Floral Trend - Yes or Hell No?

Here in NYC I've been spotting the floral trend in pretty much every store in town. In fact it looks like this may be in full bloom this Summer! Even though I haven't made the jump to this TREND, I'm really digging these styles below. From skinnies, leggings to trousers, they all come in floral prints these days. I can get a bit wild, but sometimes I think I'd feel like a spectacle if I was walking down the street with some bright pink flowery jeans. 

How about you? Do you like this trend? Which could you see yourself wearing, floral pants, bathing suits or tops?

1. shopbop
2. shopbop
3. mother via shopbop
4. peg trousers via asos
5. current elliot via shopbop
5. floral leggings asos



  1. For you, YES! For me, I've already done it. :)'s
    love you, Jen

  2. Hell YEAH ! Love all of them ! I'm addicted to every floral print! <3


  3. Hell No!!!
    Definitely! Unless you're twelve years old or something.


  4. I'm loving this trend, it was huge in new zealand this past summer and I've found myself reeeally enjoying getting to wear bright blooms in my outfits! To me it reflects nature and the excitement of Spring :)

  5. i love it! i fact i already have a floral printed jeans since 3 years ago.

  6. I saw some of these at Target and initially LOVED them. Then I thought about having to walk down the street and wasn't so sure haha.

  7. You know... I purchased a pair of floral pants recently (see them here) and I have to admit, I've only worn them twice. Luckily they were H&M and not pricey at all. I thought I was all for the trend, but apparently they're not as wearable as I thought!

    Tanya xx

    November Grey

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  8. It is a TOTAL yes for me! I am in love!

  9. big yes for me! I've begun to really warm up to this trend lately! thanks for sharing your take on it! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com

  10. This is awesome, I like thses tights very much. Your posts always special.http://hind-toufga.blogspot.com/

  11. My mother used to have a floral pair of jeans and I remember thinking "Where did she buy this? I never saw someone wearing such thing" but I kinda liked them. Now they are all over the world, in every store! It's a boom... I would wear it but I find it too trendy.

  12. i'm stopping at Forever 21 to try on some floral leggings tomorrow. I'm starting at the inexpensive stores with this trend to test it out!! shari

  13. The middle pair of jeans with the flower right over the crotch is cracking me up. It's not me, but because I just put that in writing I'll find an awesome pair I'll just have to have this weekend.

  14. its so fun, how can you hate it? i vote yes!

  15. i love florals all the time, so yes! but i did buy a pair which isn't near as bold as the ones pictured and still never wear them. when they're actually on you realize how out-there it is! really fun though.

  16. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    I loveeeee the floral pants....especially with a clean black and white striped shirt...or a denim popover and a nice tan...oo yes!

  17. I think this is a HELL YEAH if it's done right. Floral print bottoms can turn VERY juniors VERY fast...

    Kate from Clear the Way

  18. Love the first pair up on top. I don't own anything floral but I really like the look.
    xx Allie

  19. I like the floral pants, but like with anything, a trend can be overdone. I feel like when I first saw floral pants last summer, they seemed new and fresh, but now they're everywhere. I wore a pair I bought last year, and somehow I do not feel the same in them. I guess that's a trend for you. Also it kind of made me wonder if they were age-inappropriate when a 14 year-old complimented me on them. This year, I think I really like the floral look on bathing suits. It has a kind of timeless look.

  20. I LOVE them! But I wouldn't wear them out other than Starbucks, etc.
    Happy Friday.

  21. I can't get enough of floral printed pants!

  22. I love them in theory, and on other people, but I haven't found a pair of printed jeans that I love on me. These are all great, I'll keep looking!

  23. AnonymousMay 11, 2013

    Yes, yes, yes! I finally bought some yesterday after searching for the perfect pair.

  24. I LOVE floral print anything! Shirts, sweaters, pants. I already have a couple pairs of pants.


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