My NEW Bedroom in Progress.....

Here's a peek at my bedroom, we bought the two side tables (slash nightstands) at West Elm. These were the tallest I found that would be just as high as my bed is! I love them! The headboard & the faux fur throw are also from West Elm. I have lots more to decorate and am thinking of a piece of ART over the bed...hmmmm.  

ALSO, I SERIOUSLY need new king size bedsheets and duvet, can you tell?!?!?

What do you have HANGING over your bed?

(click on pic for larger image)

 image by jen ramos



  1. I have nothing hanging on my bed,I am waiting for the headboard and then I will see if I hang or not a paint or photo.
    I love the quiet vibra of your bedroom.

  2. I had to search FOREVER for a king size something that would fit our bed. It's so hard to make a decision too!

  3. I have a 3' x 4' piece of abstract art hanging over my bed. It's the only thing I could find that would fill the gap between my headboard and 18' vaulted ceilings!

  4. Oh it looks fabulous! I love the serious contrast of the lamps.

  5. I have nothing over my bed right now. I am considering wallpapering just the wall behind my bed. My bedroom is more traditional, but I love, love, love what you have done so far.

  6. We Have silhouettes of me, my husband and my dog.

  7. love the light!!!
    I want to hang one of my paintings but first I have to buy a new headboard :)

  8. DESERT DOMICILLE: Ah, nice high ceilings! My ceilings are 10 feet. I'm thinking of something abstract behind the bed too!

  9. We have a fabulous chandelier hanging over our bed.

    It's from Horchow and on fabulous sale right now (but we have enjoyed it for three years so I can't be too bitter.)

    it is art deco and matches our inset paneled doors (we live in a 1929 Storybook Tudor)

    Good luck with your makeover - I love your blog!

  10. Simply lovely! I really love those bedside tables :)

  11. I'm in love with those nighstands. I could live inside of West Elm lol...

  12. My headboard looks like yours right now---but we are going to hang 5 small photographs of staircases that we have. I finally unveiled our nursery on

  13. I am loving that bed! Beautiful. I can't wait to see it all done. We have an off-centered window behind our bed, so I centered/faked it with a wall of curtains. I love the idea of an abstract peice of art.

  14. Your bedroom is coming along so beautiful:) Over my bed just four framed postcards from my travels. In my apartment overseas (which I just finished decorating) a starburst mirror.

  15. Love the black lamps--so chic!

    And, your comment on my blog re: short curtains cracked me up. I will definitely be going against the popular opinion if I do it :)

  16. I love it!! I like how white and clean it is!!

  17. Love the black lamps :)

    xoxo Laura

  18. Looking great honey! Goodluck with the sheets, I know how hard this task can be... our bed is a European King (which is bigger than a nornal king!) making it almost impossible to find! x

  19. so pretty and peaceful! i have a white duvet and nothing hanging over my bed. i like to keep it simple in the bedroom. can't wait to see what you decide!

  20. Love the dark lamps on these night stands! And what is above my bed? The headboard reaching to the ceiling! Eliminates the need for anything else...Janell

  21. did you say art?
    affordable and happy art :)

  22. I just had to leave a comment on this one because the answer is your ABC Love poster! :)

  23. "In progress"...I so know how that feels. I purchased my home 7 years ago, and I've been "in progress" ever since. But, I'm not complaining...because I truly love the process. Your pieces are perfect. Thanks for sharing and keep them coming.

  24. Love it! I actually have one of your LOVE posters over my bed:) Someday when Im happily married I want to have the "you have my whole heart for my whole life" sign.

  25. I have a headboard that is just about the same size and style as yours, and I have no idea what to hang above it! I'd love to see what you choose and maybe it will give me ideas too :)

  26. Wow, I just love your style. You should check out Zara Home for affordable and good quality bed linen and covers. I have some and they are gorgeous and long-lasting!

    Enjoy decorating your new home!

  27. My bed head is the same as yours but black. I made a painting/sculpture thing especially for the wall above my bed. It is a long narrow canvas I painted grey & yellow then stenciled a couple of white bird silhouettes. I then took an old dry piece of twisted willow I had lying around the house & spray painted it white & hot glued it to the canvas.

  28. EMK: thanks for the link, I'll take a look!

  29. EMILY A. CLARK: Hey...not everyone is going to agree with your taste...but at the end of the day , it is YOUR home... :))))

  30. TIED WITH A BOUW: Aww thanks. :)
    WOW, i never even heard of that size bed...its hard enough getting stuff for kING, i cant even imagine any bigger!

  31. URBAN STYLE VIBES: I will have to look at ZARA home..for some reason i never think about it.....

  32. I don't have anything hanging over mine at the moment, but I used to have a huge canvas of Monument Valley.

    P.S. I love taht luxe throw on your bed!

