No Snow....(Via Made by Girl)

Living on the west coast makes for a different kind of Holiday. You see, it's TOTALLY sunny RIGHT NOW &  NO SNOW.... which I am terribly missing. Growing up in New York you were GUARANTEED snow almost every Christmas! 

I still haven't gotten used to this west coast weather, but least I don't have to DIG my car out of a mountain of snow! Here's a pic of the last time it did snowstorm here in Nevada (December 2008) and WOW that was something to see!

For now,  I'll stare out my window and feel the warmth of the sun on my face knowing tomorrow is Christmas. 

So.... is it snowing where you are? 

pic from my iPhone 2008



  1. I'm in Utah and we have plenty of snow! Merry Christmas!

  2. I live in Tucson and it doesn't snow here either :( I'm a native of Chicago and I never thought I'd miss snow as much as I do but Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas without it!

  3. heading back east tomorrow so we'll see if we have a white christmas in nj!

    happy holidays, jen!

  4. Yes, lots of snow here in Paris, which is not that usual for Christmas. I love it !

  5. I live in Indonesia. And we dont have any snow :(

    I want tons of snow!

  6. Only rain here in Seattle! We did have snow for Thanksgiving though.

  7. No snow here in Denver and that makes me happy. :) I'll be heading up to the mountains Christmas day and I'm sure I'll get my Christmas fix while I'm up there!

  8. It has been snowing the past couple of weeks and spring miraculously arrived yesterday... just in time for all the snow to melt for Christmas! Boohoo

  9. im in chicago and we already have gotten a few inches of snow. and even better, a fresh dusting on christmas!!

  10. BENEDICTE: aaah snow & Paris....lucky you. Two great combinations!!

  11. No, thank goodness! In Sydney we are having lovely mild weather (the sun is trying to come out!). Enjoy your Christmas Jen! Rachel x

  12. It is snowing all month, almost every day in Riga, Latvia. It is hard to walk on the streets and some snowpiles are higher than people:)

  13. Not snowing in Kansas City, MO (yet). I'm from Michigan & I don't miss it. It did snow once here already though. But it's long gone & melted away.

  14. No Snow as of Today! Probably Tomorrow here in the East Coast.

  15. I'm in Toronto, Canada, not snowing today but there is snow on the ground from a few days ago. Hopefully it will snow on Christmas day!

  16. hmmm... here in Minneapolis we have close to probably 3.5 feet of snow. Two weekends ago we were hit with blizzard that dumped around 20 inches of snow in my neighborhood... then another storm hit last weekend bringing another 6 or 7 inches and it's snowing again tonight... looks like at least another 2 inches already. We have extra if anyone's looking for some snow for their holiday!

    Merry Christmas!

  17. I'm brazilian and it is summer here! very hot... here doesn't snow. Merry Chritsmas, Jen! Love your blog :D

  18. hm I live in Berlin (Germany) and it is snowing a lot...but for Christmas I am with my parents, family and friends in my hometown in Italy (north of italy) and it is raining and raining...

  19. You see... I love a sunny Christmas - that is all I've know my whole life. L.A has been cold and raining and I couldn't stop crying missing my family and waiting to be in Brazil for the Christmas evening... I caught a flight yesterday - very impulsively - and arrived today in Rio just for 3 days... it is so hot and humid - but I guess that is my kinda Christmas! I just hope from where you are having the most wonderful Christmas ever and celebrating your fabulous new home! Warm wishes from Rio!!

  20. I wish I could send some Christmas snow your way - we have TONS up in Alberta!! Hope you have a sunny, merry Christmas!!

    If you could send a bit of warmth my way, that'd be great too ;)


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