Dining Accessories at Shop Style....(Via Made By Girl)

With all the kitchen renovation ISSUES I totally forgot I still don't have a DINING table! I ordered this table from ZGallerie in October and it's on back order until beginning of January...(supposedly). Hence the reason we didn't eat at home this past Thanksgiving!

Now, I'm thinking of getting a few items for those upcoming dinner parties we plan to have. ShopStyle is one of my favorite go-to sites! It's a REALLY convenient site when you want to see items from MANY stores without having to visit 20 different sites!!  It's such a great concept and that's why I visit their site often!! Love it, but OMG I can spend a little to long on there....can you relate???!?

Below are some cool pieces that I really like for dinner parties and such.....all can be found via Shop Style. 
Ever shop on their site before??



  1. those dragon shakers are too cute! xo

  2. Love the horse tray, would be such a fun addition to my x-mas dinner party. Great post!


  3. That horse tray would be great for sushi!

  4. OMG! The horse tray os my favorite! so cute! I love it

  5. I love that Trojan horse type tray!!! It's so cute! I hope you get your table soon!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  6. LOVE Shopstyle. Is it bad that I downloaded the Iphone app?? haha!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com