Food on Etsy? that's right!

Did you know you could sell food via Etsy??  I had no idea until a few months ago!  In my mind, Etsy has always been a handmade place to shop for handmade items like artwork, handbags, clothing, paper good etc. Well, apparently that's not the case.  Yesterday, I came across The Cupcake Mint,  (and I wasn't searching for food) but,  I was really impressed! 

The food looks delicious & the fact that they have nice bright pictures helps a lot....SMART.  I instantly smelled frosting & could almost taste the dessert in the pics! Congrats to The Cupcake Mint for making food on Etsy successful! Below are some of the ones I'd love to try!

How about you, were you aware people could sell food on Etsy? Would you consider buying food on Etsy?

images: the cupcake mint

How about you, were you aware people could sell food on Etsy? Would you consider buying food on Etsy?



  1. I have purchased food from Etsy...marshmallows from whimsy and spice! DIVINE!

  2. I did know, but only because a friend runs her brownies by mail business through Etsy. I am not sure I would purchase food from Etsy though, if I didn't know the person selling it. But I'm not entirely sure why!

  3. Oh, ya I did! ;P

    There are some creative little confectioners hiding in there.

    Search out some homemade caramels.

    Though it can be confusing as to what is edible vs. what is really sliced soap... ;@

  4. In "etsy chat", where many sellers go to introduce new products or network amongst one another, I've come across a few shops that carry food products. I haven't bought anything yet, but many of them seem to be doing very well for themselves. There's one shop that carries homemade marshmallows that I'm tempted to try! :)

    Great find, these cupcakes look delicious :)

  5. I have bought quite a few edible things from etsy. Chocolate covered oreo's, custom made cookies for a party I threw, and also chocolate covered pretzel sticks. Everything turned out perfect! I look there all the time for treats for all of my events.

  6. YES!! Such gifted bakers/foodies in the Etsy shops.

  7. I had no idea about this either!! Good to know!! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. I've ordered cupcakes before as birthday gifts (from cupcakesinjars) and they've been huge hits!

  9. i have bought cookies off etsy!

  10. I would totally buy something because people are just so talented. I think it would be a lil hard for like cupcakes to travel unless its correct packaging. =)

  11. I had no idea Etsy sold food products! What a great idea just in time for Valentine's Day. I'm tempted to try a few things.

  12. I did know about the food. I think it's great. I have yet to order anything yet, but I would have no problem doing so.

    There is also which is all food!

  13. how can you resist those cupcakes!!! delicious. and so pretty. :)

    and terri did you just say homemade caramels? i'm pregnant and thats all i needed to read...gotta go hunt some down! ;)

  14. how interesting! had no idea!

  15. O my...I almost ate the screen!

  16. Interesting didn't know. That cake looks so yummy.

  17. It would have never occurred to me that you could buy food on etsy!

  18. I'd try anything once...especially if it looked as good as these do. I had no idea Etsy did food. I should give it a shot and report back :)

  19. I am committing sin looking at these cupcakes.

  20. I have purchases cookies and other food items from Etsy. There are alot of laws and licenses that a seller of food products need to have and alot of etsy shops have had to close after being reported to the FDA so be careful because it doesnt seem like everyone is licensed and Etsy doesn't moderate these shops!So ask if they are licensed before buying

    Very good point...those are some of the things that have run through my mind...
    But it's so tempting!

  22. I love the shops that sells food. I can't look at them too often though because it always gives me a sweet tooth, ha!

  23. Hello! I was aware you could buy food on Etsy but I live in Hong Kong, (albeit a small island off it!!!) so I'm doubting the cup cakes would travel well! But I do like looking at them - so yummy!

  24. Hi!! CHeck out my food etsy site!

    THE BEST CHOCOLATE EVERYTHING EVER:) Love your blog! I get a lot more local orders than online but I was surprised that there are people who wanted to buy it online too!

  25. The images are amazing! It seems that I can almost smell the cupcakes from the screen! It´s good news, not for me living in Brazil, but for my sister who lives in Washington DC and is currently moving to San Francisco. She loves Etsy!!!!!

  26. Delicious post!
    I would definitely consider buying treats on etsy!


  27. I had no idea. This is great info, thanks!

  28. I dont know if i could buy food from etsy, but you 're killing me with these photos..

  29. I have bought some on Etsy... some things were great, and others, not so much!

    Just remember to check the profile to make sure they are licensed and the items are made in a licensed kitchen. It's actually against the law to sell food otherwise!

    Exactly... Check profile to see if the company you buy from are licensed. :) thanks!

  31. these look delicious! How do they ship them

  32. LOVE whimsy and spice, esp the earl grey sandwich cookies - my absolute favorite!

  33. LOVE whimsy and spice, esp their earl grey sandwich cookies - so so good!

  34. yum-O! wow, she does such a good job of making you taste the food just by the picture!

    i've ordered baby chicks through the mail, so i guess i would try these cupcakes- haha!


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