Crave Cupcakes....oh my!

Crave Cupcakes has got to be one of the most beautifully photographed cupcake sites!  I just about FELL OFF MY CHAIR when I saw it!  The smoothness of the butter cream frosting, the texture of the sprinkles, it's like I can already taste them!  It's a real shame we don't have a good home-made cupcake shop out here in Las Vegas!  

Well, there is one I know of, but it's not anything like these. Crave Cupcakes is based out of Houston , Texas...too bad for me.  So, if you're in Texas & you're looking for a baked fresh daily cupcake place, this is the place to go.  Oh, & can you believe these flavors??  chocolate espresso, chocolate coconut, red velvet, gingerbread, Nutella, mint chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, pumpkin & more!

Do you have a cupcake shop in your town? If so, which one? 

Do you have a cupcake shop in your town? If so, which one?

images: crave cupcakes 



  1. I'm really a sugar addict so for me, this is just heaven!
    Tasty and stylish.

  2. Yummy! Those look delish!

    I'm on my way to pick up some cupcakes from the first (!) cupcake bakery in Oslo, Norway! more about that on Tuesday. Oh, and I absolutely loved what you've done with the office!!!

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  3. oooh, seems (and I'm sure it is) so delicious! I need to learn how to make cupcakes, tried once and that was a total failure :S

    these photos got me inspired =)

  4. Those cupcakes look absolutely scrumptious!!! Such smooth frosting!! There is a cute cupcake shop over here in Western Australia close to some markets I like to go to - whenever I'm out that way, my husband always asks for me to pick up some of their beautifully decorated cakes. The best bit is always the frosting :) Enjoy your weekend Jen x

  5. oooh, yum! I luurve cakey things! A new cupcake shop recently opened in Canberra and there was a bit of initial excitement about their fun flavours - and a cupcake cafe - fun! So of course I had to check it out with my kids. The cupcakes were a.w.e.f.u.l even the kids didn't eat them!!! Dry and tasteless... boo.
    These Crave cupcakes look divine, wish I could give them a try.

  6. yummy these look delicious, shame they are WAY too far

  7. Yummy! Magnolia in NYC is a 5-min walk from my apt. This can be quite problematic on certain days :) Have a great weekend. xo

  8. yes! I work at it! It's called Cupcake ( and it is adorable. Even after working there for almost three years, I'm still not sick of them. Crave looks adorable! xo

  9. Pumpkin! I just have to try pumpkin! Anyone know where I can get a recipe?

  10. Those look scrumptious. :) almost too lovely to eat.

    enjoy them!

  11. I go to the Cupcake Station in Ann Arbor, Mi. They are amazing!! The red velvet is to die for.

  12. wow, this does look amazing! :)

  13. These are beautiful!! Who doesn't love an elegantly designed cupcake?

    Have a bright, bold, and beautiful weekend Jen!
    xoxo Laura

  14. The store design is fab! It almost feels like you're buying jewelry, but instead of a lovely accessory, you're delighting in a cute little treat instead!

  15. As a Houstonian, I know how good Crave is. You can even get an old-fashioned bottle of milk to wash down the cake with. Not only aesthetically pleasing, but super-yummy.

  16. I wish I had a cupcake store in my town!!! I love cupcakes!!

  17. Yup, we've got a few... Sprinkles and an individual one, "Sweet Lorraine's, where they have kiddy parties and make your own cupcakes.

    Have a nice weekend!

  18. Holy cow, I want one of each of those. I sadly suffer from a baked-goods-sweet-tooth and these look like absolute perfection!!

  19. I am craving cupcakes now! ;) Don't know if we have a local one, but going to find out!

  20. We have so many wonderful cupcake shops in DC - a few of my favorite being Baked & Wired, Georgetown Cupcake, and Hello Cupcake.

    All the stores have pretty cheeky designs and I am so glad to see a posting sharing the interior of a store that I won't have a chance to visit!

    Great post.

    Samantha @PrettyLovely

  21. I am from Houston, and Crave Cupcakes are hands down the BEST cupcakes I've ever had! YUM!

    Makes me want to drive there now to pick some up! :)

  22. wow the decorations are so beautiful on these cupcakes and i bet they taste delicious! i wish we had a cupcake shop where i live.. or maybe its better that i don't b/c i'd be visiting it every week!!

  23. Crave cupcake looks amazing! In Saint Louis, MO we have two cupcake shops:

    Jilly's Cupcake Bar.

    The Cupcakery. has to be my favorite hands down. Their cupcakes are so good. I bought a half dozen of a variety to share on a Girl's Night In and they were so yummy. My favorites had to be the confetti and the red velvet.

  24. We've got a few Kara's Cupcakes here in Northern California (in San Francisco, Napa, San Jose, and Palo Alto). I've been to the one in SF and the Meyer Lemony Lemon was actually my fave (over the chocolate one even!). Yum!

  25. What a great looking store... and cupcakes!

  26. they look v similar to sprinkles! which i now want...and will not have until after lent :( :(

  27. I love cupcakes, and these look delicious. I am actually trying a new cupcake place in town this weekend, it looks fabulous too!

  28. I agree...Vegas needs a good cupcake bakery! Everyone raves about the Cupcakery, but I'm just not a big fan of theirs.

