My Master Closet is Done....

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...remember that commercial with Kelly LeBrock? - Well, don't hate me because my closet has gotten BIGGER! Ha! Ok, so it's done...& I finally feel like I have a place for everything!  It feels amazing to be this organized, know what I mean? 

I think I would FREAK OUT everyday if my closet wasn't neat & organized!! Creating extra shelving IS DEFINITELY a great way to keep things in place & organized...I can't say it enough. 

For this side of my closet, I decided to add some leopard print wallpaper that I purchased online via Interior Mall

I like that it adds to that boutique look that I was going for & also adds some depth to this wall. Having so many clutches- I needed a specific place to display them.  We figured that building little cubbies made sense and it would feel like I was shopping for clutches, which I love!  

I also saved a section to the right hand side of this wall for longer hanging items. The boards were all purchased at Home Depot and stained to match the rest of the closet which gives it a consistent feel. The bottom half of the closet is reserved for my clothes hamper and maybe a pair of boots. 

It's an UGLY hamper, so I may end up buying another one that's more aesthetically pleasing & still functional!



Oddly enough in this month's Lonny Mag - there's a closet with a wallpaper background...! See it here.

BIG Thanks to my guy for all the work he did....he's awesome! 

Update below: People kept asking me where my clothes are. Here's a pic of the left side of my closet where most of my hanging items & other items are in drawers....this side is made up of IKEA cabinets.

So, tell me...what do you think?  I'd love to hear your thoughts & questions...

-images by jen ramos



  1. love, love what you've done with that last little awkward space in your closet! the leopard paper totally gives it a boutique vibe. this makes me want to re-do my closet IMMEDIATELY. seriously, my closet is scary right now. xoxo - julie

  2. I absolutely LOVE it and want one for myself! I love the leopard wall paper!!!

  3. i LOVE it!!! the background, the purses, the clothes, the shoes!! you did such a great job!!

  4. omg Jen, I hate you,I'm just kidding :D but you really have such great space and amazing shoes collection

  5. It's GORGEOUS! I would love a closet like this. I especially like the wall paper that you added. So pretty!

  6. Jen it looks amazing! I love all of the leopard print, so sassy! Thank you so much for sharing this stunning space!

  7. Ficou lindo!! Queria ter espaço para fazer um assim. Amo seu blog!! Beijos

  8. Ficou lindo!! Queria ter espaço para fazer um assim. Amo seu blog!! Beijos

  9. Jen, this is gorgeous. You did such a good job! Will you show any pics of your clothes?

  10. Ficou lindo!! Queria ter espaço para fazer um assim. Amo seu blog!! Beijos

  11. um! gorgeous. leopard all the way! xoxoxox

  12. Love your closet and all those lovely shoes! Too bad we're not sisters!

  13. My fav room in any house is the master closet!! Reminds me of playing dress up a kid...loving it Great job

  14. Oh I just love it! We just moved and my closet is bigger - I'm loving it! You're right all of the extra shelving in the world really does help! As for that hamper, I'd spray paint it and sew a new fashionable liner. Lovely indeed - and all of your guy's handywork included!

  15. My fav room in any house is the master closet!! Reminds me of playing dress up as a kid.. Great Job loving it

  16. I am totally jealous! Your closet looks beautiful. I hope that someday when I buy a home, I can create an amazing space for my clothing..

  17. I wish I had a walk-in cloest. Even if I did it probably would be a complete mess! I like your bags they're very nice! Great blog!

  18. Love it! Looks like a little private boutique!

  19. J-E-A-L-O-U-S... It's fantastic!!

  20. looks fabulous...don't you just love it when things have a place and everything is just so easily star to the Mr for all his hard work..looks fab ; ) x

  21. job well done. love it. thanks to your blog, i'm growing to like animal prints more and more.

  22. Not a big fan of animal print but that is one magnificent closet.

  23. Looks gorgeous !! Loving the wallpaper and am so jealous of the storage...especially the specific place for the clutches !!


