DIY: Anthropologie Vase

Hello readers! Welcome back from your Labor Day weekend! This is Jana Bek, a DIY contributor here on MBG! Today, I'm here with an interesting project I think you'll really enjoy!

I love these blooming vases from Anthropologie. Have you seen them? I'm always looking for ways to personalize a space, and DIYing a vase to compliment your palette is the perfect decorative touch!

What You Need:

Self Drying Modeling Clay
Paint & Brushes
Hot Glue & Glue Gun

Making the Petals for the Outside Petal Ring:

Roll large pea size piece of clay into a ball. With clay in palm, press down with thumb and rock gently to make elongated quarter size oval. 

To create more texture, gently tear the edges around the oval.

Use knife to score ‘petal’ starting from a center point at the bottom, fanning out towards the edges. Repeat until you have 5 petals. These will form the "outer ring" of the flower

Making the Single Inner Petal:

Repeat steps above, but use slightly less clay to make a single, smaller petal for the flower center. Pinch this smaller petal at its base to make it look like it's opening. 

Finishing the Outside Petal Ring:

Layer the five outside petals, one slightly overlapping the next, to create the outside ring. 

Press each petal into the one you are layering over so they stick together.

You should have a complete ring of petals. 

Place your 'inner petal" into the middle of the Ring, and press it down securely.

Finishing the Flower:

To dry, prop your flower against a glass. About half of your flower will rest on the glass, and the other will rest on the surface. This will create a natural curve to your flower. Let dry over nite. 

Once your flower is dry, paint to your liking. Even one color will be beautiful!

After paint is dry, with glue gun in hand – position and glue. Voila your custom Petal Pusher Vase!

-post by Jana Bek

-Images by Erik Melvin 



  1. Such a cute idea! I think I'm going to make this for my room!


  2. I have those vases! BUT, I am beyond impressed at how you made your own. Super cool!

  3. I cannot believe how easy you make it look! I'm headed out to get some clay.

  4. Such a great DIY not to mention so pretty! Thanks for sharing!


  5. Not sure I like the glued on flower sorry. x

  6. I have the teal and coral vase already, but your DIY version is amazing! I could never pull that off.

    The Glossy Life

  7. This is so adorable! Very creative :) I might just be trying this in the near future on an old vase that I was thinking of throwing away. Thanks for posting!

  8. whoa!!! You are my Martha Stewart ;) xoxo

  9. Love it!! DIY that doesn't necessarily look DIY. Great color combo too!

    xx. Patience

  10. Great idea! I've always loved that vase.

    go for the glam 

  11. I always love seeing items being personalised, It's what makes decorating a personal space.

  12. I love this DIY- I will definitely be doing this, gorgeous! I am in love with pretty much EVERYTHING at anthro- thank you for making their things obtainable!!

  13. We love your version even better! It looks amazing!

    mk & Gwynnie

  14. Hi, we're the ones who made your green vase! Thanks for the unintentional shout out for Middle Kingdom. You can see all our vases in our catalogue on Thanks and happy crafting!


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