Renting: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Hi everyone! I'm Stephanie from Stephanie LeeAnn blog! Apartment living is great for those who love the flexibility to move around or who aren't ready to commit long term to being a home owner, but can we all agree that turning a rental in to a home has some benefits and some challenges? 


Apartment owners generally try to include features and amenities that enhance residents' lifestyles. Like upscale interior details, amazing views, or spacious (relatively speaking) floor plan designs. You can expect additional amenities such as certain utilities included in your rental payment, a health club or pool on site, a doorman, or a lounge area. While I love to keep my place neat and tidy, I don't love lawn care and general maintenance. So it's a WIN-WIN. Sometimes searching for the right apartment can be exhausting but once you find the one it sure does have it's perks. 


Since living in an apartment offers a lot of flexibility, typically where you are really limited is on space - closets, useable wall space, and cabinetry to name a few - so more things tend to go on display. That means keeping organized and being creative with the space you do have so that a room is used to it's fullest potential. That goes for hanging items too. You're forced to evaluate what you should and should not hold on to. Maybe that's a good thing, but for some people, like myself, it may mean offsite storage or selling favored items. Such a bummer, that is.


You definitely do not have the privacy that you have in a single-family home. That means at any time - literally all hours - you may hear your neighbors . You know when they are showering, what movie they're watching, how late they stay up at night. The list goes on! On the flip side, you also have to be mindful of your own noise levels. Especially when it comes to music and entertaining. Your neighbors may ask for you to quiet down. Or worse, pay backs at the most inopportune times. Ever have THAT neighbor? 



  1. I completely agree with all of these points. (And I love how you've organized your shoes!)

  2. Ha! My old next door neighbor used to drag his guitar out and play on the porch forever...even when it was raining outside. Kinda made it SUPER hard to study! I actually miss living in apartments though. Great post! :)

  3. I love your Blog :) Nice Pictures!!

  4. Very good points!! I hate lawn care so I live in a condo! The ugly...totally true. I've had the revenge neighbor...not fun.....

    Lemanie's Randomness

  5. Love this series as I am a renter too not in an apartment but in a house. I experience to good, the bad and the ugly as well!

  6. I agree on all points. It's a pro/con situation (much like any other situation). Very much enjoyed reading this post.


  7. What beautiful interior decor inspiration! I prefer living in an apartment, personally :)

    XX Kathryn

  8. I have been lucky to not have many loud neighbors in the past, at least loud in a rude way, till two weeks ago. Now I can say that I really have felt these issues! I don't know that I would trade it all for yard work, though ... maybe if a house came with a really small yard ... and a handy man! ;)

  9. Good points! Especially on the loud neighbors (ugh!). Love Stephanie's apartment, so great looking. Especially the shoes!

  10. Hi,

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  11. It pays to adjust to our neighbors. We can select our friends but we can not chose our neighbors. I learned to live with it.

    Shane @ Interior Design Pro

  12. You are so right. When we lived in our old apartment they would have parties til 3am! Crazy people lol
    By the way I love your blog. Your blog inspires me to be a better blogger.

    Check out my blog.

  13. Love this series Jen! This is such a cute apartment you showcased!

  14. Such wonderful organization, and I'm loving her blog! So helpful and lovely!

    Liesl :)

  15. I love living in apartments because I wouldn't do all the gardening work to keep a house looking clean outside.

  16. Those photos are beautiful, and make me want to declutter. One of the problems with larger space is there is a lot of room to collect junk, and you can just shove it in the closet to hide it.

  17. I hear you! Even in my home I am at a loss for space. One thing I LOVED about renting is I could move every year if I wanted, It was always fun rearranging and defining a new space. It set a glow about me. Now I rearrange our furtniture so often I think I have confused our dog... lol. P.S. Love your interior design... xo

  18. I like hearing my neighbours! I feel accompanied...

  19. I am not sure why, but we never hear our neighbors. Its weird. We must have just accidentally lucked out with that. Our apartment wall do a very good job of blocking out the sounds.

  20. I love your new apartment!! So cozy and stylish...Great comparison!

  21. for some reason I feel safer living in an apartment, but it is annoying when you have loud neighbors.

  22. love your blog !!

    xx Joey

  23. I love how you stored/displayed belts around a photo frame. How innovative! Hope the transition to New York is going well!


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