Changing Your Home & Style

Some days I wish MONEY was no object. I would totally change my entire wardrobe & home decor once a year. For those of you who like to change things up, wouldn't that be awesome? To be able to just snap your fingers & BAM! -  new wardrobe, new decor & if we could take it a bit further, we could even look like a specific person. Hmmmmm?

Again, this is not saying you should be UNHAPPY where you are, but like vacations, it would be a cool change of pace, a way to remove the same ol' - same ol' from our everyday lives, but still be able to come back to it! Of course, this is all FANTASY - but the thought intrigued me so much, I thought about how I would do it. So, how would I change things up?

Well, it would have to be a STYLE that is totally OPPOSITE (somewhat) of what I'm into now. With that said, I chose a Bohemian-Chic look. I also chose to go BLONDE & look a little like NICKY HILTON. Not super attractive, not too ugly, right??!!? 

Besides, I thought she looked fantastic in this Boho style outfit, which I plan to sport this summer, you, just, watch! Ok, my picks for Bohemian Style, My way home decor.... would look something like this:

1. navy lacquer desk - shopten25
2. spot pillow - barneys
3. horse art - shop candelabra
4. cobalt throw - jayson home
5. agate bookends - high street market
6. marc blackwell glass - barneys
7. nikko ceramics - barneys
8. gold ampersand - the cross
9. elya pillow - jayson home
10. paulaina reyes pilow - west elm
11. velvet ikat pillow - sukan
12. frank ottoman - jayson home


However, in the REAL WORLD I'm a tall brunette who loves glamorous living spaces & large scale abstract ART in my home.

If you could change your home decor & the way you look for 1 year, who would you be & what style would you choose??

-top image via purodeco
-nicky hilton image via w.e.n.n
-bottom 2 images by jen ramos



  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    You have such amazing taste! =] Loving your blog! xx.

  2. LOVE this post Jen! I'm defintely on the same wavelength as you, as alot of my Pinterest and blog posts lately are Boho looks, both in fashion and home. I say add a little boho to your look, cant hurt, right? Especially in the summer!

  3. I'm really into Moroccan interiors at the moment - so I would love to do something colourful and yet earthy and organic.

  4. This is a great post! Love it. I don't know which style I would change to but I would shake it up and live in a rooftop apartment in NYC for a year...what a dream:) gorgeous photo of you! xo Caroline

  5. Your home really is beautiful Jen, when it comes time to for me to buy something and decorate it I just may need your help!

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  6. That lacquered navy and gold desk is just out of this world, I must have it!

  7. Hi Jen!
    I love changes, sometimes I go from elegant to bohemian in a week. But they can be challenging, specially with the house, with my wardrobe it's easier. I would love to change my whole decor into a bohemian dream someday, let's see.
    xo,Elba from live colorful

  8. @Louise Nickel - thank you! - glad you think so!

  9. @Inner Outer Beauty - That sounds lovely too...would probably be my 2nd choice ha!

  10. @Elba Valverde- I'd have to say i agree with you- so much easier to change it up in your wardrobe, and much cheaper than re-doing the home decor...

  11. I love the boho style as well, but your home is equally as beautiful!



  12. I think I would change my home from cozy and streamlined to ultra beachy with white-washed everything and shells in pretty jars. As for my style, I am a classic girl who loves understated pieces so I think I would have to become a bold bohemian... layered jewelry, flowy pieces and statement dresses.

  13. OMG You have THE BEST taste:) and Its all so classy.

    If you like IKEA you can check out my new post:)

    have a wonderful weekend dear:)

    LOVE Maria

  14. Fun post, I would pick Regency Hollywood Glamour total opposite from our Bohemian slip covered folk art look we have now!

  15. What an awesome post Jen! I've never thought about it that way but now it's kinda fun to think of what you would change and how your style would be so totally different. I'd love to fiery red hair with pale skin and wear cute little dresses that I could never pull off now. Very fun indeed. xo.

  16. I love that glass. So classy!

  17. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    I love bohemian style. I also love romantic, flirty styles. I'm an eclectic. If I could change my style, especially home style for a year, it would have to be romantic and feminine. Just because I am married to an alpha-male soldier and dont get to do really feminine styling in our house. Love this blog!! Such an inspiration.

  18. Totally agree. I like bohemian but from a distance. As soon as it comes to my house I automatically start liking more streamlined looks.

  19. As you I would like to change everything in my home and wardrobe sometimes. But about my home unfortunately it's more often than just once a year so I think I would need a lot of money for that!
    I think I feel this need of changing with the seasons, now as you I would like my home to be more Boho-Chic but I think it's because of sunny days, need of colors, peacock chairs, to bring the outside in your home with chic. Anyway, this desk is to die for!!!

    Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY for my Blog Anniversary ladies ;)

  20. I have yet to get on the Boho train Jen, mainly because there is something for everyone and I just haven't found it yet. I have to say that at times I feel like an overhaul, but the cure for that is to go away for awhile, come home and you realize how beautiful and unique you and your home already are! Your the best just the way you are!

  21. AnonymousMay 17, 2013

    How funny, my friend and I were just talking about how we really want to change our style and not be afraid to wear things we like. We came up with "polished boho chic" ha!

  22. Since I'm all about stylish comfort, I think I'd go SUPER modern. :D This is a fun post!

    xo Ashley

  23. @Dawna Jones Design : very well said :)

  24. LOVE the modern and the whisical side of the interior, lovely style!


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