Renovation....DIY can be a pain in the neck.

My DIY office renovation has been quite a challenge....& I know a lot of you liked the 'before' office space. However, with this current transformation, I am feeling much more inspired already.  Sometimes you just need a clean slate in order to keep creating beautiful things.  

Below are a few pics I took a few days ago.  I know it's a TEASE but my home office isn't quite done just yet.  We're having the most difficult time installing the curtain rod brackets.  You know, those darn things that are placed into the wall on each end of the window so the rod doesn't FALL!  What a pain in the neck! Be back with more soon....

wallpaper: graham & brown
wall paint color: 'popped corn' by BEHR

image: jen ramos



  1. You are such a tease! I like it so far. ;)

  2. This wallpaper is wonderful...classic yet modern and goes beautifully with your paint colour choice. I thought the office looked good before but can see that this one is going to be fabulous!
    ps arrived here via

  3. You had me at the wall paper.

  4. your wall paper is a gem.
    i must know where you got it from...

  5. eeek. sorry, jen!
    i just found the link to graham and brown.


  6. looking forward to the full picture!

  7. I like the wallpaper. Very curious what your new office space will look like!

  8. I have a great feeling it's going to be faaaabulous :) I love your wallpaper choice. Oh and the new header is lovely. I like that you used your own sofa, if I'm not mistaken?

  9. That wallpaper is already in my maybe pile, love it...... looking forward to seeing the finished room! :)

  10. that looks awesome. the wallpaper rocks! i'm looking forward seeing the room when it's done. and still waiting for your wedding shoes :-)

  11. Nice blog you have here Jennifer;)

    I well come back,

    Have a nice day.

    Hug from Janne

  12. Nice blog you have here Jennifer;)

    I well come back,

    Have a nice day.

    Hug from Janne

  13. I know what you mean! I'm trying to get my rennovation funded by HBY Ltd. (hubby!)

    Vesta Monroe
    Domestic Goddess Guide

  14. love it, I can't wait to see the final product, Im sure it will be amazing

  15. That wallpaper looks great! I understand what you mean about needing a clean slate. I always like to mix things up, I believe it makes you start to think differently. Can't wait to see the final product!

  16. the wallpaper is amazing! i can't wait to see the final product.

  17. Can't WAIT, I need some inspiration for my home office and I am really diggin your direction thus far

  18. that is great paper...reminds me of fabric roses...

    Thanks! :) Yes, that is my sofa... :)

  20. Adore that wallpaper- can't wait to see more!

    PS: love the new header :)

  21. I love your header.. your sofa looks amazing sitting at thge top of your blog.. and this wall paper is terrific as well. looking forward to your new office..

  22. I can't wait! I know it will be fabulous!

  23. Love that wallpaper. Can't wait to see the finished result!

  24. I do totally agree with you, change gives us more inspiration! I can't wait to see the result!

  25. I love your wallpaper choice. I came by yesterday and got distracted before I left a comment!

    Can't wait to see the finale.

  26. I have that wallpaper in kitchen!

  27. I love that wallpaper! It looks pretty cool in a small bedroom. Another unique way to use this wallpaper is to apply it in strips and alternate them with solid color wallpapers or wall paint. The paint can be in the same color as the spirals to create some sort of illusion that the spirals are coming from the paint.

    -- Mya Chandler

  28. Mya, that is a superb idea! The illusion with the paint and the spirals would be pretty terrific. Another way to execute your idea would be to emboss the wallpaper strips. Mount the strips onto quarter-inch or half-inch wood planks, and you get something even more interesting.

    -- Kayce


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