William Sonoma Valentine Treats...

I'm back.....I hope all of you are able to view the photos on my blog.  If you think there are pictures missing in a post, please email me.  You can find my email in my profile. Anyway....

Valentine's Day is only 3 days away, any plans??  My husband & I will be going to a special dinner that he has planned. He won't tell me where we are going, so apparently it's a SECRET.  I have a feeling it's this place I've been wanting to go to forever! I bet he makes a delicious dessert for me when we get home....he knows I am a CHOCOLATE ADDICT & V-day is the one day I excuse myself to go all out & eat sweets!! 

So, what are your plans ?? What will you be doing on Sunday, January 14th, 2010? 

If you haven't shopped for food or dessert on the William-Sonoma website, you must! They have so many goodies to choose from. Here are a few favorites of mine from their Valentine's Day treats! Enjoy! XOXO!



  1. I love LOVE anything Williams Sonoma treats. These are lovely. I want all the pans & cookie cutters for these!!

  2. we're going to a murder mystery dinner at an old castle!

  3. Hurray! I love WS sweets. I wrote a post about the same stuff awhile back- It's so fun to see what we each picked :)


    And my boyfriend and I are going out for yummy food at Las Chicas Locas in NY for Valentine's Day!

  4. I like the changes. They're really fresh. :)

    We won't be doing much on V day. I'll make a nice dinner for the whole family. There will be some chocolate involved, in some shape or form. xx

  5. hey jen..read your comment...i am painting the room black with one gray wall...its really hard..straight lines has me pulling my hair out. I cant wait to see what yall do...and dont you love calling your guy, your husband now! I peeped that in the comment (smiles)

  6. Actually, where I'm from it's also carnival that same day. And I can't let my brother in law down 'cause he's taking part in the parade :)

  7. Hi there,

    Been reading your blog for a while now and thought I stop by to say that I really like your new header!
    Reminds me that I need to do something about mine as well as I don't really like it anymore.

  8. Valentine's Day is the new Thanksgiving, it's all about the food, just a different variety. :)
    I'm looking forward to an enormous stash of conversation hearts. Delish!


  9. Whoa! How insanely yummy do all of those look!

  10. I do love my dear partner and all, but I'd have no qualms about buying these for myself and not sharing a single crumb :D

    xx Kit

  11. WS rocks!

    P.S. LOVE the new header!

  12. Ummm.. I recognized Sprinkles cupcakes and got all distracted! :) Dinner and snowboarding all weekend. We'll be bundled up!


  13. I'm not sure what my Valentine's plans are, but having seen these pics, I'm hoping it involves any (or all) of those WS sweets.

  14. awww how does it feel to say your husband?! Isn't it great I say it even when I don't have to my husband this my husband that :) We're going to McCormick and Schmicks :) My request! He had me make the reservations and told me to inform the matre d that it was our Valentine's Day as a married couple and he had something special planned soooo i dunno LOL I'm suprising him with an IPHONE!!!

    and your blog!!!! LOVE THE NEW HEADER!

  15. what lovely chocolateness....I will be baking cupcakes with my daughters, we love cake for any holiday excuse we can come up with :)

  16. On February 14th... I'll be running my first marathon with the bf! Have a great weekend!

  17. such prettiness. If only mind looked as ncie when done. ha ha

    As long as they taste nice, thats what counts. he he

  18. i'm practicing the piano for an upcoming accompanying job, so no celebrating here - plus my bf works abroad... but i'm soon visiting him! sounds like you're in for a treat on v-day. hope it's the place you've been wanting to go to and that you get your dessert =)

    ps. love your new banner!

  19. Love WS anything! We go to a new restaurant we've never been to before but is always a secret up until my husband takes me! I'm staring Valentine's Day early and dragging him to see Valentine's Day tonight!

  20. SARA:
    Oh, I've never done a murder mystery...I hear it's alot of fun though. Have a blast ! :)

    Hey that sounds good to me...and CHOCOLATE :)


    I've done that before. My master bedroom was painted a dark color and we had to get those straight lines near the ceiling (which is obviously white). It wasn't easy.....and remember it needs to be VERY dry before removing the painters tape!! Good luck! oxo!


    Ahhh ...snowboarding. Now, that's an interesting V-DAY. I haven't done snowboarding in awhile..! :)

    It feels sweet to say HUSBAND... :) Ha!
    Have fun on your outing...I'm sure he will love his iPhone too! I wanted to get one for my guy, but his plan isn't up yet..

    Thank you and have a nice practice! OXOX!

  26. everything looks so yummy! just featured you as one of my favorite and inspirational sites that I go to...come stop by and see.
    have a wonderful heart day!

  27. Yummmmmmm!!!!

    Okay, honestly....I am LOVING the new header!!!

    It's funny....as soon as I redid mine, now I want to switch to wordpress... =)

  28. These look so yummy. The XOXO cookes with ALL that cream looks too good to be true.

    Hmm..on Valentine's my husband and I are going line dancing. lol I've never been for real so it'll be interesting. :)

  29. I seem to remember you posting about Sprinkles cupcake mix a while back. Do you remember if they were good? I wonder how they compare to the real thing?!?!

  30. You are a true and ardent foodie.. arent you.. I mean you always find suh treats for the eye..

    What i did on my valentines day is right here

    have a great day ahead!!

  31. these look delicious! i hope you and your new husband had a wonderful day together — and some good dessert too!


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