  24. Loving it..Beautiful job! I've been wanting to re-organize my closet for a while. I love the wallpaper you used and the nooks for your clutches. Very cool.

  25. What a transformation! LOVE the wallpaper, great idea.

  26. Your closet looks super fabulous! Love it.


  27. your closet looks ahhhh-mazing! so jealous :)

    xo Julia

  28. Stunning! My favorite part is the wallpaper, great detail ;)

  29. Sigh. Looks lovely, of course. Am so jealous. But can't hate you because you bring the lovely. :)

  30. I love it! I think in looks so fantastic!

    My question is about where you got your leopard purse in the fourth column over next to the pink purse?! I tried to do a search on your blog and couldn't find anything.

    Thanks! xo

  31. I am thinking... I would love to see that leopard print every where, and a whole lot of Mirror.

    It's just swell.

    Try 'The Container Store' for some hamper option.

  32. wow wow wow....I almost fell back in my chair!! i'm so amazed at how easy of a job and how BEAUTIFUL the closet space looks & feels!! well...of course you totally would be able to put together something like this! i'm totally inspired to re-vamp my closet space!! woooow


  33. You have some incredible tastes Jen!! I love the way you decorate your home and this is just so much fun. It's so girly and classy! Your husband is so great with helping you make your home gorgeous!!

  34. Wow, Jen you and your guys did an amazing job! I just adore that wallpaper. Organization feels sooo good, and when it can be pretty it's even better!! Hugs to you,
    Nancy xo

  35. I'd love to have a closet like this! It really is stunning. I think I'd want to put a chair in there to enjoy my morning coffee! I just posted my office reveal today so pop on over if you'd like to take a look. xo

  36. Oh my gosh, can i please have this closet? Haha :) xx

  37. Oooh....I HATE YOU!;) tovehugs :)

  38. I have serious wardrobe envy - I love it!

    I also spotted a real cute turquoise/green clutch bag with a gold clasp... where did you get it from?!?!


  39. Absolutely GORGEOUS closet space!

  40. its gorgeuos! i wish i have one of those! Dont you think a mirror would be great at that litle white wall? thank's for your inspiration!
    Lisete Reis

  41. Oh I am so envious. I'm waiting for mine to be completed in the next month.

  42. DIOS MIO!!! me encanta. que envidia.

  43. OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I don't know whether to love you or dislike you intensely!! I'm so envious, this is amazing - I love it and feeling so many cardinal sins at the moment! xx

  44. Awesome, the wallpaper behind the shelves is a great idea. I do it with bookshelves but I never thought about doing it for the closet. Well done!

  45. precious closet, so I would love to have one

  46. Wow... So much better! Amazing space and very organized, congrat's!!


  47. Love your closet and your animal-print clutches ;)

  48. Gorgeous! Are you still happy with your IKEA system? I've love to know what your thoughts are after living with it for a bit.

  49. I love what you've done with it. i love how you've added color and patterns.

    my wardrobe is all mirrors, silver wallpaper and warm lighting. at the time i had it fitted (with help from an interior designer i had commissioned) it achieved the look i wanted at that time, simple and elegant.

    looking at your wardrobe now, i realise the time has come for me to add some color.

    you can check out my wardrobe pics on my blog:

  50. Gonna have to steal this look! Love it!

  51. WOW jen your new closet looks great!!!


  52. Looks wonderful! Great job. I'm having the hardest time fixing up my awkward office, but you've given me motivation!

  53. Your own personal boutique - lovely!
    Could never hate you BTW.

  54. this is GORGEOUS. i am so jealous of the finished look AND that your man would help you do that (mine is not so handy)!

  55. SOPHIE: glad u like it... It's super cute & it's by Rachel Roy ;) I blogged about it a few weeks ago! ;) thx!

  56. SHESNOMRTHA: yes! Still love my IKEA closet system. No problems & it's got plenty of storage. You can move the drawers & shelving around which is nice when you want to change things up!