  33. I suggest a small golden sun mirror instead a piece of art. This kind of mirror you can check out on my recently post "Inspiration in Pink". It is a piece that contrasts and makes your room more sofisticated.
    I agree with URBAN STYLE VIBES! Zara Home is fantastic to find bed covers. Mine cover and other many things at my home are from Zara H., I love it
    Hope it can help you...


  34. Lamps look great-very dramatic! I have a huge mirror over my headboard. Our room is small so mirrors are needed!

  35. I love the head of the horse next to your bedside.. and the fourrure looks so comfortable!!

  36. We don't have anything hanging over our bed because I purposely made our headboard a really tall statement piece.

  37. I have a small painting above my bed. It's pretty simple, but that's the way I like it.

    Great progress, by the way! xoxo

  38. just hung our "for like ever" poster and it fits the room perfectly

  39. I have to get me a faux fur blankie! I love the look! I will have to visit West Elm soon! Thanks for sharing!

  40. I'm a big chess player so I love the horsey! The end tables are so simple & lovely!! I don't know yet what I'm going to hanging over my bed. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  41. I have black and white photos my friend took of my (then fiance - now hubby) and me. Would love to wallpaper and add a mirror, but living in a rental I may have to settle for stenciling the wall.

    I am loving what you are doing with your new place!
    BTW: Finally framed the "blog" print I ordered in May, its hanging in its temporary home. Will write a post about it next week!

  42. Looking really good. The contrast is working. I have two vintage paint-by-numbers over my bed.

  43. I have nothing on the walls right behind... Have Canvas paintings hanging above the side tables (In earthquake zone... don't want anything falling over me .. if it strikes at night)

  44. I hung a small painting above my bed. I found it already framed and matted in a consignment shop for $5. Steal. I have a four poster bed so I don't have that much room. It worked out perfect.

    Good luck with your room!

  45. I too am still looking for the perfect thing...i think some art. Haven't found it yet. My bed is very similar to yours so if you find some good ideas pass them my way!

  46. Ooh! Very pretty!.
    Some art would sure liven it up! I don't have anything over my bed now... but I don't have any art hanging ANYWHERE right now! Trying to wait until we're further along in the reno to hang it all!

  47. PURVI: Ha! Trust me i thought of the whole earthquake piece, so i probably wouldn't want to put glass. I figure it a canvas falls on you, you may just get a concussion.

  48. BARBARA: Sounds good...! Let me know when i can see it hanging via your blog! :))

  49. We have a vintage sun mirror hanging on the wall, near our bed.
    My Love pillows have arrived and a nate pillow too. I took pictures yesterday and I will write a post very soon.
    Love your bedroom!

  50. I am hanging black birds above my bed (similar to my post on the butterflies). I found them at Target. I'll post a picture once they are up. Your bedroom looks great!

  51. We have a DIY headboard and a fabulous chandelier hanging over our bed.

  52. Looks good Jen...I have Van Gogh's 'La Chambre de l'Artiste' above my bed...his bedroom at Arles...I thought it was appropriate...and I'm hoping to add some more orange to the room because Van Gogh's bed is orange too..:))

  53. I had " The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch " (better known as "The Skating Minister " ) - quite quirky- - a copy painted by myself of an oil painting by Sir Henry Raeburn hanging - but I am now changing thimgs around.

  54. really love your west elm bed! we have a starburst mirror over our bed. is everyone sick of those yet? i wonder how much longer.....

    check out for bedding. REAL linen sheets and duvets for GREAT prices.

  55. MODERN COUNTRY LADY- 'The skating minister' art is gorgeous work! :)))) Love it.

  56. Love what you've got so far... I have a similar headboard and have just hung 3 framed prints {vintage printables make for an easy change}.

  57. Hi Jen, I'm facing major dilemma with my bedroom. I bough my bed (and headboard) in fake white leather that proved to be not so white when my other furniture arrived. I think the difference in whites doesn't look good... but then I see your bed is not as white as your nightstands either... what do you think? please see photos here:

    I love my bedside tables but I think I'll have to reupholster the headboard in light silver or something to make it work (?)

  58. Oh wow, love that fur throw. Hey, thanks for stopping by loft&cottage! And if you are looking for the mercury lamps with black lampshades--I actually used some similar ones to the ones pictured for a client at Great price and they're even prettier in person!

  59. CASEY: thanks - it so soooo comfy too!
    I will check out that lamp..I love that color combo, black & silver..looks so glam :)))

  60. I have a round mirror hanging over my bed!

  61. I have the same problem with West Elm ... everything is so short and I'm a tall bed girl. :) I have a photograph of the NY skyline pre 9/11 that I bought from a street vendor outside the MET.


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