    We came so close to getting a Sprinkles at Planet Hollywood. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is just postponed and not cancelled.

  29. I think I've died and gone to cupcake heaven!!

  30. No cupcake shop here! It's a terrible thing.

  31. I just tried Crave the other day, and they are every bit as good as they look.

    And great mind think alike, I did a post about Crave today too!

  32. Think I'm headed to the big H next weekend! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.


  33. fortunately here in Patra, Greece we don't have such a shop. Fortunately because i would spend all my money...

  34. Hey Jen,
    Great post, now I'm hungry...for cupcakes! It's been a while since I've stopped by, so much is going on in your life and I just wanted to say congrats on everything from getting married to your fabulous home office! You're such an inspiration!

  35. That looks unbelievably delicious.

  36. I live in Houston and just went there last weekend for VDay! The flourless chocolate cupcake is my absolute favorite - melts in your mouth!!

  37. We have a bakery called High Tea Bakery ( and they have the best cupcakes. I won't go anywhere else.

  38. Sivada's Cupcakery, located in Jacksonville, FL, is so yummy! I actually did a post about them a couple days before Valentine's!

  39. So cute! They look just like sprinkles, which we have here in Dallas.

  40. Oooh those look heavenly!

    Have a great weekend:-) Now i'm off to Cupcake Royal to buy me one, you got me craving!

  41. nope sadly there is no suc shop where i could indulge in these yummies.. but i kn of certain places where they serve gorgeous chocolate cupkaes which melt in my mouch.. just thinking abt them is making me drool.. but i cannot have much of them anyways.. coz the one of the goal that i want to achieve this year is great abs. and well.. i will have to put cupcakes aide for a while

    Ha! I doubt you will get their exact recipe, it must be top secret! However, i am sure you can find a similar recipe online somewhere. :) That is my husband's favorite.

  43. NINARIBENA: That must have been disappointing! I had a similar experience here in las vegas....i was so excited until I had a bite. Dry, dry, dry.

    aaaah yes, Magnolia. I know what you mean...I lived in NYC and when I walked by I could smell them!! That place has long lines around the corner...!!

  45. OLIVIA RAE: Oh thanks... I'll check the site out! :)


    I will check those out...however we have Cupcakery here in vegas and I don't really care for it.

    Ha! I know what you took the words right out of my mouth.

  48. Those look delightful....I love SPRINKLES in Beverly Hill, Ca. I ordered them for my sons 2nd Birthday in December and they were a hit and soooooo delicious. If our in the area it's a must try. I just love the little shops with such great goodies!! Thanks for sharing!;)

    BTW, love the new office look..very chic.

  49. Those look delightful....I love SPRINKLES in Beverly Hill, Ca. I ordered them for my sons 2nd Birthday in December and they were a hit and soooooo delicious. If our in the area it's a must try. I just love the little shops with such great goodies!! Thanks for sharing!;)

    BTW, love the new office look..very chic.

  50. they look like Sprinkles Cupcakes! i live in Provo, ut. and my favorite cupcake shop in my city is Sweet Tooth Fairy
    they are so good!!!

  51. I´m not that much into cupcakes but I feel like having one right now!!! The place is amazing!!!

  52. in los angeles CRUMBS makes the best red velvet cupcakes...way better than sprinkles...

    im addicted!

  53. I live in Rogers, Arkansas. In the near by town, we have a cupcake store called Bliss. My favorite is red velvet. YUM!!

  54. Looks like a Sprinkles rip-off, but that doesn't bother me! If I lived in TX, I would be there daily!

  55. If you're ever in Chicago, do yourself a favor and head straight over to SWETT MANDY B's!!!! At 1208 W. Webster = out of this world amazingly moist cupcakes!

  56. Whoa, those cuppys look yummy!!!!! There's a cupcakery right down the street from me called Cupprimo -- and that's very dangerous...!

  57. Forgot to add, your blog looks great! (from a fellow BYW student.)

  58. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, I love to get my sweet fix from @sugarbaking (twitter) They don't have a shop but they do delivery and are great for parties and events! My fave are the red velvet cupcakes!

  59. A blogger friend of mine lives in the area and has mentioned how great these cupcakes are! Yummy!

  60. yumm i love cupcakes! There is a Mr.Cupcakes in my cupcakes ever!

  61. We love your blog here in Sydney!! Great picks and finds!

  62. Georgetown Cupcake here in DC is delish!! Big fan of the birthday cupcake and the key lime is...dare I rhyme...sublime. geez.

  63. It looks so much like Sprinkles cupcakes. I wish they came up with a more original design.

    I love Crumbs cupcakes and I live about 5 minutes from it!

  64. Great blog; very inspiring! I also live in Las Vegas and crave a good cupcake place like I used to have in New York:(


  65. WOW thank you for all the shop suggestions, I appreciate it! I could eat cupcakes in every part of town I visit now! :)

  66. CRAVE cupcakes are so good! I went there last time I visited my opinion, much better than Sprinkles...

  67. I love cupcakes. These look wonderful.

    Saint Cupcakes in Portland, Oregon. They are so adorable and yummy. And they deliver their cupcakes too!

  68. i'm from houston and have heard good things!!! i'll have to visit when i'm in town!

  69. Pink Moon Bakery -- north of Columbus, OH. THe Key Lime Margarhita cupcake is like biting an angel.


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