Visit Nordisk Eksotisk...Book Review (Via Made By Girl)

Authors, Iben & Niels Ahlberg sent this gorgeous & inspiring book to me from Denmark! I knew you all would LOVE it... so I'd like to share some images with you! 

VISIT Nordisk Eksotisk is the first title in the Visit Series about Scandinavian Interiors. There will be another title published at the end of November as well (can't wait!) The 'Visit' book is in Danish but it ALSO includes an insert with English text, which is convenient since I DON'T speak Danish!! I've already started reading explains all the pages and what you're seeing in detail!

The book showcases their own home as well as a few others. I'm already feeling INSPIRED flipping through all the pages. I love the touches of solid black furniture & lighting you see throughout, especially up against the stark white walls.

I'm so ENAMORED with this book & is now one of my favorites. It has 163 pages of cull-color and definitely worth a look! For more on this book, you can also read my previous post here.

If you're interested in PURCHASING a copy of the book click here.

              images via visit



  1. I adore it, Jen! Such a gem! Thank you for the pics. xoxo

  2. What a gorgeous spread! I love it.

  3. It really looks beautiful:) Have a great Tuesday

  4. I really am a fan of mixing vintage/eclectic pieces with modern/clean lines and this looks like it does just that. love it.

  5. Inspiration galore. Looks like a fundamental resource all design lovers must have. Thanks for sharing.

  6. The book is amazing. I bought mine right when it was published, and I can't wait for the next one.

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...

    I'm having a closet sale on my blog...check it out...


  8. We start Danish classes next week, so maybe by Friday I can help translate! Just kidding! I wish learning a language was that fast! This book is just what I love about the Danes and their amazing style. I haven't seen it here, so I'll have to keep an eye out at the bookstore!

  9. Neither I speak danish so I am happy they will publish in english cos it is very, very interesting...


    PS: Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is stunning. Congratulations!

  10. Hey, I'm reviewing that book next week! Can't wait, your review is absolutely amazing! And it definitely looks my style ;)


  11. I love your blog! I do have a question relative to an item inquiry featured in this post. The last image features the dining room area with fab black chairs, where can I find them? I've seen them in white, never black and I must have them. Please help!

  12. Oooh, lovely, I always enjoy your book reviews Jen! Especially because there are several books I hadn't even heard of!! I will need to check this one out.
    Nancy xo

  13. Looks like a great book!

  14. TIFFANY: Im not quite sure where to get the chairs in black...ive only seen white. I would email the authors through their site.... :)

  15. Hi Jen! Just moved back from Denmark after being there for 4 years. I don't speak fluent Danish but I can read most. LOVE Denmark. Now in Vegas again. We should meet up for coffee! xo Bree


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