  57. super super jealous! It looks great!

  58. Thanks Jen! I'm gonna have to hunt it down now! xx

  59. Perfection. Love seeing the leopard paper play against the leopard clutches.

    You are so lucky your guy can do projects like this for you!

  60. Oh, that's fabtastic. I swear leopard makes EVERYTHING better.


  61. looove it! i have even more closet envy now!

  62. omg, JEN! Your man is super talented! Closet looks so great, ugly hamper and all!xx

  63. BTW, is that a little black studded tylie malibu clutch? if so, how do you like it? I am thinking about buying a handbag and wasn't sure about the leather quality?

  64. Love it! I also have a *slight* clutch obsession and currently they're all in a big white storage box, which is kind of annoying when I go rummaging for one... Love that all yours are on show, so pretty!

  65. Oh my Jen! Looks amazing! I'll take the closet as well as your wardrobe! Love that leopard wallpaper -- I will be keeping it in mind for future projects for sure. xoxo

  66. Wow, love it! Great idea for storing bags and clutches, love the leopard print on the back of shelves! x

  67. Your closet is fabulous!

    I absolutely adore that wonderful boutique-feel that you've managed channel. Thanks for sharing the transformation.

  68. I love you closet! I wish some day I had a closet like yours, both for the size and all the stuff there is in it ;) Enjoy it!

    Maria @ Green Love Designs (previously @ My current hobby!)

  69. Could it be more glamorous?? I want it! Def inspired the day I get a walk in closet! Kind of tempted to move away from the city just so I could have a huge and beautiful closet like that. The leopard print looks STUNNING!!

  70. holy! it looks great!! if you dont mind me asking, what type of woodstain did you use?

  71. JEN OMG love!!! so happy for you!

  72. Hello! I think your closet is amazing but the most amazing is the number of comments been post. Keep up with your great blogging!

  73. Lovely, lovely, lovely. The leopard print just puts it over the edge.

  74. Well, of course, you did GREAT! Love your accessories. To me, accessories are the most essential things. And, speaking of those things, would you like to do a giveaway of one of my new Fall necklaces? Come see on Page 2 of my blog. Also, I have some amazing single strands, large mm beads in hematite and in onyx, not photographed yet. Love you....

  75. the closet turned out fantastic! my dad made similar "purse-slots" for my mom in the custom closet he built her... and she is IN LOVE!

    Can't wait to do this to my closet one day!

  76. Jen, as usual you've inspired me! My closet is next on my to do list.

  77. So. Totally. Jealous! Love it!

  78. The hubs and I are in the works of completely redoing our closet from top to bottom. From the floors, walls, to everything in between and your closet has been one of out inspiration photos that we constantly look at! I think your closet is gorg and most of all I LOVE all the cubbies that you have created.

    Looks amazing...I love how you have displayed your purses!

  79. Completely amazing; love what you have done! I love the feeling of being so organized, so totally get where you are coming from! xx

  80. No hating here! :) I love your closet makeover. Someday, I'll have a roomy closet again...

  81. Insanely Gorgeous!!


  82. Gorgeous... all of your pieces look like a piece of art show cased! Love it!! xx Trina

  83. I love the leopard prints!!!

  84. Ahhh!! It looks incredible Jen!! I actually have a guest post on my blog today about closets!! I think yours needs to be added to the inspiration!! ;)

  85. WOW!! That is a closet in the ranks of Carrie Bradshaw! Better I think! Love it!

  86. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    love love your closet
    i want one exactly like yours!
    Amazing, love it!

    love the animal print
    the distribution
    everything is perfect!

    great job!

  87. LOVE this!!! Amazing!!! Where do u get your clutches from? I am OBSESSED with leopard!
    In one of your blogs in August, you posted some of your leopard things, including your phone, clutch, shoes, belt.....where did you get that clutch from? LOVE it!!! =)

  88. hot pink or indigo blue on the walls would totally set it off!

