Byrd & Bleecker shop: stationery, books, kids art & more.

I'm so glad I came across Byrd and Bleecker.  This shop is inviting & offers many unique items such as letter press stationery, coffee table books, children's artwork & more! It's conveniently located in Fort Worth, Texas (another Texas discovery), for all you Texans who are looking for a hip shop to visit. I love these types of stores! They are charming & are are the kinds of businesses you feel proud to have in your neighborhood.  If anyone has visited Byrd and Bleecker, please let us all know what you thought. 

A for me, I'm going to relax & take in some good food as well as some much-needed quality time with my husband. We actually saw Valentine's Day last week, so I don't think movies are in our forecast this weekend. And yes, we did enjoy the movie!  

Do you have any interesting plans this weekend??

Do you have any interesting plans this weekend??



  1. thanks for sharing. i just moved to F.W. and am always on the lookout for fun shops so i'll def. be checking out byrd & bleeker.

  2. that is some seriously good merchandising.

  3. Oh gosh I'm such a fool for cute stationary and fun little pieces...I wish this store was close to me :( but thanks for posting!

  4. love the cut paper (?) light ... very very, best le

  5. That shop is so pretty. I love that clear space.

  6. Hey! I love the new header - a very stylish one.

  7. Hey! I love the new header - a very stylish one.

  8. Super cute. I'll add it to my places to visit travel list!

  9. I love that old telephone booth! So cool

  10. i want to browse this shop. i know i'd wish it was mine x

  11. Love your Blog! Such a good taste! Congratulations!

  12. Get looking shop, my plans for the weekend are to work in my studio. Nothing is better than a weekend with no plans that so that I can spend time in my studio and hopefully finish weaving a scarf or two

  13. That is such a beautiful pendant light in the front of the store. I love the modern design.

  14. Oh! I need that phonebooth!

    (Dr. Who, anyone?)

  15. So happy you shared this fabulous store - I have such a weakness for stationery stores. I can spend hours just looking - but always end of spending ;)


  16. Thank you sooooo much Jennifer, you have no idea how much inspiration this post has given me, I am planning on opening my own shop in the next few years but I have been struggling with the direction it should take and this has just hit the nail on the head, as a web and graphic designer with lots of talented friends in the industry this kind of thing would work perfectly for me.

    Thank you :) xxx

  17. i've never been here. will have to check it out! thanks for sharing!

  18. yes...this weekend i am heading to NYC. and now you have me wanting to visit this shop!!!!

  19. this is less than a mile from my house! love!


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