :(

  23. what are you insane? i am not a fan of hers personally but her pad is AMAZING.

  24. MODISHETCETERA: I agree, not everyone is blessed to have a happy demeanor...correct. But the style just doesn't appeal to me and it looks a bit dreary...

    I love her though and find her talent to be brilliant.

  25. I like it all except for the living room.

  26. Kinda dying over the gossy black doors - glam!!!

    Merry Christmas to you Jen!
    Nancy xo


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