  89. I can't get over the transformation-it looks the leopard!!

  90. WOW! This is right up our alley!! We truly ADORE an amazing closet... so much so we have a company based on it :)

    NEAT Method

  91. Okay, I've been lurking around your blog for months now and I have to finally step forward and say that this addition to your closet is simply STUNNING!! As an Interior Design student I'm always perusing magazines and websites for new and fresh ideas for design projects but, personally, I generally have an affinity for well-designed closets, kitchens, and bathrooms. Your closet definitely makes the best-dressed list.

    Thanks for sharing!


  92. This is so hot! But where does your hubby's stuff go? Does he have a man-closet elsewhere? My fiance and I share a small walk-in closet so I don't get to do anything this fun with it!

  93. The wallpaper is GORGEOUS!!!! I may have to steal the idea. We actually have two closets in our master suite. My husband has the one that was in the original floor plan. We converted the den in the original plan into my closet (placing a wall where the door would have been in the hall and adding french doors in the bedroom). I have dark wood shelving units from Home Depot (adam+roth). I just adore the "room". Sometimes, I grab a mag and just hang out in there!

  94. SPIRITD: we actually have two master closets in our bedroom. He has his own ;) thankfully!

  95. Fabulous! I want that wallpaper, so girly.

  96. so gorgeous! the best looks like something that i could do in my closet. niiice!


  97. Love this closet!!! It is a dream closet!!!


  98. Loving the look Jen! The wallpaper adds so much pizzaz to the space!

  99. I have major closet envy right now... no but seriously lucky you! I love just about every aspect of your closet and will definitely be using it as inspiration when the time comes for me to do up my closet... thanks for sharing! -JB

  100. Hey Jen - magnificent!

    I shared your closet, with full credits, on my blog here:


  101. Jen, you make it so easy to hate you (LOL), but I can't help but feel tons of inspiration every time you share the results of your latest venture.
    Your closet is a dream!

  102. Gorgeous! Makes me want to take everything out of my closet and re-model it.

  103. Haha ok that's it. I am re-doing mine. Then I'll post it and tell me what you think. :) You did a fab job. Xx - Art a la Rue

  104. Jen I am a relatively new follower of your lovely blog and I am in complete awe of your amazing talent! Your beautiful and glamorous closet is yet another example of your incredible creativity! You are an inspiration to us all-I have been considering doing something to my closet and your makeover has given me the push I's wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing....

  105. Jen I am a relatively new follower of your lovely blog and I am in complete awe of your amazing talent! Your beautiful and glamorous closet is yet another example of your incredible creativity! You are an inspiration to us all-I have been considering doing something to my closet and your makeover has given me the push I's wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing....

  106. You have no idea how jealous I am of this closet!!! Haha. Every girls dream surely!? xx

  107. I love your closet! I just had my man strap on his toolbelt and give me an update in mine too...I'm feeling ya about the hamper, I always have to tuck mine away because I stand the sight of it. Love your blog and your print shop!

  108. LOVE your closet! But where are all your clothes? Our closet is a similar size but is filled with so much clothes, I don't think we'd have that much space for little shelves. It's definitely got me thinking though...

  109. Jen, I love all your post, but looking at a dream closet makes any girl super happy. Just one thing I noticed which I thought was funny was that you use plastic hangers! lol. I would have expected pretty ones or wooden ones. I still love your post thought ;)

  110. LIZ SALDANA : sorry I didn't have any money left over for pretty wooden hangers ... Just kidding LOL.
    That's an old pic (which I'll replace soon) ... I actually have wooden hangers now, just like u see in the hanging section near the floor!

  111. Thank you you are amzing thanku for the inspiration your closet is awesome I love it so funky yet so intelligent a bit like its owner I should imagine you are a true Home genius thankyou for sharing yourbrilliant mind creative yet functional funky yet classy you have it all Girl


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