Monday at 12:54pm...(Via Made By Girl)

Welcome back! I hope you all had a super weekend.  I was busy painting - and getting things ready for the launch of Cocoa & Hearts - in a few weeks, hopefully! Thanks to so many of you that signed up to be notified, I appreciate it.

And WOW......the weather here in town has now reached the mid 70's & sunny. I can't help but think how grateful I am for this gorgeous weather, considering that Japan is going through so much turmoil. 

How's the weather where you are?? I'm looking outside my balcony at 12:54pm & all I can think of is.... I wish this moment, this day, this second would last forever. 

I'm deeply madly in LOVE with this day.

deeply madly in love print via madebygirl

-image by karina manghi



  1. It is SOO nice in Toronto, Canada today! Last week was absolutely MISERABLE. Heavy snow and pouring rain all at once. Yuck! It's nice that this week is starting off with warmer weather and bright sunshine.

    Can't wait for spring to really get into full swing! And also...looking forward to your new shop. ;)

  2. Can't wait to see Cocoa & Hearts ! Its a beautiful sunny day here in Los Angeles and I am loving it :)


  3. AHHHHH!!! adore jen, this is going in the nursery I"m putting together right now for baby number 2!!! as soon as lent is over I will be purchasing!-gave up shopping!! hope there's some left!

  4. It's gorgeous in SC today. Heading to LA on Wed and hope the weather is just as nice there!

  5. I wanted to share with you a giveaway I am having on my blog for the celebration of my blog's 4 year birthday! I am trying my hardest to let all my readers hear about it! Old and new!

    Juliet xxx

  6. Looking forward to the Cocoa & Heart launch x

  7. Jen you are so talented! Excited for your new endeavor:-)

    Happy Monday!

  8. Ohh, I love that print!! Is it new?! Have a great new week. Excited for Coco & Hearts!

  9. Congrats on everything Jen!!!! I can't wait to shop till I drop!!!!!

  10. So jealous of your weather! It's 40ish here and clouds, clouds, clouds.

  11. ooo! i'm so excited what your new store holds :) congrats to you for expanding!

  12. It's a rainy/dreary day here but I think I'm having hot flashes so I'm nice and warm!

  13. ooh the weather in the Uk is okay but cold - we have had some nice crisp sunshine though - thank heavens for spring around the corner! xo

  14. It is a beautiful day here in BARBADOS :)
    So very excited for Cocoa & Hearts and I definitely need some of your "LOVE" artwork for my new office!


  15. Perfect weather here in AZ. Love that new print!

    XO, Katie
    Running On Happiness

  16. I cannot wait to see cocoa & hearts.


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